Best Personal Trainers in West Covina, CA

The highest-rated Wellness and Personal Training companies out of 200 vetted & reviewed in the West Covina area.

Transformed by Pat

Transformed by Pat

  • Goals
  • Health
  • Life
“I've developed this trust with Patrick and not only does he keep it professional, punctual, and organized, but the workouts are enjoyable and he is someone that allows you to be comfortable which equates to a positive experience and being able to con...”
In Business Since 2017
Coupons & Offers
Serving West Covina Area
Alina Astilean Training

Alina Astilean Training

“I will be having her come back regularly as the motivation they gained during the sessions with her has definitely translated into other areas of my business.”
In Business Since 2023
Coupons & Offers
Serving West Covina Area
Brick Fitness

Brick Fitness

  • Coaches
  • Energy
  • Environment
“Brick's CF & HIIT fitness models are top notch for anyone wanting to bring themselves to a new level of fitness and performance, and the coaches and other members create a community vibe that I value so much, especially after the pandemic.”
Transparent Fees & Pricing
Serving West Covina Area
Rep Max Performance

Rep Max Performance

“If you are looking to get back into shape, start out with weightlifting, find a place to weightlift at, powerlift, personal training, join a small group fitness class, meet some really cool people, and/or just work out, this is the place for you!!!”
In Business Since 2017
410 West Grv #110, Orange, CA
Myo Evolution

Myo Evolution

  • Healing
  • Understand
  • Health
“I came to Angie to learn how I can encourage healing in the area and I was pleasantly surprised to see how she advocates for self-sufficiency-- meaning she wants to teach me how to understand what's going on with my foot and to learn how to work on i...”
20++ Years Experience
ICF Certified
Transparent Fees & Pricing
Serving West Covina Area
The Chad Allen Method

The Chad Allen Method

  • Space
  • Strength Training
  • Studio
“Chad knows everything about the body.”
In Business Since 2019
Serving West Covina Area
Fedele DE Santis Private Fitness Personal Training GYM

Fedele DE Santis Private Fitness Personal Training GYM

  • Rooms
  • Space
  • Name
“Cleanliness - you will never see a gym that is as well maintained as Fedele's, the staff is constantly cleaning and there is cleaner/sanitizer throughout the gym where clients and trainers wipe down the machines after each use.”
In Business Since 1995
Serving West Covina Area
Alpha Fit

Alpha Fit

  • Coaches
“This place has transformed my life for the better because of all that they offer: great atmosphere, amazingly unique coaches, the members make you feel so welcomed even if you're an absolute stranger, they constantly encourage you to pursue better ha...”
In Business Since 2012
Serving West Covina Area
West Covina Athletic Club

West Covina Athletic Club

“I recommend this place if you live in the area or commute through West Covina since they have shower and are right off of the freeway.”
In Business Since 2023
1705 W Garvey Ave N suite d, West Covina, CA
Marathon Fitness Training Center

Marathon Fitness Training Center

  • Coach
“Coach has motivated me to better myself physically and having the trust in her to always be able to supervise my every move so I can accomplish major movements to micro movements I never thought I would ever do again.”
In Business Since 2021
360 S Glendora Ave Unit 2, West Covina, CA
The Right Fit

The Right Fit

Personal Training, Women's Bootcamp, Men's Bootcamp
“We work one on one with our clients, to help them establish and reach their fitness goals. It is our pledge to you, to establish lasting, rewarding relationships on a personal level and not just on a "member" basis. Your goals are now OUR goals and w...”
In Business Since 2014
Serving West Covina Area
Train With Danny

Train With Danny

“I learned how strong I could become when I literally started to be able to lift boxes for longer periods of time from the muscles I started to form.”
In Business Since 2000
Emergency Services
Transparent Fees & Pricing
Serving West Covina Area
Lifted Boot Camp

Lifted Boot Camp

  • Motivation
  • Sculpting
“I've been coming to this Bootcamp for about a month and I just love the motivation very friendly people meal plans and the affordability of this place, having a big family can't always aford theses kind of places.”
In Business Since 2014
Serving West Covina Area
Project Fitness LA

Project Fitness LA

“He is a true professional-- always punctual and completely committed to making sure that each and every workout is AMAZING!”
In Business Since 2013
Transparent Fees & Pricing
Serving West Covina Area
Summit Fitness

Summit Fitness

“Michelle has taken the time to ensure that each session includes functional movement that both stabilize and strengthen my body so that I can do my job to the best of my ability.”
In Business Since 2012
Transparent Fees & Pricing
Serving West Covina Area
My Zoom Gym

My Zoom Gym

“Mauricio has been my personal trainer pre-COVID for 5 years and he helped strength train me in a high class gym to lift a boxer punching bag from one place to another in order for me to help a wheelchaired friend on several trips.”
In Business Since 2020
Transparent Fees & Pricing
Serving West Covina Area
Charlie Dannelly

Charlie Dannelly

“I'm so glad I met Charlie because he's been instrumental in getting me back on track to living my best life in a healthy way that is sustainable and realistic for the long run.”
In Business Since 2005
Remote Consultations Available
Serving West Covina Area
Body By Rob

Body By Rob

  • Results
  • Plan
  • Knowledge
“After getting over a back injury that prevented me from working out for 2 years I was so unhappy with my body and the amount of weight I had gained, that I finally decided to seek professional help.”
In Business Since 2018
Serving West Covina Area
Optimax Method

Optimax Method

  • Trainers
“His personality, skills and professionalism are the reason why he is one of the best trainers in Los Angeles I have found.”
In Business Since 2013
Transparent Fees & Pricing
Serving West Covina Area
Rise Movement

Rise Movement

  • Yoga
“The classes are challenging and rejuvenating and I always feel centered and at peace afterwards.”
In Business Since 2008
Serving West Covina Area
Taylor-Ed Fitness

Taylor-Ed Fitness

  • Goals
“He has never called out sick and has agreed to train me during early mornings which is a very challenging schedule to accommodate and for this I appreciate him.”
In Business Since 2016
Serving West Covina Area
Kirk Training

Kirk Training

In Business Since 2009
Serving West Covina Area
Pure Energy Fitness

Pure Energy Fitness

“Lost I a 100lbs and learned how to keep”
Serving West Covina Area
Evolve Fitness

Evolve Fitness

“Excellent staff and customer service.”
Serving West Covina Area

Why these companies made our list

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