Best Personal Trainers in Evanston, IL

The highest-rated Wellness and Personal Training companies out of 107 vetted & reviewed in the Evanston area.

Trufit Personal Training Studios

Trufit Personal Training Studios

Physical Therapy, Trainers
“Tru Fit Studio is a team of experienced trainers and nutritionalists who help a diverse clientele achieve their personal fitness goals in an inclusive, positive environment.”
Licensed, BBB Rating: A+
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
In Business Since 2020
610 Davis St 2nd floor, Evanston, IL
Sona Fitness

Sona Fitness

  • Skilled
  • Results
  • Postpartum
“The small group classes offer you the opportunity to get to know your instructor and be seen which is critical in having proper form and getting the most out of your workout.”
Remote Consultations Available
In Business Since 2020
3008 Central St #205, Evanston, IL
Get Fit Methods

Get Fit Methods

  • Team
  • Shape
  • Accountable
“I also previously experienced extreme tightness in my neck and shoulders for years, but strength training with Dietrich has completely remedied that discomfort.”
Free Initial Consultation
In Business Since 2023
912 Sherman Ave, Evanston, IL
Strength Wise Barbell

Strength Wise Barbell

  • Confidence
  • Knowledge
  • Physical
“I consider myself a hobbyist weightlifter focused on increasing the weight I can move, and in our time together Chris has encouragingly and safely progressed all of my lifts.”
In Business Since 2020
2622 Noyes St, Evanston, IL
Chicago Northshore Kinetics

Chicago Northshore Kinetics

Bodywork Therapy, Virtual Studio, Teacher Training
“Great studio and team!”
Transparent Fees & Pricing
Remote Consultations Available
In Business Since 2011
515 Davis St, Evanston, IL
Fitness Matrix

Fitness Matrix

  • Martial Arts
  • Work
  • Skilled
“Their expert, enthusiastic instruction prioritizes safety and proper form to create workouts that challenge you to reach your unique fitness goals in fun, creative ways.”
In Business Since 2012
2306 Main St, Evanston, IL
Home Park Fitness

Home Park Fitness

  • Motivated
  • Feel
  • Tailored
“I have really appreciated Eric the last few years for my winter-time strength training to get me ready for running season (especially this year as I was recovering from some surgery).”
In Business Since 2019
604 Davis St, Evanston, IL
Life Strength Personal Training

Life Strength Personal Training

  • Flexibility
  • Stretch
  • Core Strength
“Daniel and I have been working together 3 times a week for 2 years and he's been very accommodating to my hectic and somewhat unpredictable schedule.”
In Business Since 2009
3938 Church St, Evanston, IL
Red Pumps Fitness

Red Pumps Fitness

“No matter how many times you think you can't do something or want to stop trying she gives you the strength and encouragement to keep going and hit new goals.”
Transparent Fees & Pricing
In Business Since 2017
940 Pitner Ave, Evanston, IL
Hadley Allen Fitness

Hadley Allen Fitness

  • Motivator
“If you are looking to get into shape, lose weight, or strengthen your core (especially after an injury) then Hadley Allen is the right person to meet your needs.”
ACE Certified
Remote Consultations Available
In Business Since 2013
Evanston, IL
Fitness Defined

Fitness Defined

  • Trainers
“Friendly and motivating professionals.”
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
In Business Since 2011
3938 Church St, Evanston, IL
Shaina Young Wellness

Shaina Young Wellness

“Value her deep knowledge and motivating spirit.”
In Business Since 2021
1040 Wesley Ave, Evanston, IL
Equilibrium Chicago

Equilibrium Chicago

“I'm not used to leaving reviews very often, but this is definitely the personal training and professional body work in Chicago and entire IL”
In Business Since 1997
In Home Studio High Rise, 3942 Church St, Evanston, IL
Notorious Fitness

Notorious Fitness

  • Health
  • Feel
  • Goals
“One big perk for me is that you can implement a workout into your daily schedule at pretty much any time from mornings to evenings since Notorious provides flexible scheduling.”
Family Business
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
Coupons & Offers
In Business Since 2014
6610 W Dakin St, Chicago, IL
Axé Capoeira Chicago

Axé Capoeira Chicago

  • Adults
  • Boatswain
  • Community
“Beyond capoeira, you also get immersed in Brazilian culture by learning Brazilian dance (dance classes are included for free in membership), songs, and music.”
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
Coupons & Offers
In Business Since 2008
1543 W Chicago Ave, Chicago, IL
Chicago Strength Logan Square

Chicago Strength Logan Square

  • Box
  • Culture
  • Newbie
“CFL increased their classes this year and started running some high intensity classes that are not a traditional crossfit classes if you are nervous about jumping into crossfit.”
Coupons & Offers
Remote Consultations Available
Transparent Fees & Pricing
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
2080 N Milwaukee Ave, Chicago, IL
Rock Solid Health

Rock Solid Health

  • Wellness
  • Motivated
  • Yoga
“! Then the lockdown struck, and I was worried that I'd find myself giving up again - but once again, Blair gave me that extra push I needed and made sure I stayed working out during the virtual classes”
Coupons & Offers
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
Transparent Fees & Pricing
In Business Since 2018
2536 W North Ave, Chicago, IL
Pow! Gym Chicago & Chicago Parisi Speed School

Pow! Gym Chicago & Chicago Parisi Speed School

“What Kat does to help others in her community including her work to help train our returning veterans who are looking to stay connected with others and stay fit.”
Free Initial Consultation
Coupons & Offers
Transparent Fees & Pricing
Licensed, BBB Rating: A+
310 S Racine Ave 1st floor, Chicago, IL
ARC Performance

ARC Performance

Athletic Programs, Adult Progams
“Lots of stretching and restorative work, practicing balance, focusing on my breath work, and setting intentions for both the class and the rest of the week.”
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
Coupons & Offers
In Business Since 2015
Serving Evanston Area


“The downside is that it's basically one room so youre in a fitness class taking up the entire open floor space with people working out on the machines and running on the treadmills around the perimiter of the room.”
Coupons & Offers
In Business Since 2011
447 South Blvd, Oak Park, IL
Sana Vita Studio Pilates and Yoga

Sana Vita Studio Pilates and Yoga

  • Boutique
  • Privates
  • Chatting
“She designed a very effective exercise routine that appropriately progressed me through movements and position in which I needed to get stronger in order for the pain to abate.”
Coupons & Offers
Licensed, BBB Rating: A+
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
In Business Since 2011
1357 W Grand Ave, Chicago, IL
Stronghands Gym & Personal Training

Stronghands Gym & Personal Training

Kings & Queens, Boxing/Mma, Nutrition
“I think the tone Diego sets for both the space and for the other trainers really make what could have been just another boutique gym into something that does feel communal and well-rounded.”
Emergency Services
In Business Since 2019
3924 N Broadway, Chicago, IL


10 Years of Experience, Nutrition Guidance, Corrective Exercises
“Having a personal trainer is a luxury- but the emotional and physical benefits my family has experienced makes it very clear that time spent with Joe is a good investment.”
Remote Consultations Available
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
In Business Since 2017
Serving Evanston Area
Phenomenal Fitness

Phenomenal Fitness

Fascial Stretch Therapy (Fst), Personal Training
“This is a really great gym - super positive and up beat atmosphere, good camaraderie amongst members, and staff/coaches are knowledgeable and very engaged.”
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
Remote Consultations Available
In Business Since 2004
2001 S State St, Chicago, IL

Why these companies made our list

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