Best Personal Trainers in Boulder, CO
The highest-rated Wellness and Personal Training companies out of 195 vetted & reviewed in the Boulder area.
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Yoga Classes, Group Training Classes and Personal Trainers, Pilate Class
“Everything from signing up (through the website) to cancelling has been entirely a hassle free experience for me (I just dropped an email to Kyle and let him know I was moving at the end of the month and he cancelled my membership with no questions a...”
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Crossfit Roots
- Coaching Staff
- Health
- Facility
“There isn't any place on their website for a non-member to reserve a spot in class but you can register online and send a message to tell them when you want to show up.”
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Mountains' Edge Fitness
- Array
- Cardio
- Machines
“While the original location was quirky and fun, the new spot is even better - spacious, still tons of equipment, and rarely, if ever, do you have to wait for a machine.”
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Functional Fitness and Wellness Centers
Medical Services
“If you are new to resistance training, recovering from an injury, or just looking for a small private gym to get your workout in, this is the place for you.”
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Cheetahfit Personal Training Center
Weight Loss
“I tore my rotator cuff last summer, and the exercises Matt gave me to do have strengthened my shoulder so much that I can't even tell which one was injured.”
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Boulder Crossfit
- 2022
- Home
- Box
“They have outside people come in and teach classes about specific skills and they do workouts at places like red rocks and competitions at other gyms!!”
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Ross Meyer Personal Re-Training
- Foot
- Patterns
- Chronic
“He's never distracted and he ALWAYS pays attention to every move I'm making, hears me when I say something doesn't feel right, and makes the adjustments necessary so that it's possible to train effectively.”
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Iron Works Fitness
- Cardio
- Weights
- Morning
“This is a great gym, my only complaint is that the weightlifting room is crowded and its hard to maneuver or set up for certain lifting styles if there are more than 2 people in there.”
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Kinesis Integrated Performance
- Career
- Needs
- Strength Training
“It's refreshing to work with a group of individuals who truly understand how the body moves and can put the pieces together to create a program you have confidence in.”
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Perpetual Movement Fitness
- Skill
- Physical Therapist
- Working Out
“Yet in addition to that solid knowledge base, he truly wants you to meet fitness goals and it comes through in his energizing and motivating personality.”
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Future Proof Movement
- Range of Motion
- Knee
- Life
“He has been especially good at educating me about my maladaptive behaviors/movements/patterns, while moving me toward improved mobility so I can better avoid injury in the future.”
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Body Balance Strength & Wellness
- Treatment
- Myofascial Release
- Yoga
“Jason worked specific exercises into the class that I would would better prepare me for the race, and also stayed after class to help me learn other needed skills.”
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Koa Fit Personal Training Studio
- Healing
- Spine
- Muscles
“I was used to places that made me feel like I had to hand over all my money and if I had questions or needed additional guidance, that would also cost money.”
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Opex Element 6
Fitness, Nutrition, Bodywork
“I've been in the industry for over five years and can certainly vouch that these professionals genuinely care about getting to know you and your needs but more importantly about HELPING YOU!”
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Mojo Movement and Massage
- Foot
- Heal
- Injury
“Lisa's reputation is excellent and it is clear from my patients' experiences that they feel cared for and deeply supported by Lisa's attention and knowledge.”
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B Fit
BUY NOW, Cryo Services, Massage
“If you enjoy a variety of high intensity but fun workouts with small groups of like-minded athletes of all ages or just want Brenda or someone on her team all to yourself — this is a great place to be.”
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Dbrooks Fitness
- Athlete
- Working Out
- Fun
“Dylan has trained me in a gym but I love that he is willing to come to my house in Erie for personal training workouts-- he actually helped us design a gym in our basement and it is perfect-- but if you don't have a gym, he will bring everything you...”
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- Trainers
- Cardio
- Community
“Sally and Jess take the time to get to know everyone in the studio so they can provide the gnarliest workouts that are also endlessly adaptable to be safe and attainable for any fitness level (literally satisfying first time exercisers and profession...”
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Next Step Fitness
- Injuries
“Within a few therapy sessions at the start, the owner and principal physical therapist/trainer isolated the source of, and eliminated, pain and most of the numbness in one of my limbs.”
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Elevate Your Running
- Marathon
- Questions
- Coach
“I know that I could run a marathon without a coach, but I did not want it to simply be a bucket-list item; I want it to be a stepping stone to future races and goals, and I felt that having a coach was the best way to truly optimize my training”
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Heart of a Champion Ltd.
“Russ is an excellent instructor, his workouts are well structured and adjustable to your needs that day, seeing results and feeling better while spending time with a quality human.”
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Forest Performance Coaching
- Injuries
- Goals
- Strength
“" - it takes a pro to recognize that it's time to shift to lighter weights to improve form or heavier weights and fewer reps for more power and know exactly how much to adjust the weights and reps for how you feel that day.”
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- Plan
- Fitness
- Injury
“Not only has she endured & overcome her share of setbacks, but she excels and empowers her clients by drawing from her personal reservoir of mental, physical, & industry strengths/resources.”
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High Altitude Spine and Sport
“He listens closely to exactly what is bothering you and adjusts appropriately.”
Why these companies made our list
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