Best Personal Trainers in McLean, VA

The highest-rated Wellness and Personal Training companies out of 122 vetted & reviewed in the McLean area.

Excel Pilates Northern Virginia

Excel Pilates Northern Virginia

  • Knowledge
  • Student
  • Strength
“They share the benefits of their studies with their students, explaining the how AND the why, and always in the context of my physical goals and limitations.”
In Business Since 2014
Transparent Fees & Pricing
Serving McLean Area
1TO1 Fitness

1TO1 Fitness

“It is so beneficial to have someone help you correct your form (to avoid injuries), motivate you, and lead you through personalized workouts without you having to think about what exercise comes next!”
In Business Since 1998
Remote Consultations Available
Serving McLean Area
Breakaway Fitness

Breakaway Fitness

  • Working Out
  • Trainers
  • Lifting
“Im also a member of la fitness and this gym is on par with the la fitness signature ones (except they charge you an extra $9 to get into those ones even if you already have a membership at the regular ones)”
In Business Since 2012
Emergency Services
Serving McLean Area
Trireme Fitness

Trireme Fitness

“She spends a long time talking with you about your likes, dislikes and lifestyle before creating a nutrition program, and never programs something your lifestyle doesn't accommodate.”
In Business Since 2021
Serving McLean Area
Titan Health

Titan Health

  • Diet
  • Goals
  • Knowledge
“From day one I felt like we had a real long-term connection and had a and are able to communicate effectively with each other about my personal goals and how to achieve them.”
1355 Old Chain Bridge Rd, McLean, VA
Rock Fit

Rock Fit

  • Working Out
“The best part of having a Rock Fit trainer is that I have guidance, someone to push and encourage me, who is also available to answer technical workout questions.”
In Business Since 2012
Serving McLean Area
Flexx Fitness

Flexx Fitness

  • Strength Training
  • Trainers
“Working out at Cypress Fitness addresses not only strengthening muscles, creating a routine for fitness or building a fitness community but literally has helped me build stronger bones.”
In Business Since 2020
Serving McLean Area
Get Fit For It

Get Fit For It

  • Enthusiasm
“She tailors workouts to exactly what you need and makes sure there is the right amount of variation to work all muscle groups and keep you learning new exercises.”
In Business Since 2012
Serving McLean Area
CW3 Powered by Bodybyjenise

CW3 Powered by Bodybyjenise

“Cory is very good”
Serving McLean Area
Bodycentric Fitness

Bodycentric Fitness

In Business Since 2014
Serving McLean Area
Elite Athlete Training Services

Elite Athlete Training Services

  • Injuries
  • Athletes
  • Football
“Not only did they push me to my limit, but they also provided invaluable advice on nutrition and recovery, which greatly enhanced my overall performance.”
Free Initial Consultation
In Business Since 2002
Coupons & Offers
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
4980 Boiling Brook Pkwy, Rockville, MD
Prepare For Performance

Prepare For Performance

  • Injury
  • Soccer
  • Results
“I have happily been going to the gym for a full year now and it is safe to say it is all because of the encouragement, structure, support, motivation, accountability, and community that Prepare for Performance has provided.”
In Business Since 2015
Coupons & Offers
409 N Stonestreet Ave, Rockville, MD
Divas and Dolls Fitness

Divas and Dolls Fitness

Chair Dancing, Boot Camps, Hip-Hop 'n Heels
“Staff took safety precautions and wiped down the door & mats after classes, took your temperature before entering and spaced you 6ft apart with a small class.”
Remote Consultations Available
In Business Since 2017
Transparent Fees & Pricing
Coupons & Offers
Serving McLean Area
Mint Health Club & Studio- Dupont

Mint Health Club & Studio- Dupont

“The men's locker room is small and the men's steam room has not worked in the two months I've been a member I like that they have free water, coffee, or tea.”
Remote Consultations Available
In Business Since 2012
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
Coupons & Offers
1724 California St NW, Washington, DC
Training Ground

Training Ground

  • Flexibility
  • Working Out
  • Fun
“One of the reasons I love Training Ground is their flexibility with schedules (because life happens), unlike other gyms that lock you into contracts + forfeit your sessions if you're not able to make them.”
In Business Since 2021
Emergency Services
850 N Randolph St Suite 130, Arlington, VA
Elin Fitness Redefined

Elin Fitness Redefined

In-Person Services, Online Services
“They are flexible as to schedule and location, which is important, and they have done a great job designing, explaining and helping me maintain a fitness program that is tailored to my lifestyle, goals and capabilities.”
In Business Since 2020
Coupons & Offers
4850 Eisenhower Ave, Alexandria, VA
Crossfit Verity

Crossfit Verity

  • Motivating
  • Coaches
  • Equipment
“Their coaches are knowledgeable and attentive, there service is genuine, and their community is filled with welcoming people who support you daily along your fitness journey.”
In Business Since 2020
Transparent Fees & Pricing
Serving McLean Area
Reachon Fitness

Reachon Fitness

  • Flexibility
  • Goals
  • Skilled
“I have been training with Elad and his methods have helped me gain and maintain core strength and also leg/thigh balance that was reduced by various lower body injuries.”
In Business Since 2019
Free Initial Consultation
604 Rollins Ave, Rockville, MD


Boxing, Personal Trainer, Meal Plan & Nutrition Counseling
“Karl has gotten me from totally out of shape to some semblance of shape in 2 months having not worked out in decades.”
Free Initial Consultation
In Business Since 2018
Coupons & Offers
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
6831 Wisconsin Ave #401, Bethesda, MD
Teamdunston LLC

Teamdunston LLC

  • Motivational
  • Fitness
  • Expert
“I really appreciate that he customizes and varies every workout, even to outside conditions, as I felt more comfortable exercising outdoors during the pandemic.”
In Business Since 2015
Coupons & Offers
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
2440 Wilson Blvd # 201, Arlington, VA
Fitness Edge MD

Fitness Edge MD

  • Energy
  • Community
  • Results
“I never had the same work out and I'm able to do push-ups, pull ups lift weights with barbells, burpee's, sit ups, chin-ups, & everything to help me to get stronger!”
In Business Since 2018
Locally Owned & Operated
220 Girard St Suite D, Gaithersburg, MD
Teddy's Fitness Boxing

Teddy's Fitness Boxing

  • Muay Thai
  • Skill
  • Martial Arts
“A 1/2 hour session with Teddy will without a doubt push you to your physical limits which is something anyone interested in fitness will appreciate greatly.”
In Business Since 2011
Remote Consultations Available
Transparent Fees & Pricing
1041 S Edgewood St, Arlington, VA
Epic Athletic Center

Epic Athletic Center

Personal Training, Memberships
“It's certainly not as cheap as some other gyms in the area, but not having to worry about fighting to get access to equipment and the community make it well worth it.”
In Business Since 2022
11503 Sunset Hills Rd, Reston, VA
Jones Certified Fitness

Jones Certified Fitness

  • Nutrition
  • Goals
  • Plan
“The products have supported and enable me to workout for Senior Olympics running competition and still have much vigor left for the rest of my day or evening!!!!”
In Business Since 2017
Coupons & Offers
3501 21st St SE, Washington, DC

Why these companies made our list

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