Best Personal Trainers in Huntington Beach, CA
The highest-rated Wellness and Personal Training companies out of 116 vetted & reviewed in the Huntington Beach area.
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Private Training, Pilate Group Reformer, Pilates/Cycling Combo
“I have degenerative arthritis in my neck, so circuit workouts, crossfit or other high impact workouts would cause pain and eventually really bad migraines so working out was not really an option.”
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Livemetta Pilates and Fitness Long Beach
- Shape
- Trampoline
- Energy
“You have to sign up for classes in advance because they fill up, but for me this is perfect, because I now have a commitment and I don't like to break those commitments!”
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Inspire South BAY Fitness
- Schedule
- Accountability
- Mental
“I'm happy to support them with their small business - you can tell they care so much about each of their clients and put so much intention in creating a community for everyone that walks into the gym.”
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Body By Design Manhattan Beach
- Strength
- Shape
- Results
“Also, having worked with personal trainer's for a good part of my life - I get bored and I watch the clock - at Body By Design I am always amazed that an hour goes by so fast!”
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Allegiate Gym
- Learn
- Strength and Conditioning
- Movement
“I have been very pleasantly surprised by the total body tightening and toning, in addition to how effective the workouts have been to make me able to lift my baby more easily and to even go up and down the stairs with him in my arms.”
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Vero Pilates
- Injuries
- Wellness
- Understanding
“I love Melissa's Pilates instruction in our private sessions, of course- but I recently was able to take part in a workshop which covered self-massage with therapy balls… it was INCREDIBLE.”
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Surfriders Academy Surf School
- Fun
- Hotel
- Feel
“This made our whole trip, had a ton of fun because he made sure to have everything that we needed to succeed and provided tips and tricks the entire time.”
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Repair Sports Institute
“Every time I come in I am always asked how my progress is going in relation to my last visit and when doing my exercises/workouts I am always given assistance and guidance to make sure I get the most out of my time there.”
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Original Hot Yoga Huntington Beach
- Room
- Learn
- Students
“The negative reviews sound like people with deep personal issues because if you are in class for your wellness, flexibility, growth and to heal it shouldn't matter how rude or nice you think someone is.”
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- Knowledge
- Health
- Equipment
“Knew nothing about working out, always struggled with a lot of body image issues growing up, but from the moment I stepped foot into this gym it was welcoming and had an encouraging group of people all working towards the same goals as well as amazin...”
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OC Athletic Massage & Training
- Cold
- Pickleball
- Infrared Sauna
“She is special and if you are reading this review, you are welcome to contact me for further reference, but I can, with 100% certainty, tell you to stop searching, and book a session with Christine.”
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Sculpt Fitness
“I have always found them intimidating, boring, and lacking the proper guidance to ensure I was doing the exercises correctly, and that I was on the right path to achieve my goals.”
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Crank It Up Fitness: Cycle Row Strength Kickbox
“Great place to Spin and get into shape!”
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Be Jolly Performance
30 Day Results In Advance, Athlete Development, Adult Personal Training
“I was hesitant at first because it seemed like the training was just for athletes, however, owner, Matt Jolly, contacted me immediately after I sent my inquiry and invited us to his gym.”
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Volta Fitness
- Working Out
- Injuries
- Atmosphere
“And another reason why I enjoy this place is because your not being judged like at 24 hour fitness, you go as hard or heavy that you can handle no matter what your going to get results.”
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Curl Fitness
- Remodel
- Beach
- Ownership
“I had to wait so long to get to the machines I needed because groups of guys were standing around them talking forever pretending to finish their sets.”
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Mo-Mentum Fitness
Nutrition Coaching, Personal Training, Small Group Personal Training
“I think one of the things I love most about Mo-Mentum are the 5:30am spin classes on Tuesday's and Thursday's with Alex because they fit my schedule and as for Alex”
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Park East Fitness
- Safety
- Golf
- Health
“Instead of just pushing me through a formulaic workout, while shouting encouragement in my ear, Amit spent the first meeting testing my ability and flexibility, or in my case lack of flexibility.”
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Crossfit 626 Strength and Conditioning
- Tailor
- Decision
- Injury
“For me, Crossfit 626 is a retreat where you can work off any stressors from the day, push youself to be the best you can be, and find a community of people that become like an extended family to you.”
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Unlimited Fitness
Services, Pricing
“I came looking for a gym to get back in shape in the pandemic and I end up finding an amazing community AND I have gotten in the best shape I've been in years.”
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Dynamic Grit Fitness
In-Studio 1:1 Personal Training, Virtual Personal Training, Small Group Classes
“They both have a vast inventory of equipment and the know how to accommodate the novices but can humble even the strongest of body builders with just a 10lbs of weight.”
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Bixby Knolls Wellness Center
“I had never had a professional massage before, and Kelsey was exceptionally patient, took the time to make me feel comfortable, and made sure to ask me how I wanted to spend my time, areas to be wary of, level of intensity, and what areas to focus on...”
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Hardworx Fitness 4th Saint
- Phone
- Classes
“People are so inedibly nice from Chris, who helped me book the class to Jays, the instructor who is not only amazing but spent the time to make me feel comfortable and welcome and spent time during the class w/me and another new person teaching us th...”
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Baller Soccer
- Fun
- Learning
- Confidence
“He is always at practice early and extends his time just to give my son a comprehensive practice and answer any lingering questions, and most of all, my son always looks forward to his private practices on Friday, that notwithstanding, he has been ab...”
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