Best Acting Classes in Lansing, MI

The highest-rated Acting Training companies out of 193 vetted & reviewed in the Lansing area.

Riverwalk Theatre

Riverwalk Theatre

  • Cast
  • Shows
  • Production
“Lost one star though as most of the solos needed to have their sound bumped up a couple of notches, so it was hard to hear the words to some of the songs.”
Transparent Fees & Pricing
In Business Since 2000
228 Museum Dr, Lansing, MI
Wharton Center For Performing Arts

Wharton Center For Performing Arts

  • The Lion King
  • Hamilton
  • Graduation
“Love the parking it was raining so able to drive in and stay dry easy elevators & stairs ,l found the chairs comfortable and the shows are amazing been there a few times is it from California, my granddaughter perform there a few times I will miss g...”
Coupons & Offers
In Business Since 1999
750 E Shaw Ln, East Lansing, MI 48824
Peppermint Creek Theatre Company

Peppermint Creek Theatre Company

  • Acting
  • Cast
  • The Prom
“Other performers I enjoyed include TJ Kelly's performance as “Eggo,” a lovable guy frustrated about his interactions with the opposite sex, and Carmen Zavala-Kelly, whos performance as “Diana” is so realistic it is almost scary.”
In Business Since 2003
2200 Lake Lansing Rd, Lansing, MI
Greater Lansing Academy of Dance

Greater Lansing Academy of Dance

  • Ballet
  • Classes
“A wonderful place for children and adults of all ages to learn dance!”
In Business Since 2013
15643 Old U.S. 27, Lansing, MI
Stage One at Sycamore Creek Eastwood

Stage One at Sycamore Creek Eastwood

In Business Since 2000
2200 Lake Lansing Rd, Lansing, MI
All-of-Us Express Children's Theatre

All-of-Us Express Children's Theatre

“I definitely recommend if your kid is interested in acting or performing in general as well as if they're interested in any behind-the-scenes elements, as there are great programs for both here and everything is a ton of fun.”
In Business Since 2001
East Lansing, MI 48826
Ruhala Performing Arts Center

Ruhala Performing Arts Center

“She performed with the older students and she finally felt a sense of belonging as she was right where she needed to be and it showed with an enormous smiling face after each lesson.”
Accepts Debit, Check, All Major Credit Cards
In Business Since 2009
1846 Haslett Rd, East Lansing, MI 48823
Williamston Theatre

Williamston Theatre

  • Show
  • Intimate
  • Acting
“However, the playbill makes a vague reference to improvements coming for next year, so hoping as we'll definitely be visiting a few of the 2019/20 season presentations.”
In Business Since 2005
Serving Lansing Area
The Encore Musical Theatre Company

The Encore Musical Theatre Company

  • Shows
  • Production
  • Intimate
“At the last production of their 2021-22 season, an Andrew Lloyd Weber revue, I actually had tears in my eyes when the cast members hit the soaring notes of Weber's best songs.”
In Business Since 2007
Serving Lansing Area
Franke Center For the Arts

Franke Center For the Arts

  • Building
  • Shows
  • Intimate
“Relatively small but very nice venue.”
In Business Since 2020
Serving Lansing Area
Jane Tasch Performing Arts Theatre

Jane Tasch Performing Arts Theatre

  • Kids
  • Concert
  • Dance
“It was built correctly back in the early 1980's and it is still beautiful, as was Mrs.”
In Business Since 2007
Serving Lansing Area
Jackson School of the Arts & Jackson Childcare Academy

Jackson School of the Arts & Jackson Childcare Academy

“Our community benefits from the cultivation of creativity.”
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
In Business Since 2015
135 W Cortland St, Jackson, MI
Dexter Center For the Performing Arts

Dexter Center For the Performing Arts

“Terrific venue, but I had a hard time with handicapped accessibility.”
In Business Since 2012
Serving Lansing Area
Battle Creek Symphony

Battle Creek Symphony

  • Concert
“Quality symphony right here in Battle Creek; we're so fortunate to have such a gifted conductor & generous sponsors to have kept this marvelous symphony orchestra going for 125 years!”
In Business Since 2009
450 North Ave, Battle Creek, MI
Theatre Nova

Theatre Nova

  • Shows
  • Intimate
  • Panto
“In an effort to make live professional theater affordable, tickets are an affordable $22, but for those on a restricted budget they also offer "pay what you can" tickets.”
In Business Since 2014
410 W Huron St, Ann Arbor, MI
Mc Cree Theater

Mc Cree Theater

  • Shows
  • Entertainment
  • Community
“I love the Mc Cree Theater has awesome after school programs summer programs that gives back to the community it's a part of the community they have great shows that are relatable that you can even be in yourself they put on different events year-rou...”
In Business Since 2005
4601 Clio Rd, Flint, MI
Brighton Center For the Performing Arts

Brighton Center For the Performing Arts

  • Sound
  • Concert
  • High School
“I understand that it's a high school and all but the general public also uses this particular part of the high school so I would think they would have amenities that the general public would often find themselves needing.”
In Business Since 2007
7878 Brighton Rd, Brighton, MI
Studio 3 Dance

Studio 3 Dance

Competition, Private and Group Instruction in Music, Adult Fitness
“My friend peer-pressured me into signing up for the Wednesday night Pilates class and now that I'm 6 weeks in, I can honestly say I'm hooked.”
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
In Business Since 2016
6885 Jackson Rd Ste 100, Ann Arbor, MI
Robinsongs For Kids

Robinsongs For Kids

“Robin has great covid safety in place and has gone above and beyond to keep delivering great music exposure and education to littles from birth through early elementary.”
In Business Since 2008
1526 N Maple Rd, Ann Arbor, MI
Ring of Steel Action Theatre

Ring of Steel Action Theatre

  • Swords
  • Learn
“As a person who loves swords, this was the place to learn and the staff are very welcoming and fun to just watch even if you don't take part in everything”
In Business Since 1998
3907 Varsity Dr, Ann Arbor, MI
A Wilde Theatre

A Wilde Theatre

  • Evening
  • Funny
  • Actors
“When we walked in the front door and saw the small stage and relatively small number of seats, I had a fear this was going to be very amateurish production and we would regret trying this place out.”
In Business Since 2018
111 S West St, Brighton, MI
Ann Arbor Dance Classics

Ann Arbor Dance Classics

“Danced at AADC for 6 years and it is wonderful learning environment with excellent dance training, caring and dedicated teachers as well as many opportunities to perform”
In Business Since 2001
3777 Plaza Dr, Ann Arbor, MI
Openspot Theatre

Openspot Theatre

“I loved what they did with the space where Spring Awakening took place.”
In Business Since 2019
Serving Lansing Area
Boychoir of Ann Arbor

Boychoir of Ann Arbor

In Business Since 1998
1100 N Main St #117, Ann Arbor, MI

Acting Coaching Services in Lansing, MI Cost Estimates

Minimum cost
Maximum cost
National Average
Avg Per Hour Rates
Average price range is based on 437 cost profiles
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Average Cost $474
Minimum cost $178
Maximum cost $3079
Avg Per Hour Rates $75

Average range $356 to $829 is based on 437 cost profiles.

Why these companies made our list

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