Best Violin Lessons in Centennial, CO

The highest-rated Violin Tutoring companies out of 135 vetted & reviewed in the Centennial area.

We are still growing

There are too few quality options within 12.5 miles radius, so we have expanded area of coverage to up to 200 miles from you. This includes Centennial and several other cities.
Colorado Music Institute

Colorado Music Institute

Here at Cmi, Voice Lessons, Levels and Styles
“My son has been taking violin for almost a year and he has enjoyed his instructor and they make a great effort to provide a sub when possible or provide make up lessons.”
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
In Business Since 1999
Transparent Fees & Pricing
11234 E Caley Ave Suite A, Centennial, CO
Joshua Fenner Music Lessons

Joshua Fenner Music Lessons

  • Music Theory
  • Guitar
  • Composition
“Joshua has been a great music instructor for her and has been so flexible throughout the pandemic with transitioning from in-person, to online, and back to in-person.”
2667 S Madison St, Denver, CO
Denver Academy of Musical Arts

Denver Academy of Musical Arts

  • Engaged
  • Patient
  • Voice Lessons
“My girls have taken lessons with her off and on for the past 5 years and we couldn't be more pleased with the level of instruction and the kindness and fun that Ms Michele provides for her students.”
Transparent Fees & Pricing
In Business Since 2021
1485 S Colorado Blvd #130, Denver, CO
Denver Violin Lessons

Denver Violin Lessons

  • Skills
  • Learning
  • Patient
“When my son got frustrated Anton reminded him of his original goals or distracted him for a few minutes with a game or change in lesson before returning to whatever was a challenge.”
In Business Since 2011
2350 Field St, Lakewood, CO
Denver String Academy Violin

Denver String Academy Violin

“The Denver String Academy is committed to offering quality music instruction through private lessons. All lessons are taught by a state certified, highly-qualified music teacher and are differentiated to meet the needs of each student. All ages of st...”
In Business Since 2019
1672 S Glencoe St, Denver, CO
The Rock and Pop Music Academy of Boulder

The Rock and Pop Music Academy of Boulder

  • Theater
  • Band
  • Play
“RPMA's connection with the Lesson Studio has helped our son receive comprehensive music instruction, and his band teachers provide solid guidance to him and his peers, resulting in a coherent, high quality, supportive atmosphere.”
Transparent Fees & Pricing
In Business Since 2004
Serving Centennial Area
Emily Huntsman Violin Studio

Emily Huntsman Violin Studio

  • Students
  • Talent
“Emily is not necessarily loud or assertive in her approach, but she quietly and individually cultivated trust and community among all of us who took from her.”
Serving Centennial Area

Violin Tutoring Services in Centennial, CO Cost Estimates

Minimum cost
Maximum cost
National Average
Avg Per Hour Rates
Average price range is based on 442 cost profiles
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Average Cost $177
Minimum cost $118
Maximum cost $518
Avg Per Hour Rates $83

Average range $153 to $212 is based on 442 cost profiles.

Why these companies made our list

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