The highest-rated Hip Hop Dance companies out of 167 vetted & reviewed in the Spokane area.
We are still growing
There are too few quality options within 12.5 miles radius, so we have expanded area of coverage to up to 200 miles from you. This includes Spokane and several other cities.
Learn how we score.
Prominent finalists A-Z in Spokane
Jubilee Dance
MSD Irish Dance Academy
Sandra’s Studio of Dance
Spokane Salsa
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Sandra's Studio of Dance
“An amazing small business run by thoughtful, kind and talented owners.”
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Jubilee Dance
“This place is amazing they're super welcoming and they have amazing teavhers!”
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Spokane Salsa
“He is an amazing instructor and makes his classes fun, light hearted, but gives you a wealth of deep knowledge and information each class, but it's in a bite size format so you don't feel overwhelmed.”
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MSD Irish Dance Academy Liberty Lake
“Natasha is a certified Irish dance instructor, TCRG, and Rebecca has completed her MS in Nutrition and Exercise Physiology. Rebecca is also a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and strength and conditioning coach. This is a huge benefit to the academy...”
Hip Hop Dance Teaching Services in Spokane, WA Cost Estimates