Best Pottery Classes in Portland, ME

The highest-rated Pottery & Ceramic companies out of 133 vetted & reviewed in the Portland area.

Maxwell's Pottery Outlet

Maxwell's Pottery Outlet

  • Art
  • Gifts
“It was great, but after looking directly at the address and not seeing it on google maps, I looked it up on Apple Maps where it was displayed properly.”
Licensed, BBB Rating: A+
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
Average Price Tag
In Business Since 1995
384 Fore St, Portland, ME
Portland Pottery Supply

Portland Pottery Supply

  • Tools
  • Walk
  • Cafe
“I don't remember if there are more than 10 tables but when I was there they were full with people waiting.”
In Business Since 1998
220 Anderson St, Portland, ME
Mulxiply Studio

Mulxiply Studio

“So many beautiful pieces, it was hard to choose!”
In Business Since 2012
5 South St, Portland, ME
Maine Potters Market

Maine Potters Market

  • Artists
“They also offer shipping(for a price) if you don't have a good way to get it home.”
In Business Since 1999
376 Fore St, Portland, ME


“Not sure what they sell but they have a cool picture of a door online.”
In Business Since 1999
70 Merrill St, Portland, ME
Arunshard Pottery & Crafts Gallery

Arunshard Pottery & Crafts Gallery

  • Handmade
“Purchased 2 mugs to add to our small, fun collection.”
1205 Portland Rd, Arundel, ME 04046
Delany Arts at Winslow Station

Delany Arts at Winslow Station

“Love it, and the woman who runs it is enchanting!”
In Business Since 2017
Serving Portland Area
The Creative Soul

The Creative Soul

  • Project
  • Popcorn
  • Selection
“Dawn is an amazing artist, beyond helpful with painting, made us homemade popcorn…we just felt right at home.”
In Business Since 2022
Serving Portland Area
Good Earth

Good Earth

  • Mug
  • Coffee
“My wife and I got to enjoy meeting David and purchase soup bowls and a berry strainer that we plan to use on the farm and learn about the artistry at the Good Earth.”
Serving Portland Area
Pottery By Celia in Naples

Pottery By Celia in Naples

“Very beautiful selection of original handmade pottery and other handicrafts.”
In Business Since 2001
Serving Portland Area
Earth & Soul Pottery

Earth & Soul Pottery

“Earth & Soul is a friendly, cozy place to learn how to make pottery, work on projects, or buy Sarah's incredibly beautiful work!”
In Business Since 2004
Serving Portland Area
The Far-Flung Potter

The Far-Flung Potter

Serving Portland Area
Maine Pottery Co

Maine Pottery Co

  • Glazes
  • Wall
  • Artwork
“So, I first was turned on to Edgecomb Potters by a very dear friend, Ingeborg "Inky" Mac Dougall, who had a little house on a body of water in Nobleboro Maine, in or around 1980, when she took me to this little red school house in Edgecomb.”
Serving Portland Area
Salmon Falls Stoneware

Salmon Falls Stoneware

  • Products
  • Bird Baths
  • Discounted
“All individual handmade items”
In Business Since 1996
Serving Portland Area
Westport Island Pottery

Westport Island Pottery

“We can now be a little closer even when we're far apart knowing that we're sipping our warm coffee or tea in our special mother/daughter snowman mugs.”
In Business Since 2021
Serving Portland Area
The Potter's House Inc

The Potter's House Inc

“I absolutely recommend The Potter's House to anyone looking for beautiful pottery.”
In Business Since 1998
Serving Portland Area
The Potter's Shed

The Potter's Shed

  • Mugs
“Love the mugs we got from this cute little shop on the pier.”
In Business Since 2022
Serving Portland Area
Cedar Mountain Potters

Cedar Mountain Potters

“I am from China and I can easily figure out the ancient Chinese and Japanese feel in them.”
In Business Since 2008
Serving Portland Area
Claire Bigbee Painting (Studio 422)

Claire Bigbee Painting (Studio 422)

“The exhibits we saw were watercolor wild life and very tasteful.”
In Business Since 2012
Serving Portland Area
The Painted Turtle Art Studio

The Painted Turtle Art Studio

“I luv the way she makes it easy to paint.”
In Business Since 2015
Serving Portland Area
Symmes Pond Pottery

Symmes Pond Pottery

“Incredible art amazing pieces I will definitely be back.”
Serving Portland Area
Barn Swallow Pottery

Barn Swallow Pottery

“Beautiful work of art”
Serving Portland Area
Firefly Pottery LLC

Firefly Pottery LLC

  • Prices
  • Party
  • To Choose
“Don't expect to walk out the door with your product because it can take a week to ten days to kiln it, but the end product is really amazing and they make great gifts.”
In Business Since 2017
Serving Portland Area
Ocean Fire Pottery

Ocean Fire Pottery

  • Home
  • Shape
  • Color
“I have several of Amy's pieces and they are the perfect blend of beauty and functionality.”
In Business Since 2009
Serving Portland Area

Pottery Tutoring Services in Portland, ME Cost Estimates

Minimum cost
Maximum cost
National Average
Avg Per Hour Rates
Average price range is based on 362 cost profiles
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Average Cost $274
Minimum cost $82
Maximum cost $547
Avg Per Hour Rates $99

Average range $219 to $383 is based on 362 cost profiles.

Why these companies made our list

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