Best Meditation Classes in Walnut Creek, CA

The highest-rated Awareness and Relaxation Training companies out of 195 vetted & reviewed in the Walnut Creek area.

Trina Swerdlow Hypnosis

Trina Swerdlow Hypnosis

  • Feel
  • Tools
“In today's stressed out world, whether at work, raising families, or just getting through the ups and downs of life, the tools Trina Swerdlow offers can be real life changers.”
In Business Since 2008
1415 Oakland Blvd #100, Walnut Creek, CA


  • Massage
  • Shamanic
  • Wisdom
“The beautiful thing was that Shannon shared with me the vision she received of my grandmother's spirit, that she felt no ill will, and was grateful for my taking care of her home.”
In Business Since 2000
Remote Consultations Available
2363 Boulevard Circle, #105A, Walnut Creek, CA
Awakened Self-Healing

Awakened Self-Healing

  • Yoga
  • Breathwork
  • Future
“One of my goals was to reduce the pharmaceutical medication I was on and I am very pleased and happy to say that I was able to get off two entirely and the only one I take is for they thyroid but it was reduced and I expect it will be reduced.”
In Business Since 2016
Ygnacio Valley Rd, Walnut Creek, CA
Energy Matters Acupuncture & Qigong Oakland

Energy Matters Acupuncture & Qigong Oakland

  • Zoom
  • Diet
  • Teacher
“Mandy always takes the time to find out what's happening in my body at the time of treatment, and remembers and refers back to what we worked on last time.”
In Business Since 2020
Transparent Fees & Pricing
4341 Piedmont Ave Suite 202, Oakland, CA
Nest Yoga Studio I Oakland

Nest Yoga Studio I Oakland

  • Students
  • Space
  • Rooms
“Amazing instructors: knowledgeable, generous, attentive and great at holding space for yogis to challenge themselves while feeling safe and non-competitive.”
In Business Since 2018
Transparent Fees & Pricing
3976 Piedmont Ave, Oakland, CA
Oakwood Athletic Club

Oakwood Athletic Club

  • Spa
  • Locker
  • Workout
“Attractive interior, convenient cafe, clean showers, massage, pilates, gym, racquetball, pool, dry spa, steam spa, indoor and outdoor hot tubs, weights, aerobics and weight machines, guest access for a fee.”
In Business Since 2007
Licensed, BBB Rating: A+
Serving Walnut Creek Area
Clayton Yoga Shala

Clayton Yoga Shala

“I am particularly impressed with the level of skill, knowledge, and passion for yoga that I see in the two owners, Shelley and Laura.”
In Business Since 2017
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
Transparent Fees & Pricing
Coupons & Offers
Serving Walnut Creek Area
Purple Light Reiki Healing & Coaching LLC

Purple Light Reiki Healing & Coaching LLC

  • Wisdom
  • Meditation
  • Spiritual
“I have always struggled with anxiety and not only has she assisted me with reiki healing, but she has taught me useful skills on how to center myself and be calm.”
In Business Since 2022
Serving Walnut Creek Area
Tree of Life Yoga and Spine Therapy

Tree of Life Yoga and Spine Therapy

“I have tried many Tree Of Life Yoga classes, Intro / Beginner Series (Jessica), Vinyasa Level 1 (Vita), Mixed-Level Vinyasa (Jessica), Rope Play / Spine Care (Jessica/Vita), Restorative (Jessica) and all of them are great, intimate size and fun attit...”
In Business Since 2010
Coupons & Offers
Serving Walnut Creek Area
Berkeley Meditation

Berkeley Meditation

  • Students
  • The Universe
  • Life
“I had some issues with having my mind constantly thinking and while I try to meditate on my own, it makes it a lot easier to have someone be there to help you.”
In Business Since 1999
Accepts All Major Credit Cards, Check
Free Initial Consultation
1918 Bonita Ave Suite 200, Berkeley, CA
East Bay Meditation Center

East Bay Meditation Center

  • Community
  • Sangha
“Great neighbors to have, with a really chill vibe.”
In Business Since 2006
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
285 17th St, Oakland, CA
Anjori Yoga

Anjori Yoga

  • Meditation
  • Intimate
  • Relaxing
“I have recognized many benefits from her teaching which include: ease with the poses, improved balance, shoulder strength, greater flexibility and a general sense of well being that stems from a yoga practice.”
In Business Since 2014
Remote Consultations Available
48 Glen Ave, Oakland, CA
Siddha Yoga Ashram in Oakland

