Best Piano Lessons in Bethesda, MD

The highest-rated Piano & Keyboard Tutoring companies out of 106 vetted & reviewed in the Bethesda area.

Tots With Tempo

Tots With Tempo

  • Age
  • Learning
  • Babies
“We have done both Tots with Temp (mixed age group) and Munchkins with Melody (toddlers) and find both to be equally engaging in a fun, developmentally appropriate, educational way.”
In Business Since 2012
Transparent Fees & Pricing
Also have locations in Arlington, Kingstowne, and Bethesda, 2001 Sherwood Hall Ln, Alexandria, VA
Levine Music

Levine Music

“Nice campus with clean teaching studios and wonderful pianos!”
In Business Since 2010
Remote Consultations Available
5301 Tuckerman Ln, North Bethesda, MD
Aglaia Koras

Aglaia Koras

“Amazing teacher!”
In Business Since 2004
7704 Glennon Dr, Bethesda, MD
Allison Gosney Voice and Piano Studio

Allison Gosney Voice and Piano Studio

  • Adults
  • Students
  • Technique
“And even when I complain about something being outside my comfort zone, she gently encourages me to stretch my capabilities, and lessons are always fun!”
In Business Since 2020
1 Westmoreland Cir NW, Bethesda, MD
Maryland Classic Youth Orchestras (Mcyo)

Maryland Classic Youth Orchestras (Mcyo)

“It was amazing the youth are really amazing and talented ❤”
In Business Since 1998
5301 Tuckerman Ln, North Bethesda, MD 20852
Tifford Cello Studio

Tifford Cello Studio

“He has techniques for breaking down difficulties into doable parts to be able to practice at home and learn to play more advanced pieces.”
In Business Since 2010
11235 Ashley Dr, North Bethesda, MD
Fun Piano Lessons

Fun Piano Lessons

“Fun Piano Lessons provides affordable piano instruction and music appreciation for both children and adults at all levels; located in North Bethesda, Maryland or through Zoom.”
In Business Since 2006
Transparent Fees & Pricing
5809 Edson Ln #201, North Bethesda, MD
Academy of Fine Arts

Academy of Fine Arts

  • Acting
  • Classes
  • Knows
“They say that music education can improve children's ability at math and science and my son went onto a full scholarship at the University of Maryland and he's now a physicist at Stanford University in California.”
In Business Since 1998
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
Coupons & Offers
111 Central Ave, Gaithersburg, MD

  • Student
  • Voice Teacher
  • Piano
“My daughter has been taking cello lessons with Andrew for a year and we're absolutely thrilled with the lessons, the customer service, and the ease of use.”
In Business Since 2018
2001 L St NW Suite 500 #50059, Washington, DC
Mădălina Petric Piano Studio

Mădălina Petric Piano Studio

  • Skills
  • Play
  • Happy
“She also been very flexible with our family travelling schedule and she's always happy to accommodate whenever possible and if we let her know well in advance so we can coordinate.”
In Business Since 1999
Serving Bethesda Area
Moon School of Music

Moon School of Music

Voice Lessons, Strings Lessons, Piano Lessons
“Our family want to express our gratitude to Moon School of Music for the outstanding music lessons they have provided to our son and daughter throughout the last five years!”
In Business Since 2023
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
Serving Bethesda Area
Dudley's B Sharp Academy

Dudley's B Sharp Academy

  • Knowledge
  • Vocal Coach
  • Musician
“Whether you're a beginner like I was or have some prior experience, Charles has the ability to adapt his teaching methods to suit your needs, ensuring that you progress at a comfortable yet challenging pace.”
In Business Since 2007
2101 Rhode Island Ave NE, Washington, DC
International School of Music

International School of Music

Composition, Double Bass, Percussion
“The instructor is engaging, the music is fun to practice, and the facility is very comfortable (which is important when you sit and wait for your student while s/he is in the lesson).”
In Business Since 2007
Accepts Debit, All Major Credit Cards
Transparent Fees & Pricing
Serving Bethesda Area
Divine Guitar Lessons

