Best Pilates Classes in Rockwall, TX

The highest-rated Pilates Reformer and Mat Training companies out of 107 vetted & reviewed in the Rockwall area.



  • Feel
  • Motivated
  • Nutrition
“In the past I would buy gym memberships and go consistently for maybe 3 months and after that I would just be wasting money by paying and going maybe 2 times a month.”
In Business Since 2015
3321 E Renner Rd, Richardson, TX
Fit N Pilates

Fit N Pilates

  • Watch
  • Stretch
  • Pain
“Shannon is so thorough and meticulous about form and execution and I have noticed my flexibility has increased in just the first three sessions I've had with her.”
Transparent Fees & Pricing
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
Coupons & Offers
In Business Since 2021
2301 Ohio Dr Suite #245, Plano, TX


  • Plan
  • Health
  • Strength Training
“His support extended to outside of training sessions as well - he is always willing to provide advices on daily diet and basically any questions you have regarding fitness / healthy lifestyle.”
Coupons & Offers
Transparent Fees & Pricing
In Business Since 2000
Remote Consultations Available
7736 Mullrany Dr, Dallas, TX
Studio 6 Fitness

Studio 6 Fitness

Mega Lite Classes, Group Fitness, Mega Abs & Arms Classes
“Overall my experience with Studio 6 Fitness was great and I will be continuing of attending their classes in order to improve on my strength and body tone.”
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
In Business Since 2019
Transparent Fees & Pricing
8180 Park Ln #343, Dallas, TX
Session Pilates

Session Pilates

  • Energy
  • Atmosphere
  • Community
“Im going there over a year now, the instructors are experienced, every time it's a different workout on a medium- high difficulty level in a nice flow.”
Transparent Fees & Pricing
In Business Since 2016
2401 Preston Rd Ste. B2, Plano, TX
Mosaic Fitness & Nutrition

Mosaic Fitness & Nutrition

  • Motivating
  • Lifestyle
  • Weight Loss
“She worked with me for over 2 hours, having me perform a variety of exercises, stretches, and taking measurements as my potential "starting point" in the journey to better strength and core fitness.”
In Business Since 2019
Serving Rockwall Area
Bodybar Pilates

Bodybar Pilates

  • Juice
  • Feel
  • Area
“I really like this place and I want to get back to classes but tried to reach this location few times and no one pick up the phone, is someone know if they closed ?”
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
In Business Since 2016
Average Price Tag
1900 Preston Rd #269, Plano, TX


  • Energy
  • Aesthetic
  • Grace Period
“I was a few minutes late for my first class and they wouldn't let me in but they let me sign up for another class without an extra charge so that I wouldn't lose my money.”
In Business Since 2021
200 N Bishop Ave Suite 106, Dallas, TX


  • Class Sizes
  • Community
  • Aesthetics
“There's a wide range of classes and instructors which lets you choose what experience works for you from a more classical class to an athletic amped pilates class.”
In Business Since 2020
5400 E Mockingbird Ln Suite 213, Dallas, TX
Pilates Studio Of Dallas

Pilates Studio Of Dallas

  • Results
  • Movements
  • Knee Replacement Surgery
“Her teaching style is confident and concise, she is extremely knowledgeable about the physical body, and sincere in her commitment to the well-being of her clients.”
Transparent Fees & Pricing
In Business Since 2019
3720 Rawlins St, Dallas, TX
Elevate Fitness

Elevate Fitness

  • Results
  • Nutrition
  • Health
“The best part is they make sure to push to point where you get results without getting injured and also fine tune the exercises based on you sleep, diet and recovery during the workout itself.”
Free Initial Consultation
In Business Since 2012
13410 Preston Rd suite c, Dallas, TX
Rotem's Pilates

Rotem's Pilates

  • Stretches
  • Classes
“Really liked this place: I had some lower back pain after delivery, and Rotem was very professional and adjusted the class for me, yet I felt the workout later that day...”
Transparent Fees & Pricing
In Business Since 2018
1901 Preston Park Blvd, Plano, TX
Ultimate Pilates