Siddha Yoga Ashram in Oakland

  • Energy
  • Feel
  • Community
“And don't miss the yearly Shaktipat Meditation Intensive in which Gurumayi Chidvilasananda, the head of a lineage of meditation masters, gives Shaktipat awakening to those who want to meditate deeply and walk a true path of liberation.”
In Business Since 2020
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
1107 Stanford Ave, Oakland, CA
Passage Nautical Enterprises

Passage Nautical Enterprises

  • Sail
  • Morning
“There was a mixup about which boat was scheduled (Passage has several) but Mark calmly worked through the issues and we were soon on board a shiny twentyseven foot Beneteau Barracuda.”
In Business Since 2015
1 Water St, Oakland, CA
Natural Healings Center-Spiritual

Natural Healings Center-Spiritual

Massage Therapy >, Spiritual Counseling >, Rates & Specials
“Amazing kundalini meditation session with the female master on wednesdays.”
In Business Since 2005
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
Transparent Fees & Pricing
Coupons & Offers
Serving Walnut Creek Area
Ashtanga Yoga Berkeley

Ashtanga Yoga Berkeley

  • Traditional
  • Space
“Anyone is welcome: it's a very diverse community spanning from folks who are trying out yoga for the first time ever to those who I can't help but stare at because they literally float into the most beautiful one-hand upside-down pretzel folded-in-ha...”
In Business Since 2006
933 Parker St 38, BAY 5, Berkeley, CA
Empty Gate Zen Center

Empty Gate Zen Center

“And they are also very accommodating regarding retreat schedules, one can do partial days (for instance I can't make it for 6am so they are fine with people entering the retreat at different times or only doing certain days - you just talk to the ret...”
In Business Since 1996
2200 Parker St, Berkeley, CA
Eastlake Hall of Silo's Message

Eastlake Hall of Silo's Message

“No matter what your believes are, this is an extraordinary place to meet incredible people who are interested in spirituality and a wholesome life style and to share with them experiences, meditation and fun times.”
In Business Since 2018
441 E 18th St, Oakland, CA
Surja Jessup

Surja Jessup

  • Healing
“I have been working with Surja since September of 2018 after attending a session at the OMEGA Institute on Ego Relaxation, which which was so transformative for me, and after returning home, I was searching for a practitioner with some of the similar...”
In Business Since 2000
2340 Ward St STE 105, Berkeley, CA
Bay Zen Center

Bay Zen Center

“A great place to meditate and learn about the wisdom of the Buddha.”
In Business Since 1999
3824 Grand Ave, Oakland, CA
Shaolin Master Qi Gong

Shaolin Master Qi Gong

“Grand Master Shi Yong Yao lives here in Oakland, California, and is a humble monk with extraordinary abilities and patience. He was previously the head coach and Grand Master”
In Business Since 2014
830 Bancroft Way, Berkeley, CA
M.t.o. Shahmaghsoudi Berkeley

M.t.o. Shahmaghsoudi Berkeley

“The Tamarkoz method is one of the Practical Aspects of Sufism ®. Tamarkoz is the way for anyone who wishes to re-cognize their inner abilities and to discover their purpose in life, through a holistic and practical way of recovering and maintaining h...”
In Business Since 1998
2848 Telegraph Ave, Berkeley, CA
Urban Temple Facial Therapies & Reiki Center

Urban Temple Facial Therapies & Reiki Center

  • Skin
  • Healing
“I asked him tons of questions and he was pleased to answer all of them, which gives me the sense that he wants to teach people more about their own skin so they can be empowered to always have healthy, glowing skin.”
In Business Since 2016
516 Oakland Ave Suite 201, Oakland, CA
Mosswood Meditation

Mosswood Meditation

“I was able to work through a lot of emotions that I had been suppressing and come to some realizations about myself that I never knew before.”
In Business Since 2022
Transparent Fees & Pricing
Oakland, CA

Meditation Training Services in Walnut Creek, CA Cost Estimates

Minimum cost
Maximum cost
National Average
Avg Per Hour Rates
Fair price range is based on 274 cost profiles
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Average Cost $89
Minimum cost $45
Maximum cost $310
Avg Per Hour Rates $37

Fair range $78 to $133 is based on 274 cost profiles.

Why these companies made our list

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