Best Piano Lessons in Novi, MI

The highest-rated Piano & Keyboard Tutoring companies out of 187 vetted & reviewed in the Novi area.

Expressions Music Academy

Expressions Music Academy

  • Parents
  • Songs
  • Violin
“I'm impressed by the animal adventure program; it's a wonderful approach to teaching music reading and introducing various instruments before selecting one.”
Remote Consultations Available
In Business Since 2017
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
43370 W 10 Mile Rd, Novi, MI 48375
MKM Manuela Krenz Mansour

MKM Manuela Krenz Mansour

  • Motivated
  • Happy
  • Classes
“She understands that every child is different and develops a plan that works for them to make sure not only they are learning piano but enjoying it at the same time.”
Transparent Fees & Pricing
In Business Since 2020
Abbey Hills, Abbey Dr, Novi, MI
Plymouth School of Music

Plymouth School of Music

â Vocal Lessons, Lesson Books, Group Guitar Lessons
“If you're a beginner looking to start something new or an expert just looking to keep you skills up Plymouth School of Music is a perfect place to take lessons.”
Remote Consultations Available
In Business Since 1993
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
Serving Novi Area
Music Authority School

Music Authority School

Accordion For Children and Adults, Lessons in Piano
“Starting my daughter at such a young age, 5 years old, was the best thing I have done, I was sceptical at first, but she is learning quickly and enjoys it.”
Remote Consultations Available
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
In Business Since 2013
Transparent Fees & Pricing
25135 W Warren Ave, Dearborn Heights, MI
Superba VOX

Superba VOX

  • Understanding
  • Communication
  • Singer
“If you are pursuing music; whether that be singing lessons, learning piano, guitar, flute or ukulele; then I highly recommend giving Superba Vox a try!”
In Business Since 2020
Serving Novi Area
Axis Music Academy

Axis Music Academy

“My boys started taking piano and guitar lessons about 1 month ago and they are so happy with their instructors Nathan and Chris, and also with the Academy!”
Remote Consultations Available
In Business Since 1995
Serving Novi Area
Nikk May: Private Studio For Voice

Nikk May: Private Studio For Voice

“His coaching style is not intimidating at all for my daughter who had a lot of reservations at first because she lacked the confidence in herself to perform in front of others.”
In Business Since 2016
Serving Novi Area


  • Budget
  • Knowledge
  • Price
“He patiently worked with us without ever pressuring us, over a period of months, to help us discern our particular needs (because I knew very little about pianos).”
Remote Consultations Available
In Business Since 1999
Offers Financing Options
Serving Novi Area
The Art of Musique

The Art of Musique

  • Instrument
  • Confidence
  • Makeup
“My favorite part is there are two recitals every year where there is a spread of kids, teenagers, and adults that showcase what they have been working on.”
In Business Since 2017
6529 N Canton Center Rd, Canton, MI
Northville Guitar Lessons

Northville Guitar Lessons

  • Adult
  • Skills
  • Trial
“NGL moved to an online format during the Covid shutdown providing amazing diversified class content, and a much needed "happy place" during a very stressful time.”
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
In Business Since 2014
Serving Novi Area
Dearborn School of Music

Dearborn School of Music

  • Coaching
  • Guitar
  • Violin
“I was a little hesitant to start taking piano lessons again because it had been so long and because I was a little older than most of the other students.”
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
In Business Since 2012
Average Price Tag
Serving Novi Area
Elena Matveeva's Piano Studio

Elena Matveeva's Piano Studio

  • Adults
  • Theory
  • Gifted
“Not only is she very knowledgeable about music and theory, she is adept at catering to your skill level and adjusting her teaching based on where you are.”
In Business Since 2017
2815 Tuebingen Pkwy, Ann Arbor, MI
Ann Arbor School of Yoga

Ann Arbor School of Yoga

  • Students
  • Learning
“Great recommendation as Laurie is a wonderful Iyengar teacher who designs each class purposefully and is attentive to all participants to assure proper alignment .”
Remote Consultations Available
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
In Business Since 1976
Transparent Fees & Pricing
420 W Huron St, Ann Arbor, MI
Gebhart Piano Studio

Gebhart Piano Studio

  • Learn
“Through the studio we also engage in valuable group classes, recitals, social events, workshops, competitions, and piano performance as a service opportunity in the community.”
Transparent Fees & Pricing
In Business Since 2017
28594 Venice Cir, Farmington Hills, MI
Milford Music Studios

Milford Music Studios

  • Students
  • Book
  • Guitar
“He has exposed him to many different types of music, lets him pick his own songs, and even helped him put together a book of music for beginners when he first started.”
In Business Since 1999
Serving Novi Area
Michigan Rock School

Michigan Rock School

  • Performance
  • Students
  • Rock Concert
“The band program really sets MRS apart from other lesson providers, the opportunity to perform in a band and make music with peers has been a game changer.”
In Business Since 2014
Serving Novi Area
Ozolins Piano Studio

Ozolins Piano Studio

“What's most impressive, however, is how he is able to relate to young children and adolescents alike to teach them to be excellent pianists while keeping it fun and exciting for them!”
In Business Since 2011
Eldridge Ln, Southfield, MI
Robinsongs For Kids

Robinsongs For Kids

“Robin has great covid safety in place and has gone above and beyond to keep delivering great music exposure and education to littles from birth through early elementary.”
In Business Since 2008
1526 N Maple Rd, Ann Arbor, MI
The Music Firm

The Music Firm

“She is kind and patient with my 8 year old daughter who is taking piano lessons for the first time.”
Offers Financing Options
In Business Since 2020
16376 Middlebelt Rd, Livonia, MI
Metro Dance Company

Metro Dance Company

  • Studio
“I love this place best teachers and very good dances at competition they get very good scores the teachers really care classes for everyone even beginners best studio ever in history of dance studios”
In Business Since 2006
Serving Novi Area
Jason Gong Music

Jason Gong Music

“He is great at helping me learn the technique for cello.”
Free Initial Consultation
In Business Since 2018
Serving Novi Area
Academy of Piano Lessons

Academy of Piano Lessons

  • Learn
“I have been playing the piano for thirty years and am a former student of Greg Edmond.”
In Business Since 2001
30423 Aston Ct, Farmington Hills, MI
Brighton Music Academy

Brighton Music Academy

  • Drum
“I have had about 8 lessons through Brighton Music Academy and have to say both Henry and my instructor Shane are phenomenal people, some of the nicest most passionate people I have ever met.”
In Business Since 2018
Serving Novi Area
Prelude Music Studio

Prelude Music Studio

“Beyond learning cool songs & tips to keep them entertained, they are learning about self-regulation and socializing with kids they aren't related to- all of which is really helpful as kids start school!”
In Business Since 2022
Serving Novi Area

Piano Instruction Services in Novi, MI Cost Estimates

Minimum cost
Maximum cost
National Average
Avg Per Hour Rates
Average price range is based on 369 cost profiles
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Average Cost $398
Minimum cost $269
Maximum cost $667
Avg Per Hour Rates $76

Average range $323 to $452 is based on 369 cost profiles.

Why these companies made our list

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