Best Painting Classes in Columbia, MO

The highest-rated Art Tutoring companies out of 144 vetted & reviewed in the Columbia area.

Pottery Island

Pottery Island

  • Paint
  • Price
  • Trip
“The workers were very kind and ever helped point my roommate and I in the direction of some more Adult 4/20 friendly pieces that were more tucked away from the other pieces.”
In Business Since 2016
601 Business Loop 70 W Suite 213C, Columbia, MO
The Mud Room

The Mud Room

Group Events, Group Discounts, Pottery Painting
“A fun place to chill.”
In Business Since 2004
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
Coupons & Offers
111 S 9th St Suite 140, Columbia, MO
Access Arts

Access Arts

  • Pottery
  • Wheel
“From teaching us surefire ways to center the clay on the wheel to demonstrating multiple times how to pull handles and form lids for our pieces, he left no stone unturned when it came to our beginner instruction.”
In Business Since 1977
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
1724 McAlester St, Columbia, MO
Columbia Performing Arts Center (Cpac)

Columbia Performing Arts Center (Cpac)

  • Dancing
“The quality of instruction and education these kiddos receive is leaps beyond anything imaginable in Mid-Missouri.”
In Business Since 2003
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
100 N Cedar Lake Dr E, Columbia, MO
Presser Arts Center

Presser Arts Center

  • Performances
  • Building
  • Movie
“This performing arts center offers a wide variety of opportunities too the community, including live theater for all ages, theater camp for children and teens, music lessons, writing workshops, dance classes, poetry contests, movie screenings, and mo...”
In Business Since 2007
Transparent Fees & Pricing
Serving Columbia Area


  • Clay
  • Party
  • Paint
“Over the past year I have attended watercolor workshop on a regular basis and have learned so much more with Lynn's expertise and encouragement all along the way.”
In Business Since 2018
Serving Columbia Area
Drawn Studio

Drawn Studio

  • Drawing
“Ryan has the expertise, training and experience we were looking for, but also possesses the patient and light-hearted demeanor of a favorite teacher who puts the student at ease while conveying the lessons needed to bring out the Ir best.”
In Business Since 2017
Serving Columbia Area
Dance Art Dance Studios

Dance Art Dance Studios

“They encourage developing athletically OUTSIDE of dance and show they aren't just trying to win trophies while also giving the dancers high expectations and competition if that's what they desire!”
In Business Since 2004
Serving Columbia Area
Blue Roof Paint Barn

Blue Roof Paint Barn

  • Parties
  • Artist
  • To Choose
“Beth is a talented painter and provides very good guidance to all - whether you're an experienced painter or a newbie - so that every painting turns into a thing of beauty even if you had doubts about your abilities.”
In Business Since 2005
Transparent Fees & Pricing
Remote Consultations Available
Serving Columbia Area
Painting on the Rocks LLC

Painting on the Rocks LLC

“So much fun!”
In Business Since 2018
Serving Columbia Area
Dittmer Artbarn

Dittmer Artbarn

“The difference in their skill and understanding of different mediums after taking a few of her classes was quite amazing!”
In Business Since 2013
Serving Columbia Area
Garden Deva Sculpture Company

Garden Deva Sculpture Company

  • Christmas Tree
  • Imaginative
  • Artists
“Our class consisted of (8) ladies with zero previous introduction with plasma cutting yet we all went home with amazing pieces that we created all by ourselves.”
In Business Since 1999
1326 E 3rd St, Tulsa, OK
The Corky Canvas Omaha

The Corky Canvas Omaha

  • Bartender
  • Bachelorette Party
  • Environment
“Our instructor had some unexpected interruptions when a family had come in asking for help after a mishap with their vehicle she was kind and helpful to a mother with an infant and small child meanwhile still getting the class through the lesson.”
In Business Since 2011
Transparent Fees & Pricing
3157 Farnam St #7108, Omaha, NE
Glazed & Confused

Glazed & Confused

“She also has events so I'd recommend checking the store calendar for something fun, and the inventory changes from time to time so there's always something inspiring when we come in.”
In Business Since 2024
4587 Chestnut Park Plaza, St. Louis, MO
Thomas Dunn Learning Center

Thomas Dunn Learning Center

  • Space
  • Light
  • Art Studio
“TDL Center has a pantry ever Thursday and you get to choose you stuff, they don't make the bag for you, there's also close and some donations and books.”
In Business Since 2003
3113 Gasconade St, St. Louis, MO
Yarnell Studio & School of Fine Art

Yarnell Studio & School of Fine Art

  • Online School
  • Brushes
  • Painter
“I don't have an opportunity to paint as often as I would like, but when I work on a project, I can always log into YSO and find answers to my questions, technical instruction, and inspiration any time I like.”
In Business Since 2009
Serving Columbia Area
Smash Rage Room

Smash Rage Room

  • Anger
  • Music
  • Book
“There were choices of "weapons", breakable items you can throw at the wall, breakables to smash into smithereens (we both chose baseball bats and golf clubs), and other items to smash.”
In Business Since 2020
Serving Columbia Area
Artherapy Studios

Artherapy Studios

  • Night
“It was so much easier than I thought it would be.”
In Business Since 2016
St. Louis, MO
Almost Picasso

Almost Picasso

  • Artist
  • Birthday
  • Party
“Had a great time we would definitely go there again 😌 …”
In Business Since 2015
Serving Columbia Area
Art Gecko Creative Studio

Art Gecko Creative Studio

  • Birthday
  • Kids
  • Projects
“The young students that attend will leave with a beautiful project and be taught techniques (according to their age) that they can will have with them for a lifetime.”
In Business Since 2016
Serving Columbia Area
Janes and Pang Atelier

Janes and Pang Atelier

  • Artists
  • Painters
  • Figure Drawing
“I strongly recommend it if you are interested in learning how to paint, want to be around encouraging and fantastic instructors, and be part of a supportive, remarkable community of like minded artists.”
In Business Since 2023
3823 S Broadway 1st Floor, St. Louis, MO
Studio C Dance and Arts

Studio C Dance and Arts

  • Classes
  • Team
  • Costumes
“We moved our girls from another studio to Studio C because of these reasons, plus, as a mom to young daughters, I so appreciate Christine's dedication to letting little girls dance/dress like little girls...”
In Business Since 2012
Serving Columbia Area
Colorbridge Art

Colorbridge Art

  • Wheel
  • Pottery
  • Learning
“Would recommend this for anyone looking to get into art.”
In Business Since 2022
5832 Macklind Ave, St. Louis, MO
1020 Artworks Studio

1020 Artworks Studio

  • Party
“I took a good female friend out to this place and we enjoyed our self most definitely recommend every couple to go here families friends please check this place out”
In Business Since 2016
Transparent Fees & Pricing
Serving Columbia Area

Visual Arts Tutoring Services in Columbia, MO Cost Estimates

Minimum cost
Maximum cost
National Average
Avg Per Hour Rates
Fair price range is based on 255 cost profiles
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Average Cost $285
Minimum cost $155
Maximum cost $1425
Avg Per Hour Rates $111

Fair range $214 to $594 is based on 255 cost profiles.

Why these companies made our list

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