Ultimate Pilates

  • Shape
  • Cardio
  • Mom
“I thought I would kick my reformer pilates routine up a notch for a challenge, so when i read up on what megaformer is, i thought i would give it a try.”
Transparent Fees & Pricing
In Business Since 2012
4690 McDermott Rd #101, Plano, TX
Im=x Pilates and Fitness Frisco

Im=x Pilates and Fitness Frisco

  • Workouts
  • Community
  • Sweat
“I have had to take breaks for personal issues, but I always feel really good going back to this place as they are professional, courteous and welcoming.”
ISAA, CPR Certified
In Business Since 2002
Serving Rockwall Area
Pilates Methodology

Pilates Methodology

  • Chair
  • Classes
  • Fitness
“I love that PM's instructors focus on Joseph Pilates' original technique, are attentive to your individual needs and abilities, and push you to just the right degree of burn”
In Business Since 2016
2615 Routh St #120, Dallas, TX
Beyond Pilates

Beyond Pilates

  • Music
  • Clothes
  • Classes
“I am rarely sore from my workouts such as boxing, running, lifting weights, etc and to my surprise after a class led by Kay I was sore for a couple days after!”
In Business Since 2011
4851 Legacy Dr #503, Frisco, TX
Open Body Concepts

Open Body Concepts

Structural Integration, Gyrotonic® & Gyrokinesis®, Open Body Methodtm Floor Work
“While I walked into the studio not really understanding what structural integration was, and what it could do for me, trusting Karla and her immense knowledge of the anatomy of movement truly changed my life!”
In Business Since 2020
5850 Maple Ave, Dallas, TX
Pilates Connection

Pilates Connection

“While talking to my neurosurgeon, I noticed how often they recommended Pilates post-surgery, and thought I'd try that before I committed to a significant back surgery.”
Transparent Fees & Pricing
In Business Since 2014
Remote Consultations Available
6043 Sherry Ln, Dallas, TX
Fitnz 360

Fitnz 360

  • Healthy
  • Attention
  • Zumba
“The instructors really know what they are doing and will show you moves to help with whatever problem you are having after class (for me it was my posture and back pain).”
In Business Since 2011
4312 Live Oak St, Dallas, TX
Cornerstone Pilates

Cornerstone Pilates

“I've been doing these private Pilates classes for about five months now, and let me tell you, each session still gets me excited like it's the first time.”
Transparent Fees & Pricing
In Business Since 2018
2011 N Collins Blvd #601, Richardson, TX
Park Cities Pilates Center

Park Cities Pilates Center

  • Life
“The instructors are classically trained and extremely knowledgable about the exercises; they also work closely with you to modify exercises depending on your body's needs.”
Transparent Fees & Pricing
In Business Since 2001
5600 W Lovers Ln UNIT 204, Dallas, TX
Press Pilates

Press Pilates

  • Muscles
  • Practice
  • Comfortable
“Because I live in Atlanta, I've been taking Mary's virtual classical mat classes for over a year and half now and have seen such a difference in my body.”
In Business Since 2020
5740 Prospect Ave Ste. #3000, Dallas, TX
Reform & Ride

Reform & Ride

“In the last three months of working out and meeting the trainers and the other people in class I have made more progress in my fitness and health journey that I have in years.”
Transparent Fees & Pricing
In Business Since 2020
Serving Rockwall Area
McKinney Movement Center

McKinney Movement Center

“The instructors at Mc Kinney Movement Center put together really diverse sessions, whereas at other studios I felt like I was doing the same exercises over and over again.”
In Business Since 2022
7951 Collin McKinney Pkwy Suite 1575, McKinney, TX

Pilates Training Services in Rockwall, TX Cost Estimates

Minimum cost
Maximum cost
National Average
Avg Per Hour Rates
Average price range is based on 373 cost profiles
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Average Cost $211
Minimum cost $161
Maximum cost $841
Avg Per Hour Rates $76

Average range $181 to $251 is based on 373 cost profiles.

Why these companies made our list

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