Best Personal Trainers in Santa Clara, CA
The highest-rated Wellness and Personal Training companies out of 119 vetted & reviewed in the Santa Clara area.
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Structural Integration Hip Series, Body Analysis
“I had taken some small steps to address the issue but doing both the 12 series and regular personal training sessions has completely changed my outlook and ability.”
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Movement Hub Santa Clara
Personal Training, Semi Private Training
“All while making it fun- for example, sometimes he would have us make teams and compete to push us- or have circuits with many different activities focusing on different muscles to give us a full body workout”
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House of Muscle USA
Efficiency , Motivation, Accountability
“I started training with Kris early this year- I was in a slump, I hadn't worked out for a year before that & was finding it hard to get back into a routine & had back issues.”
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Paradigm Sport
- Community
- Baseball
- Strength
“The coaches are invariably wonderful to work with and have a keen sense of how to meet you where you are, and they invest in helping you identify and achieve your goals.”
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- Fitness
- Learn
- Sweat
“After a string of horrible experiences with trainers, and a years worth of unhealthy eating and basically not working out at all, I knew something had to change.”
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Nakano Judo Academy
- Train
- Competition
- Players
“I've trained in several dojos in the US and Japan, and I really like the balance between traditional old-style judo and modern contest-oriented judo that Nakano sensei has adopted.”
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Joe Grasso Elite Training
“Highly recommended for athletes looking to maximize performance, many of Joe's exercises emphasize balance, coordination and full range of motion and modeled on the kinetic motion of athletic performance.”
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Narayan Wellness
- Door
- Knows
- Massage
“Life is full of stress and anixity and the best thing i can do is to treat myself for a one hour massage therapy session at this place which is totally worth it.”
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Crossfit Santa Cruz
- Coaching
- Gym
“Came from out of town and tried to poke my head in without being seen, but coach jumped out and asked how I was doing, got chatting and bought a tee-shirt.”
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Santa Cruz Biomechanics
- Felt
- Myofascial Release
- 50s
“New insights, careful thought and examination, encouragement, a belief that effort produces growth, permission to try new things, to go with my instincts, to push myself with internal wisdom and see what happens…..”
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West End Fitness-Wendy Willis
“SO knowledgeable about every nook and cranny of the body, and has magical hands for bodywork and massage.”
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SCG Fitness
- Community
- Coaching
“Mind-Body connection is very much a part of the philosophy, which = true strength.”
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- Cryotherapy
“Following the class Pascual followed up to ensure I had a great workout and proceeded to offer workout options for the following day; the option to train independently using my own program or one created by himself.”
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Athletic Edge
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Champion Gym Personal Trainers Santa Clara
- Needs
“Gilbert listens to the clients really well and understands their needs.”
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Hyper-Active Monkey Fitness
“This place is absolutely amazing!”
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Pleasure Point Pilates
“Anna runs the studio and she is awesome, her workouts are creative and she always keeps it fun and interesting, cannot go wrong by going to this studio!!”
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Integrative Fitness
“She's a Certified Athletic Trainer, which means she has more in-depth knowledge and really is the place you go for training after an injury or if you are just looking for a starting place.”
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Omni Physical Solutions
“I was looking for a unique instructor that could create and deliver an online course for the technology company I work for where nearly all of our staff works remote.”
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Personal Training and Rehab
“Sportsmedx is a fitness system specializing in injury recovery, performance enhancement, and fat loss. We will help you look and feel your best. SMX uses a systematic approach to determine precisely what you should do for your body and goals.”
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Body Mechanix Fitness
- Injury
- Results
- Environment
“I've been able to continue a personal training regimen over Zoom calls since the COVID shelter-in-place order, and even with only a small dumbbell set at home I sill get a great workout”
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Innova Personal Training
“He is very knowledgeable and can train folks of all kinds of skill level.”
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Gui Ferreira
Osteopathy, Santa Cruz Sports Chiropractic, Core Regenerative Technologies
“Santa Cruz CORE is passionate about being involved in all aspects of our community. To receive a donation or sponsorship, please complete the following form and submit your application to [email protected]. While we would love to be involved...”
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Rule Fitness
“Wes is a great personal trainer. He's very knowledgeable and focused, and emphasizes correct form while training to my goals of hypertrophy, increased flexibility, and all-around physical performance. I trained with Wes for 8 months at 24 Hour Fitnes...”
Why these companies made our list
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