Best ESL Classes in San Francisco, CA

The highest-rated Bilingual/ESL Education companies out of 199 vetted & reviewed in the San Francisco area.



  • Community
  • Homework
  • Quarter
“Included with Excel enrollment are subscriptions to two other helpful sites: Du Chinese provides graded reading, listening, and speaking practice, while Hack Chinese provides flash card lists that correspond to Excel's lessons.”
In Business Since 2018
345 California St Suite 600, San Francisco, CA
Kasa de Franko

Kasa de Franko

  • Culture
  • Conversational
  • Skills
“His classroom at his house is fully equipped and very professional and he has taught me not to just embrace the language, but embracing the culture (Especially Peru!”
In Business Since 2016
Free Initial Consultation
Serving San Francisco Area
Omni English

Omni English

  • Culture
  • Learned
  • Pronunciation
“Also, my professor commented I had to learn how to write a literary analysis paper versus a regular argument essay and did not have any idea how I could pass this class.”
In Business Since 2021
Free Initial Consultation
691 16th Ave, San Francisco, CA
Enjoy Spanish (Via Zoom)

Enjoy Spanish (Via Zoom)

  • Classes
  • Skills
  • Learn Spanish
“I'm still working towards full fluency, but I had never been able to transition to full conversations in Spanish and Enjoy Spanish classes offered through Zoom have allowed me to do so.”
In Business Since 2012
Transparent Fees & Pricing
1 Hawthorne St, San Francisco, CA
Golden Gate to Spanish

Golden Gate to Spanish

  • Knowledge
  • Patient
  • Expertise
“I understand she also has students who are more proficient in Spanish and they can have much more intellectual discussions and advancement in their conversational and written Spanish.”
In Business Since 2018
757 North Point St, San Francisco, CA
Soko Gakuen

Soko Gakuen

  • Learn
  • Price
“Japanese school is the best!”
In Business Since 2013
440 Austin St, San Francisco, CA
Se Habla Español

Se Habla Español

“Very good personalized tutoring.”
Se Habla Español
Remote Consultations Available
In Business Since 2013
Transparent Fees & Pricing
1452 17th Ave, San Francisco, CA
Nando Language Consulting

Nando Language Consulting

  • Mechanics
  • Lessons
  • Knowledge
“He made it fun and took time to really explained the process of learning the foundation of the language so it made it easier for me to learn more words as I go.”
In Business Since 2014
Transparent Fees & Pricing
3995 24th St, San Francisco, CA
German International School of Silicon Valley (Gissv)

German International School of Silicon Valley (Gissv)

“Sharing in this way with the whole community sitting in a circle on the Presidio school lawn what the precise accomplishment of a student was –made the students feel truly recognized and distinguished, (something even more than a grade or prize could...”
In Business Since 2003
Transparent Fees & Pricing
117 Diamond St, San Francisco, CA


“For three weeks I studied Spanish with Professor Cristina, her teaching is great, it was very productive ...”
In Business Since 2009
Remote Consultations Available
535 Mission St, San Francisco, CA
Boostan Kids

Boostan Kids

“They have worked with me in an extraordinarily sensitive way to make sure their needs for socialization, emotional development, executive function, play, and nutrition are met in every way.”
In Business Since 2011
226 W Hillsdale Blvd, San Mateo, CA
Language In Action

Language In Action

“¡HolaKids!offers Spanish immersion preschool programs insix locationsthroughout the Bay Area.Our dedicated teachers provide early childhood education in a robust Spanish immersion environment while sharing rich cultural values that spans the wide ran...”
In Business Since 2003
2830 Baker St, San Francisco, CA
Kaixin Language School (San Francisco)

Kaixin Language School (San Francisco)

  • Learning Chinese
  • Speaking
“I've had groups classes which were always super fun as well as some semi private and private session to further my learning.”
Transparent Fees & Pricing
In Business Since 2000
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
870 Market St Ste 701, San Francisco CA
Qalam San Francisco

Qalam San Francisco

“Complex grammar is broken into understandable segments, questions are answered thoughtfully and his kind encouragement keeps us all going.”
In Business Since 2020
433 California St, San Francisco, CA
Easy Spanish Para Ti

Easy Spanish Para Ti

  • Community
  • Movie
  • Practice
“Even throughout COVID restrictions, Stephanie continued our classes on Zoom, made them engaging with writing, reading, and listening activities, and promoted conversations about our daily activities, interests, and opinions.”
In Business Since 2022
1111 Broadway 3rd floor, suite 162, Oakland, CA
Hanwen School

Hanwen School

  • Reading
  • Program
  • Yoga
“Additionally, you can sign up for music lessons on site (our daughter does piano but I think violin is also available), which saves us a trip to bring her to music lessons since she is there during the week anyway.”
In Business Since 2016
Remote Consultations Available
Serving San Francisco Area
Polyglottist Language Academy

Polyglottist Language Academy

“Instructors are compensated fairly and are free to structure their lessons however they like, so it is possible to tailor instruction to students' needs and life experience.”
In Business Since 2017
Serving San Francisco Area


  • Learning
  • Needs
  • Learn Spanish
“If you are someone who is looking to improve one of the many languages that Spark Language has to offer on a one on one basis, then Carolyn is the perfect linguistic expert for you.”
In Business Since 2020
Free Initial Consultation
Serving San Francisco Area


Private Test Prep, Private Tutoring, Private English Lessons
“She cares a Lot!”
In Business Since 2016
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
2323 Broadway By Appointment Only, Please, Oakland, CA
Las Casas

Las Casas

“Excellent place to take English classes, 100% recommended”
In Business Since 2019
1530 34th Ave, Oakland, CA
Piedmont Language School

Piedmont Language School

“In addition to our language programs, we champion language and culture in the community, and we support the school district by raising funds to advocate best practices and innovative thinking in the classroom. This is similar to the model employed by...”
In Business Since 2007
Serving San Francisco Area
Bay Language Academy

Bay Language Academy

“This is a great place for my daughter she love coming here to learn Spanish and soon French.”
In Business Since 2011
Transparent Fees & Pricing
1325 High St, Alameda, CA
Euphonic Language & Accent

Euphonic Language & Accent

“At the beginning of each lesson we spend some time on conversation, and it's very helpful that Alex corrects me every time when I make mistakes and reminds me what sounds were pronounced correctly and which ones I should work on.”
In Business Since 2015
Serving San Francisco Area
Learnika Tutoring & Language Center

Learnika Tutoring & Language Center

“For my daughter because she was advanced in math and two grades ahead of her class.”
In Business Since 2010
572 College Ave, Palo Alto, CA

ESL Education Services in San Francisco, CA Cost Estimates

Minimum cost
Maximum cost
National Average
Avg Per Hour Rates
Typical price range is based on 312 cost profiles
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Average Cost $274
Minimum cost $156
Maximum cost $717
Avg Per Hour Rates $38

Typical range $187 to $561 is based on 312 cost profiles.

Why these companies made our list

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