Best Personal Trainers in San Angelo, TX

The highest-rated Wellness and Personal Training companies out of 121 vetted & reviewed in the San Angelo area.

The Gym San Angelo

The Gym San Angelo

  • Community
  • Programming
  • People
“Because of the quality and intelligence of the programming, my wife was able to follow the programming with scaling options during two pregnancies, and we both have enjoyed staying fit through different seasons of life.”
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
Transparent Fees & Pricing
In Business Since 2020
223 N Main St, San Angelo, TX
Man Made Fitness

Man Made Fitness

  • Coaches
“Aimee is a true fitness professional, with every kind of certification imaginable, as well as real world experience training children to senior citizens.”
Free Initial Consultation
In Business Since 2008
117 S Chadbourne St, San Angelo, TX
West Texas Sports and Wellness Institute

West Texas Sports and Wellness Institute

“She helped me understand and strengthen my core in a way that takes the pressure off of my back and onto the muscles that SHOULD be supporting my movements.”
In Business Since 2010
1909 Knickerbocker Rd, San Angelo, TX
Gym 28

Gym 28

  • Atmosphere
“Great place to workout, small workout groups.”
In Business Since 2018
18 N Chadbourne St, San Angelo, TX
Live Like You Give A Fit

Live Like You Give A Fit

  • Motivated
“I struggled for sometime with eating and consistency with workouts, but the advice and guidance I've received from her has really helped me get on track to achieve my best physical and mental self.”
In Business Since 2021
San Angelo, TX
Irion County Health and Fitness

Irion County Health and Fitness

  • Tanning Bed
“Gym is clean, equipment runs smoothly, and the hours are fantastic.”
Serving San Angelo Area
5 Toe Fitness

5 Toe Fitness

  • Number
“Plenty of free weights, barbells and machines to help you get to your goals including cardio, Staff is always friendly and you can go anytime day or night!!”
Emergency Services
In Business Since 2022
Serving San Angelo Area
Elevate Performance and Fitness

Elevate Performance and Fitness

  • Community
  • Atmosphere
  • Confidence
“I moved last year and I still have yet to join another gym in my new city because nothing as gave me that genuine community feeling, like elevate has for me.”
Transparent Fees & Pricing
In Business Since 2020
2452 Industrial Blvd, Abilene, TX
Firehouse Fitness

Firehouse Fitness

“High end equipment and amenities that battle a large, corporately owned gym combined with the tight knit community and atmosphere of a family owned gym.”
In Business Since 2013
3518 S 7th St, Abilene, TX
Crossfit Mix

Crossfit Mix

  • Home
  • Environment
  • Community
“Cross Fit did not only change my lifestyle to be more cautious of my weight but I also met some great people, the coaches are amazing, they cheer you on no matter how big or how small you show effort, they always want and know you can go above and be...”
Transparent Fees & Pricing
In Business Since 2018
1625 W Florida Ave, Midland, TX
Jordan Zumwalt

Jordan Zumwalt

  • Nutrition
  • Strength Training
  • Powerlifting
“Hands down would recommend as a coach if you're wanting maximal results and knowledge that will help you further your fitness goals even after you finish your personal training with him”
In Business Since 2016
750 Berry Ln, Abilene, TX
Crunch Fitness

Crunch Fitness

  • Equipment
  • Desk
  • Fee
“I've been going to crunch for a few years now, and recently I've noticed such a change in the atmosphere in the last couple months that has made me truly enjoy being there again.”
Emergency Services
In Business Since 1988
4709 S 14th St, Abilene, TX
The Fieldhouse Abilene

The Fieldhouse Abilene

  • Atmosphere
  • Space
  • Machines
“They have military discounts and clauses in their contact so if you are getting deployed or moving they will terminate the monthly payment or put it on hold till you get back.”
Below Average Price Tag
In Business Since 2018
1609 Cottonwood St, Abilene, TX
Ironxtreme Fitness

Ironxtreme Fitness

“Is an small but very nice gym you really have everything what do you need for to do your workout people don't mess with you and the owner and the other guy who works there are very nice .”
In Business Since 2022
4519 N Garfield St #5, Midland, TX
The Fit Body Coach

The Fit Body Coach

  • Motivating
  • Weight
  • Strength
“He never repeated the same workout routine twice in a row and would continuously change up our routine allowing me to see more results in the few months I was with him than I have had with any trainer since.”
Free Initial Consultation
In Business Since 2023
209 S Danville Dr Ste C108, Abilene, TX
Greenwood Fitness Center

Greenwood Fitness Center

“Those latenight and very early birds that I've met are very nice, looking forward to a long relationship”
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
Emergency Services
In Business Since 2018
1805 S CR-1105, Midland, TX
Relentless Strength & Fitness

Relentless Strength & Fitness

“I highly recommend training here , the owners are super welcoming and knowledgeable on everything to supplements, dietary you name it they know it !!!”
AND Certified
Emergency Services
In Business Since 2023
3300 N A St building 3 suite 100, Midland, TX
Sword School Fitness

Sword School Fitness

  • Nutrition
  • Goals
“I've attended some of her Saturday "Fighter Fitness" group workout sessions, which are holistic and focus on improving functional movement instead of just burnout cardio (though my cardio was definitely put through its paces).”
In Business Since 2019
600 N Marienfeld St B-100, Midland, TX
Expert Fitness

Expert Fitness

Pain Free Training Systems, Semi Private Training, Corporate Wellness
“Best gym best trainers ever.”
In Business Since 2012
3000 N Garfield St #159, Midland, TX
Westex Fitness

Westex Fitness

“Great facility, even greater people and management.”
Transparent Fees & Pricing
In Business Since 2022
Serving San Angelo Area
Faith Fitness Gym

Faith Fitness Gym

“They offer a wide variety of programs such as strength training, spinning classes , one on one personal training, nutrition training and my favorite Cross Fit.”
Transparent Fees & Pricing
In Business Since 2016
Serving San Angelo Area
Huffington Pilates and Fitness Studio

Huffington Pilates and Fitness Studio

  • Yoga
“Aerial yoga is awesome!”
In Business Since 2017
9 Hospital Dr, Abilene, TX
West Texas Fitness

West Texas Fitness

“Great gym, good to get in get work done and get out!”
350 Midland Dr, Midland, TX
Prevail Fitness and Nutrition

Prevail Fitness and Nutrition

“Would definitely recommend!”
In Business Since 2021
Serving San Angelo Area

Why these companies made our list

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