Best Acting Classes in Seattle, WA

The highest-rated Acting Training companies out of 117 vetted & reviewed in the Seattle area.

Seattle Public Theater

Seattle Public Theater

  • Die Hard
  • Production
  • Christmas
“Set in a noir detective world but utilizing a Chrismas theme and various nods to Christmas characters and stories from over the years, they told a fun and touching story.”
In Business Since 2000
7312 West Green Lake Dr N, Seattle, WA
Siff Cinema Egyptian

Siff Cinema Egyptian

  • Building
  • School
  • Wine
“The theatre was quite full (on a weekday at 5pm no less) but everyone was quiet and respectful, one of the best movie going experiences I've had in years since people can't behave in your local AMC or regal anymore.”
In Business Since 2005
805 E Pine St, Seattle, WA
Unexpected Productions Improv

Unexpected Productions Improv

  • Shows
  • Christmas
  • Funny
“They were very inclusive and mindful of the audience and ensured everyone who wanted to contribute ideas could, rather than always getting ideas from the loudest people in the crowd.”
Average Price Tag
In Business Since 1999
1428 Post Alley, Seattle, WA
Taproot Theatre Company's Isaac Studio Theatre

Taproot Theatre Company's Isaac Studio Theatre

  • Acting
  • Balcony
  • Intimate
“I'm always so impressed by the detailed and creative sets--and even though it's a smaller space, I feel completely transported into a new world with each show.”
In Business Since 1997
212 N 85th St, Seattle, WA
Seattle Rep

Seattle Rep

  • Performances
  • House
  • Shows
“If you have the chance to see a performance at Seattle Rep, especially one featuring the dynamic duo of Jinkx Monsoon and Major Scales, don't hesitate!”
Coupons & Offers
In Business Since 1997
155 Mercer St, Seattle, WA
Kenyon Hall

Kenyon Hall

  • Organ
  • Volunteers
  • Wurlitzer Electronic Piano
“Fun, fun , fun, went to a spooky radio drama which I have been doing fir yrs and they never disappoint just check them out and see what's up as the months go on, I.”
In Business Since 2005
7904 35th Ave SW, Seattle, WA
The 5th Avenue Theatre

The 5th Avenue Theatre

  • Mamma Mia
  • The Hunchback of Notre Dame
  • White Christmas
“There are restrooms on the main floor and the lower floors, but they get filled almost immediately, and you will see people run for a good spot as soon as there is an intermission.”
In Business Since 2001
1308 5th Ave, Seattle, WA
West of Lenin

West of Lenin

  • Film
  • Concessions
“Love this venue.”
In Business Since 2011
203 N 36th St #204, Seattle, WA
The Atlas Theatre

The Atlas Theatre

  • Comedy
  • Funny
  • Shows
“The were helpful and accommodating and the whole cast and crew can't wait to come to the next Atlas show!”
Remote Consultations Available
In Business Since 2013
3509 Fremont Ave N, Seattle, WA
Theatre Off Jackson

Theatre Off Jackson

  • Shows
  • Gem
  • Intimate
“My only concern I've ever had is being squeezed into their tiny seats like on an airplane and it gets really uncomfortable and hot next to other theater goers.”
In Business Since 2005
409 7th Ave S, Seattle, WA
Yaw Theater

Yaw Theater

  • Dance
  • Space
“I have attended multiple shows in this space; I've attended dance classes and rehearsals held at Yaw; and I have even performed to sold-out audiences at this venue, as well as held photo and video shoots there with our dance company.”
In Business Since 2015
6520 5th Ave S, Seattle, WA
Aspire Kinetic Arts

Aspire Kinetic Arts

  • Tap
  • Theatre
  • Environment
“Aspire Kinetic Arts is a wonderful dance and theatre studio with great teachers and nice floors and rooms and a variety of classes, including tap, ballet, and jazz.”
In Business Since 2020
11030 8th Ave NE, Seattle, WA
Wedgwood Drama Studio

Wedgwood Drama Studio

“Michael and Christi really are magical and truly understand the power of children's imaginations and the creativity that allows them to act out their ideas, etc.”
In Business Since 2009
3524 NE 95th St, Seattle, WA
Discovering Your Boice

Discovering Your Boice

  • Meisner Technique
  • Exercise
  • Truth
“The exercises are heavily (but not exclusively) based on the teachings of Sanford Meisner, which are really great for opening yourself up to your impulses without filtering, allowing you to live truthfully and in the moment.”
In Business Since 2020
301 NW 82nd St, Seattle, WA
Theatre 9 12

Theatre 9 12

“And the "pay what you can" ticketing makes great theater accessible to all.”
In Business Since 2007
609 8th Ave, Seattle, WA
Hi-Liners Musical Theatre

Hi-Liners Musical Theatre

“Such talent, great acting and wonderful voices.”
In Business Since 2000
6000 16th Ave Sw, Seattle, WA,
Washington Ensemble Theatre

Washington Ensemble Theatre

“If you get the opportunity see a show here, look it up online several music videos have been shown here as the Acoustics are one-of-a-kind and simply amazing.”
In Business Since 2004
1620 12th Ave, Seattle, WA
Playback Theater Northwest

Playback Theater Northwest

“When we watched last Saturday, there were only a few of us but I think this group deserves more audience, not just because they're very good, but because they are "healers”
In Business Since 2005
12565 42nd Ave NE, Seattle, WA


“The Seattle Times explores Theatre22's closure, Nonsense and Beauty, and a brief retrospective on T22's history.”
In Business Since 2012
Theatre22 at Seattle Public Theater, 7312 West Green Lake Dr N, Seattle, WA
Lucha Libre Volcánica: School of Lucha Libre

Lucha Libre Volcánica: School of Lucha Libre

  • Beer
“It definitely was reminiscent of that movie “Nacho Libre”, where Jack Black plays a Catholic priest who secretly decides to become a luchador to raise money for the orphanage… (If you liked Napoleon Dynamite, you've probably watched it.”
1317 Republican St, Seattle, WA
Village Theatre

Village Theatre

  • Production
  • Dolls
  • Shows
“The venue's size and atmosphere would make for an incredible setting for live music, adding another layer to its already rich cultural contribution to our community.”
Coupons & Offers
In Business Since 1999
Serving Seattle Area
Spotlight Dance Center

Spotlight Dance Center

Youth Performing Companies, Private Dance Instruction, Studio Rentals
“Enrollment was quick and easy (there are classes on the weekdays in addition to the weekend) and the studio has been very flexible when it comes to accommodating/scheduling make up classes.”
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
In Business Since 2003
Transparent Fees & Pricing
704 S 3rd St Unit B-1, Renton, WA
Highline Performing Art Center

Highline Performing Art Center

  • Performances
  • Graduation
  • Parking
“That day finally came, and I reached back out to see if it was possible to use the facility and the media/audio team to help me record a performance for an event that I couldn't attend.”
In Business Since 2013
401 S 152nd St, Burien, WA
Bainbridge Performing Arts

Bainbridge Performing Arts

  • Shows
  • Community
  • Comedy
“The Bainbridge Symphony is lovely.”
In Business Since 2006
Serving Seattle Area

Acting Coaching Services in Seattle, WA Cost Estimates

Minimum cost
Maximum cost
National Average
Avg Per Hour Rates
Average price range is based on 527 cost profiles
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Average Cost $498
Minimum cost $187
Maximum cost $3236
Avg Per Hour Rates $79

Average range $374 to $872 is based on 527 cost profiles.

Why these companies made our list

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