Best Meditation Classes in Marlborough, MA

The highest-rated Awareness and Relaxation Training companies out of 145 vetted & reviewed in the Marlborough area.

Psychic Readings by Cheska

Psychic Readings by Cheska

  • Questions
  • Lady
  • Walked
“I have been to over 25 psychics looking for the perfect one with the expertise I needed an no one has been able to deliver me answers an solutions like psychic Cheska she helped me so much an has delivered everything she had told me she would I won't...”
In Business Since 2011
Coupons & Offers
25 Boston Post Rd E, Marlborough, MA 01752
Common Ground Yoga

Common Ground Yoga

  • Classes
  • Students
  • Zen
“As every day, there is some new to practice, learn, experience and look forward to in one's goal of achieving mind-body fitness, and not to mention the Teachers are all that make this place and Awesome one!”
In Business Since 2018
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
Transparent Fees & Pricing
1 Edgell Rd Suites 22 and 29, Framingham, MA
Release Well-Being Center

Release Well-Being Center

  • Cafe
  • Room
  • Eucalyptus
“* When I booked my time slot for the 1/2 day bliss, I was told I could visit the cafe before or after, but my time ended at 2pm, and I later found out that the cafe closed at 2pm, so I was unable to visit the cafe”
In Business Since 2015
Coupons & Offers
Serving Marlborough Area
Everybody in Mind Wellness Center

Everybody in Mind Wellness Center

  • Bed
  • Relaxing
  • Yoga
“From the meditating journey in the Somadome, to the Crystal Light Bed Chromatherapy, life-altering hypnotherapy sessions and the rare Ajna Light therapy, as well as the magic energy of Reiki Master Susan Clark, you must make a promise to your new-sel...”
In Business Since 2018
Serving Marlborough Area
Sohum Yoga and Meditation

Sohum Yoga and Meditation

  • Classes
  • Health
  • Back
“Because her classes are accessible to so many people, I have found her student base to be much more diverse, supportive, and inclusive than the type of student base one would find at a typical asana-based studio”
In Business Since 2012
Transparent Fees & Pricing
Serving Marlborough Area
India Heritage Foundation

India Heritage Foundation

  • Festivals
  • Place of Worship
  • Krishna
“IHF Bostons festival celebrations are wonderful with nectarian prasadam, their monthly Kirtan Sandhya are soothing and calming, their weekend study sessions are food for the soul.”
In Business Since 2023
Serving Marlborough Area
The Stone Collector

The Stone Collector

  • Crystals
  • Stones
  • Jewelry
“I also completed my Reiki master training with Victoria a few weeks ago, and even though I did not train through her for Reiki 1 and 2, she made sure I was caught up on all the info, and more than willing to answer any questions I had before and afte...”
In Business Since 2020
Serving Marlborough Area
Burning Wheel Yoga School

Burning Wheel Yoga School

“Above all, Jordan connects his teaching to living in this world as a human being with all of our messiness, and imperfections, and reminding me that living in this miraculous body is truly an amazing gift.”
In Business Since 2017
Transparent Fees & Pricing
Remote Consultations Available
Serving Marlborough Area
The Yoga Exchange

The Yoga Exchange

  • Practice
  • Feel
“I enjoy the Fluid Vinyasa, Vinyasa Flow and Core Flow classes -- each providing different aspects to my own practice and each encouraging me to push myself and to learn new ways to practice.”
In Business Since 2020
Emergency Services
Transparent Fees & Pricing
Serving Marlborough Area
Wellbeing Fitness

Wellbeing Fitness

  • Feel
  • Trainer
  • Strength Training
“I've gone from: getting no lift when attempting to jump for one of those 'mid-air photos' to jumping rope; from relying on the banister to pull myself upstairs to walking up hands- and pain-free; from 0 to 9000 steps per day; from doubting I'll ...”
In Business Since 2019
Serving Marlborough Area
Yoga at the Ashram

Yoga at the Ashram

  • Healing
  • Community
“I highly recommend the ashram for anyone looking for a top-quality yoga class, retreat, or teacher training.”
In Business Since 2017
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
Transparent Fees & Pricing
Serving Marlborough Area
Laughing Dog Yoga Studio