Divine Guitar Lessons

  • Understanding
  • Skills
  • Music Theory
“I am the oldest story, bought an electric and small amp at Guitar Center Freshman Year of college, got a notification it had been 20 years since I bought it, and realized I was nowhere despite all the videos.”
In Business Since 2004
Accepts Paypal, Cash, Check
11685 N Shore Dr, Reston, VA
Pangfunj Studio

Pangfunj Studio

  • Learning
  • Skills
  • Violin
“Just watching her perform Liszt or Chopin with such passion and precision will inspire any serious piano student to strive to become the best they can.”
In Business Since 2020
Serving Bethesda Area
Lee Music Studio

Lee Music Studio

  • Students
  • Trumpet
  • Patient
“So, if you are an adult and want to improve what you learned in your youth or you just want to start learning, I highly recommend that you meet Daniel and see the outstanding studio they have built.”
In Business Since 2009
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
Serving Bethesda Area
Justin's Piano & Accordion

Justin's Piano & Accordion

  • Teach
  • Play
  • Talent
“Justin has taught me a lot about music and I'm always impressed by both his incredible talent, and his ability to explain it to people who don't have nearly the musical background or experience that he does.”
In Business Since 2018
Transparent Fees & Pricing
Brookland Rd, Alexandria, VA
Bones Jones Music

Bones Jones Music

  • Students
  • Skills
  • Musician
“I've learned a ton in the 6 months I've been here, and there's plenty of opportunity to learn more, whether it's weekly improv / rock band classes, or performing live at Dawson's.”
In Business Since 2010
326 N Stonestreet Ave, Rockville, MD
Joyful Keys Studio

Joyful Keys Studio

  • Confidence
  • Recital
  • Master
“Chen is a knowledgeable, energetic piano teacher who holds her students to a very high standard that does nothing short of setting them up for success in the piano world.”
In Business Since 2015
915 Hillside Lake Terrace, Gaithersburg, MD
The Music Loft

The Music Loft

  • Master Class
  • Violin
  • Band
“Although not centrally located, The Music Loft, LLC is a music store that is loaded with unique and traditional supplies for the novice to learnered musician.”
In Business Since 2010
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
Transparent Fees & Pricing
Serving Bethesda Area
Arts & Minds Academy

Arts & Minds Academy

“Arts and Minds Academy has been delightfully easy to work with -- they are responsive to emails, flexible about scheduling, and provide a helpful online account for payments and information.”
In Business Since 2017
1655 Fort Myer Dr # 700, Arlington, VA
Jam Class: Music and Guitar Lessons

Jam Class: Music and Guitar Lessons

  • Playing
  • Teach
  • Learn
“) It's not just that Dan has an encyclopedic command of guitar and theory and genres; he also has an enthusiastic and easygoing teaching style that makes it hard to put the instrument down.”
In Business Since 2009
Transparent Fees & Pricing
Serving Bethesda Area
Fairfax Conservatory of Music

Fairfax Conservatory of Music

  • Learning
  • Knowledge
  • Music Theory
“My little child called SCM "perfectly wonderful piano studio", and he thought every home on the street should have a piano and learn piano because there is this perfectly wonderful studio right on the corner!”
In Business Since 2023
Free Initial Consultation
Family Business
Serving Bethesda Area
Harmonia School of Music & Art

Harmonia School of Music & Art

“My son Kiril got tailored attention (which is important to me as he has some special needs), made friends, made great arts projects, enjoyed musical instruments, and had his very own role and lines in a play!”
In Business Since 2008
Licensed, BBB Rating: A+
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
Serving Bethesda Area

Piano Instruction Services in Bethesda, MD Cost Estimates

Minimum cost
Maximum cost
National Average
Avg Per Hour Rates
Fair price range is based on 438 cost profiles
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Average Cost $401
Minimum cost $271
Maximum cost $672
Avg Per Hour Rates $76

Fair range $325 to $455 is based on 438 cost profiles.

Why these companies made our list

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