Best Personal Trainers in Millcreek, UT
The highest-rated Wellness and Personal Training companies out of 179 vetted & reviewed in the Millcreek area.
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Youth Programs, Group Training, SLC Strength Barbell
“I will really miss this location since I'm moving over to Park City, along with Steve, Ryan, Sese and Luke as these guys are the best in the biz whether you're a high level athlete or just starting out with fitness and weight lifting.”
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Obsidian Fitness
“Other programs work your body on the forward and backward plane, but Obsidian provides a workout on the lateral plain and keeps my legs and knees strong.”
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Bootcamp With Jess
- Weight
- Meal
- Strength
“I renovate old homes for work and believe me it makes my work day so much nicer to be able to carry materials up and down stairs with out running out of breath and having beads of sweat running down my face.”
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Big Mountain Barbell
- Squat Racks
- Deadlift
- Bodybuilding
“The owners keep everything clean, tidy, and organized - whilst keeping snacks stocked for everyone & keeping up to date on the quality of their equipment and providing a fun, safe area for your kiddos.”
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X365 Fitness
- Nutrition
- Lifestyle
- Results
“The entire family can use this gym with professional, personally tailored programs by AMAZING people like Brent, who are available to meet any needs, goals, and keep you stronger, better, faster, longer.”
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Chiromovement Muscle & Joint Clinic
Dry Needling, Body Tempering, Joint Manipulation
“Very friendly, explains things very well and why I'm feeling what I'm feeling in certain muscle areas and provides exercises I can do at home to strengthen muscles that I need to for better movement.”
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7 Point Nutrition
- Learned
- Macros
- Success
“Not only did I have meal plans and workout plans specifically designed for me and my goals, but I also acquired a huge amount of information and structure I can use going forward to continue improving and maintaining my health.”
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212 Fitness
“I have also found other gym members to be good, supportive people and there is a cool sense of community at this gym, where there is voluntary participation in fund raisers and activities outside the gym.”
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Crossfit Sandy
- Environment
- Injury
- Motivates
“I've been Crossfitting for over 10 years, but I always appreciate coaches who demo and explain movements as though it was the first time for everyone, hitting points that inevitably make us all better.”
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Dialed In Fitness
- Machines
- Showers
- Valley
“There are areas for all types of workouts, whether you're into bodybuilding, powerlifting, or just a weightlifting enthusiast, they have the weights and machines you need.”
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Plan7 Endurance Coaching
P7 Testing, P7 Bike Fit, P7 Massage Therapy
“I had a nutrition consultation with Breanne at the end of July, and I feel like her advice was incredibly helpful in preventing injury and getting faster in a ridiculously short amount of time.”
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Ute Crossfit
- People
- Competitive
- Space
“When I first joined, I thought I had to be in great shape to handle Cross Fit workouts, but they're expertly scaled to accommodate most fitness levels, making it an inclusive experience.”
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Total Health and Fitness
- Trainer
- Consultant
- Accountable
“After years of trying fad diets I have finally learned how to eat in a way that nourishes my body, keeps my energy levels consistent throughout the day and is in line with my fitness goals.”
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L8R Lifestyle
- Team
- Meal
- Results
“The weekly check-in where you submit pictures is like Christmas each week because you get to see the change from week to week and it's kept me more accountable than any other program I've done.”
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Elevate Performance
- Fitness
- Understand
- Strength
“I have a fused lower back and her experience as a physical therapist and trainer has made it possible to move forward in my strength and endurance goals while working with limitations connected with my injuries.”
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Converge Physical Therapy
“Amy not only restored my mobility but she also helped me regain strength in my nerve damaged foot through simple exercises and she gave me reading material to help better understand my pain (which was almost as helpful as the physical exercises she g...”
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Amplified Fitness
- Atmosphere
- Regret
- Community
“I started with Amplified Fitness by doing a 28 day fitness challenge that I could do at home that included a super easy nutrition plan and workouts 3 days a week that could be done anywhere.”
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Hybrid Fitness Method
“I never had any issues, Matt on multiple occasions made sure that I and others were lifting in a safe environment, with the right technique and that we weren't overdoing it.”
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Phoenix Performance Institute
- Yoga
- Studio
- Training
“I injured my knee training Jiu Jitsu and due to his extensive knowledge and experience Hector was able to immediately pin point the problem and set me on a corrective course.”
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Trnsfrm Fitness
“Throughout the process my trainer explained the reasoning behind the adjustments to the workouts and meal plan so that I could keep the results even after finishing the training.”
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The Muscle Bus
Online Coaching, Sports Development, Corporate Seminars
“I discovered I had been needlessly under eating due to past cookie-cutter programs and now that I'm at a more reasonable deficit, I'm not tired or sluggish, and my workouts are much more meaningful.”
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Athletic Performance Lab
Mental Monster, Onsite Training, Athletic Training
“After a series of injuries, my son's movement was compromised and he was forced to jump back into the deep end, because sports teams don't wait months for players to properly sort themselves out.”
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SLC Muay Thai
- Learn
- Knowledge
“Whether you're a beginner with no experience, or someone who's been doing martial arts for years, they know how to help you become a better version of yourself.”
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Leverage Fitness Solutions
- Goals
- Pain
- Health
“We send our patients to Ryan's team at Leverage in conjunction with our treatment protocol to keep active patients moving and hitting their fitness targets month after month.”
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