Laughing Dog Yoga Studio

  • Class
  • Share
“Andrea, Renata and Daniel are my favorite teachers and are legendary in terms of how long they have been sharing their expertise and experience with their students.”
In Business Since 2010
Transparent Fees & Pricing
Remote Consultations Available
Serving Marlborough Area
Ariana Bain

Ariana Bain

  • Healing
“I met her while attending her Ensofic Reiki group healings a few years back and had a profoundly healing, out-of-body experience.”
In Business Since 2014
240 Bear Hill Rd, Waltham, MA
Modern Mystery School Boston

Modern Mystery School Boston

  • Believe
  • Meditation
  • Healing
“First off, the space itself feels amazing, it's easy to get to and there's plenty of parking with a beautiful park just across the way (note - there are stairs you have to navigate, so if you have any mobility issues you would just need to contact th...”
In Business Since 2015
240 Bear Hill Rd Suite 203, Waltham, MA
Mindfulfilled Meditation

Mindfulfilled Meditation

  • Voice
  • Morning
  • Healing
“Lisa introduced our group, through Callahan Senior Center, to so many wisdom seekers, their writings, plus ways to connect body and heart, leading to a refreshed knowing of ourselves, others, and even to our world, building a special connection in t...”
In Business Since 2013
Serving Marlborough Area
Ashland Reiki & Wellness Center

Ashland Reiki & Wellness Center

  • Jewelry
  • Books
  • Gifts
“I've been a customer for several years, enjoying the gift shop's range of presents and items you'd want for yourself from candles to jewelry to books to many surprises.”
In Business Since 2016
Transparent Fees & Pricing
Serving Marlborough Area
Absolute Yoga

Absolute Yoga

“It has allowed me to do more yoga than I ever could get to when I was commuting to work everyday and shuffling around for activities - that now are not happening.”
In Business Since 2002
Transparent Fees & Pricing
Serving Marlborough Area
Roots & Wings Yoga and Healing Arts

Roots & Wings Yoga and Healing Arts

“From the minute I drive into the driveway, my energy shifts, I feel the ZEN like energy welcoming me into this BEAUTIFUL Victorian home which has transpired into a place of serenity, love, warmth, exploration and more”
In Business Since 2008
Transparent Fees & Pricing
Serving Marlborough Area
Stress Resources

Stress Resources

“Pam is an excellent instructor and resource for Meditation and MBSR (Mindfullness Based Stress Reduction).”
In Business Since 2003
Remote Consultations Available
Serving Marlborough Area
Creating Calm

Creating Calm

Private Sessions, Reiki, Kids Classes
“I always get so much out of our sessions and I have also been to her meditation sessions as well.”
In Business Since 2010
Serving Marlborough Area
Soaring Hawk Meditation Center

Soaring Hawk Meditation Center

  • Salt
  • Space
“We were with another woman who has visited several times, and I would guess in a few months we may very well be able to say the same.”
In Business Since 2017
Serving Marlborough Area
Building Body Mind Soul LLC

Building Body Mind Soul LLC

“My 6 year old daughter, who is soevial needs, participates in the self defense, as well as the family fitness class with myself and my 16 year old daughter.”
In Business Since 2020
Serving Marlborough Area
Jim Rosen

Jim Rosen

“Working closely with Jim over the past five years, I wholeheartedly recommend him to anyone who is looking for a mentor and coach who values growth, personal development, and confidentiality.”
In Business Since 2001
Serving Marlborough Area
Jkb Therapy|studio

Jkb Therapy|studio

Psychotherapy, Meditation
“Many of us feel as if we are a victim of circumstance, other people, illness, or our emotions. It is hard to accept that the challenges and sorrows associated with living this life are inevitable.”
In Business Since 2012
Serving Marlborough Area

Meditation Training Services in Marlborough, MA Cost Estimates

Minimum cost
Maximum cost
National Average
Avg Per Hour Rates
Fair price range is based on 363 cost profiles
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Average Cost $80
Minimum cost $40
Maximum cost $280
Avg Per Hour Rates $33

Fair range $70 to $120 is based on 363 cost profiles.

Why these companies made our list

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