Best Pottery Classes in Chicopee, MA

The highest-rated Pottery & Ceramic companies out of 179 vetted & reviewed in the Chicopee area.

Hebee Pottery

Hebee Pottery

“We teach classes in our Palmer Ma pottery studio At The School House Commons, which is where our production studio is housed too, this give our clients the advantage actually seeing how a production studio is run along with having the ability to lear...”
In Business Since 2017
36 Arlmont St, Chicopee, MA
Clay Mates

Clay Mates

  • Pottery
  • Patient
  • Prices
“Dale was very friendly and helpful, teaching my older daughter a technique for "puppy eyes" and chitchatting with my youngest after she had finished her project.”
In Business Since 2021
Serving Chicopee Area
Easthampton Clay

Easthampton Clay

  • Building
  • Wheel
  • Organized
“I've taken classes with several teachers and have loved my experience with all of them -- each providing unique techniques to throwing that strengthen my skillset.”
In Business Since 2018
Serving Chicopee Area


  • Studio
“If you are looking for a studio, or are just interested in learning hand building or working with pottery, this is definitely the place in Westfield.”
In Business Since 2021
Serving Chicopee Area
The Northampton Pottery

The Northampton Pottery

“The community is great and the instructors there are beyond amazing.”
In Business Since 2017
Serving Chicopee Area
Kaleidoscope Pottery

Kaleidoscope Pottery

“Each piece of lead-free, dishwasher safe leafware is created by hand in our small studio in Western Massachusetts. The leaves used for the designs are picked from local gardens and the surrounding area; we use over thirty varieties of leaves. The pro...”
In Business Since 2002
Serving Chicopee Area
Tiffany Hilton Pottery

Tiffany Hilton Pottery

  • Individual
“Her friendly (and often funny) approach made it easy to understand what the process should look and feel like and everyone in the class walked away with a beautiful assortment of bowls, mugs and plates that they were proud of.”
In Business Since 2006
Serving Chicopee Area
Forest and Sky

Forest and Sky

In Business Since 2011
Serving Chicopee Area
Silverspiral Creations

Silverspiral Creations

  • Craft
  • Tools
  • Skills
“I went from a person with no jewelry making experience to someone who was able to design and create several beautiful silver jewelry pieces in only 8 weeks!”
In Business Since 2013
Serving Chicopee Area
Sturbridge Pottery

Sturbridge Pottery

  • Artisans
  • Gifts
  • Prices
“In the end we agreed to pay a "refiring" fee (whatever that means, since we don't think the original piece will be repaired), but this doesn't seem to us to be the "we'll make it right" stance we initially thought was the policy.”
In Business Since 1999
Serving Chicopee Area
Canton Clay Works LLC

Canton Clay Works LLC

Facility Usage, Studio Supplies
“Tim Scull at Canton Clay Works offers an inclusive, educational and exciting opportunity to rent kiln space in his kilns by the cubic inch, including but not limited to his Train Kiln, Naborigama and gas kilns.”
In Business Since 2006
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
Transparent Fees & Pricing
Serving Chicopee Area
Twiddle T's Pottery

Twiddle T's Pottery

Arts & Crafts Store
“It's by appointment only , but well worth the visit..”
In Business Since 2018
Average Price Tag
Transparent Fees & Pricing
Serving Chicopee Area
Snow Farm-New England Craft

Snow Farm-New England Craft

  • Crafts
“Looking forward to attending another class.”
In Business Since 2001
Transparent Fees & Pricing
Serving Chicopee Area
ESP Pottery LLC

ESP Pottery LLC

“The pottery was beautiful, the prices were competitive, plenty of extras to see, and very friendly/welcoming environment!”
In Business Since 2014
Serving Chicopee Area
Willow Tree Pottery

Willow Tree Pottery

“They both speak back to a 19th and 18th century aesthetic and forward to a sleak, clean moderism.”
In Business Since 2003
Serving Chicopee Area
Gildersleeve Pottery Studio

Gildersleeve Pottery Studio

“I had people with intellectual disabilities with me and Debbie Altschwager spoke with them in a clear and respectful manner.”
In Business Since 2012
Serving Chicopee Area
Little Bird Clay Company at Evergreen Walk

Little Bird Clay Company at Evergreen Walk

  • Wheel
  • To Learn
  • Studio
“I shopped around quite a bit before signing up for classes, and chose LBCC because they are a small local business that gives back to the community with sponsored youth classes, and doesn't have other hidden fees with cost of materials or tools.”
In Business Since 2020
85 Evergreen Way, South Windsor, CT
Rusty Kiln

Rusty Kiln

  • Clay
  • Glazes
“Helpful and friendly.”
In Business Since 2000
Serving Chicopee Area
The Lazy Potter

The Lazy Potter

  • Fun
  • Studio
  • Pottery
“Great experience doing something different - highly recommend for small groups.”
In Business Since 2022
Serving Chicopee Area
The Complex Performing and Creative Arts Centre

The Complex Performing and Creative Arts Centre

“The complex is an amazing home for growing students!!”
In Business Since 2007
Serving Chicopee Area
Grenadier Pottery

Grenadier Pottery

“Excellent - great !”
In Business Since 2005
Serving Chicopee Area
Rotters Potters

Rotters Potters

In Business Since 2011
Serving Chicopee Area
The Dirt Salon

The Dirt Salon

“I've been here twice for New CT Farmer's Alliance events and loved the space - exposed brick, high ceilings, a quirky bathroom - both spacious and comfortable with unique art and touches that kept your eye engaged during the event!”
Serving Chicopee Area
Lucy Fagella Pottery

Lucy Fagella Pottery

“I bought my first mug years ago, and I was hooked - the way my fingers fit in the handle, the feel of the cup in my hands, knowing the labor of love that went into the creation of the pottery.”
In Business Since 2015
Serving Chicopee Area

Pottery Tutoring Services in Chicopee, MA Cost Estimates

Minimum cost
Maximum cost
National Average
Avg Per Hour Rates
Fair price range is based on 338 cost profiles
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Average Cost $263
Minimum cost $79
Maximum cost $525
Avg Per Hour Rates $95

Fair range $210 to $367 is based on 338 cost profiles.

Why these companies made our list

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