Best Violin Lessons in Laguna Beach, CA

The highest-rated Violin Tutoring companies out of 104 vetted & reviewed in the Laguna Beach area.

We are still growing

There are too few quality options within 12.5 miles radius, so we have expanded area of coverage to up to 200 miles from you. This includes Laguna Beach and several other cities.
Huntington Beach School of Music

Huntington Beach School of Music

  • Parents
  • Knowledge
  • Music Theory
“I've taken piano lessons here since the summer and found my teacher such a great source of musical inspiration; the school's administration is amazingly helpful and seamless.”
Transparent Fees & Pricing
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
In Business Since 2002
Coupons & Offers
4952 Warner Ave #111, Huntington Beach, CA
Violin Lessons With Camilo

Violin Lessons With Camilo

  • Playing the Violin
  • Patient
  • Learn
“Camilo has such a great report with kids and his true talent lies in his ability to really “read” his students and assign music that fits their taste and personality.”
In Business Since 2009
3411 Halbrite Ave, Long Beach, CA
In Home Private Orange County Music (Piano

In Home Private Orange County Music (Piano

  • Learn
  • Patient
  • Studio
“Moving is hard on kids as it means having to part with great teachers sometimes and it took me a while as she had established a strong bond with her teacher in San Diego and nothing compared to that UNTIL WE FOUND SOUNDSCAPE MUSIC.”
In Business Since 2004
Serving Laguna Beach Area
Cadenza Music Academy

Cadenza Music Academy

  • Piano
“Great place, teachers and staff are very nice.”
In Business Since 2016
161 Fashion Ln # 101, Tustin, CA
Mindoro Studios

Mindoro Studios

  • Violin
  • Learn
“I had Lauren as my violin teacher for more or less three years of high school, and my time with her was incredibly transformative for both my skill and portfolio.”
In Business Since 2014
Serving Laguna Beach Area
Art of Violin

Art of Violin

  • Adult Learner
  • Patient
  • Learning
“Whether you're looking for a teacher for your child or thinking about taking lessons as an older student, stop hesitating; Beata is the teacher for you”
In Business Since 2006
160 S Old Springs Rd UNIT 240A, Anaheim Hills, CA
Linda's Piano and Violin Studio

Linda's Piano and Violin Studio

“If you have a child who wants to learn piano/violln/beginning viola, please contact me. I offer 1/2, 3/4 and 1 hour lessons at reasonable rates. All ages welcome. I teach preschoolers as well and have a program for them.”
In Business Since 1988
250 S Rose Dr, Placentia, CA
Hollywood Academy of Music and Arts

Hollywood Academy of Music and Arts

Live Musicians For Events, Instrument Rentals, Corporate and Wellness
“I highly recommend Hollywood Academy of Music because they're well organized, their teachers are very competent (especially for beginners) and their prices are reasonable.”
Average Price Tag
Accepts Debit
In Business Since 2009
Transparent Fees & Pricing
7469 Melrose Ave #3/4, Los Angeles, CA
Tiffany Music Academy

Tiffany Music Academy

  • Reading
  • Play
  • Studio
“I cannot describe the sense of pride I had watching my little 8-year-old daughter playing the drums and singing in front of the recital audience last month.”
Transparent Fees & Pricing
In Business Since 2019
3272 Motor Ave D, Los Angeles, CA
Arabesque Conservatory Of Music

Arabesque Conservatory Of Music

  • Patience
  • Music Theory
  • Skills
“When I contacted Valery the owner of the business, he was attentive, answered all my questions and found me the teacher that was the most suitable for my child, who also happens to have experience with disabled children.”
In Business Since 2022
1436 S La Cienega Blvd #212, Los Angeles, CA
Music Teacher LA

Music Teacher LA

We Have the Perfect Instructor For You, Drum or More Lessons, Whether You Are Looking For Piano
“I truly believe in the founder's (Olesya) mission to spread good teaching instruction throughout Los Angeles via top notch teachers and high attention to clients' music education.”
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
In Business Since 1994
Remote Consultations Available
Serving Laguna Beach Area
Suzuki Violin of Los Angeles

Suzuki Violin of Los Angeles

“” They especially like to attend group class where they learn music theory and play pieces together with the other kids – it is definitely a highlight of Morgan's studio!”
In Business Since 2024
205 Palatine Dr, Alhambra, CA
Encore Music San Marino

Encore Music San Marino

“As my voice instructor, Rebecca took me from a relative novice (I've only studied piano and music theory in high school) to a true singer and performer!”
In Business Since 2020
Serving Laguna Beach Area
Caid Jones Music Institute

Caid Jones Music Institute

“He employs an approach to learning by training one's ear for music which is valuable and varies from the typical method of just learning to match the key played to the note on the paper.”
In Business Since 2020
Los Angeles, CA

Violin Tutoring Services in Laguna Beach, CA Cost Estimates

Minimum cost
Maximum cost
National Average
Avg Per Hour Rates
Typical price range is based on 266 cost profiles
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Average Cost $150
Minimum cost $100
Maximum cost $440
Avg Per Hour Rates $70

Typical range $130 to $180 is based on 266 cost profiles.

Why these companies made our list

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