Best Personal Trainers in Lawrence, KS

The highest-rated Wellness and Personal Training companies out of 133 vetted & reviewed in the Lawrence area.

Body Boutique Women's Fitness

Body Boutique Women's Fitness

  • Fees
  • Atmosphere
  • Motivating
“If the gym was open a little later on the weekends, like 2PM or 3PM, and open for an extra hour on weekdays, like 8:30 PM or even 9PM, more people would join”
Average Price Tag
Coupons & Offers
Remote Consultations Available
Transparent Fees & Pricing
2330 Yale Rd, Lawrence, KS
Animal Kingdom Athletics

Animal Kingdom Athletics

“Perfect for general fitness, body composition goals, or a combat sports journey, boxing is an art where your results are completely dependent on your coach.”
In Business Since 2024
919 E 29th St C, Lawrence, KS
Tallgrass Training and Wellness

Tallgrass Training and Wellness

  • Working Out
  • Meditation
  • Therapists
“I used to always dread working out, but now I look forward to it because of the attention to detail, expertise and enthusiastic support from everyone who works there.”
In Business Since 2021
3300 Bob Billings Pkwy #10, Lawrence, KS
KPT Fit Solutions

KPT Fit Solutions

Fitness Trainer
“As someone who is pretty self-aware & in-tune with my own body, I appreciate the consistent two-way feedback and flexibility when things don't feel “right” for me.”
In Business Since 2020
Free Initial Consultation
1357 Stonecreek Dr, Lawrence, KS


“I have been doing strength training with Zach and Whitney for over a year and have see great gains!”
In Business Since 2015
4910 Wakarusa Ct, Lawrence, KS
Find Fitness

Find Fitness

  • Results
“He's always a great listener, especially when he asks you what you would like to achieve & during sessions as he watches facial expressions & your form, cues he uses to open the dialogue with you on how you are doing & maybe alter the workout as you ...”
In Business Since 2018
1311 Wakarusa Dr #1000, Lawrence, KS
Next Level Rising

Next Level Rising

“Trainer is very good at adapting the workout to your needs.”
In Business Since 2016
711 W 23rd St Unit 6, Lawrence, KS
Omni Fitness

Omni Fitness

“Yoga, massage, personal training and so much I haven't had a chance to try!”
2500 W 31st St STE F, Lawrence, KS
Rooted Fitness

Rooted Fitness

“I want to help people be better: Be better at their sport or hobby, feel better keeping up with the children in their life, or maybe just have less pain throughout their day. People who train with me want to achieve a higher quality of life but don't...”
In Business Since 2017
4910 Wakarusa Ct, Lawrence, KS
Elevate Fitness and Nutrition

Elevate Fitness and Nutrition

“All very encouraging to each other and all push each other to our limits.”
In Business Since 2022
Transparent Fees & Pricing
Serving Lawrence Area
Blue and White Fitness Center

Blue and White Fitness Center

  • Machines
“24 hour access really helps with my busy schedule.”
In Business Since 2022
Serving Lawrence Area
Morph Training

Morph Training

“He works closely with the client during every session watching to insure that every exercise is performed correctly and he counts to insure the proper number of reps are completed.”
In Business Since 2009
4500 Bob Billings Pkwy, Lawrence, KS, 66049-3812
Kenny D Fitness

Kenny D Fitness

“While undergoing my own personal transformation of losing nearly 100 lbs and learning how to keep it off for good, I discovered a passion for fitness and teaching others how to experience the same life changing transformation that I have. It doesn't ...”
In Business Since 2020
Coupons & Offers
Serving Lawrence Area
Cobra Command Crossfit

Cobra Command Crossfit

  • Schedule
  • Programming
  • Nutrition
“The fun environment makes every session enjoyable, and what sets this gym apart is its commitment to meeting you where you're at in your fitness journey.”
Transparent Fees & Pricing
In Business Since 2014
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
Serving Lawrence Area
Against All Odds Training

Against All Odds Training

  • Powder
  • Well Being
  • Results
“Martin, with AAO, is an amazing trainer, motivating, supportive, and a positive and charming personality, I never feel lacking and couldn't ask for a more professional and good natured trainer with a passion for what he does.”
In Business Since 2021
3720 SW 45th St, Topeka, KS
Crossfit Free State

Crossfit Free State

  • Gym
  • Environment
  • Nutrition
“ALL fitness levels are able to get a great workout in and the coaches will help you modify your workout day to day depending on what you're capable of!”
In Business Since 2017
Transparent Fees & Pricing
5005 SW Topeka Blvd, Topeka, KS
Kansas Built Fitness

Kansas Built Fitness

  • Athlete
  • Plateau
  • Health
“But when I walk out I love the satisfaction of knowing that not only did I push my limit, but I leave knowing that both physically and mentally I'm capable of more!”
Free Initial Consultation
In Business Since 2021
Emergency Services
15150 S Keeler St A, Olathe, KS
Lionheart Athletic Performance and Fitness

Lionheart Athletic Performance and Fitness

  • Community
  • Motivational
  • Feeling
“Aaron and Cody are two devoted fitness professionals that provide a motivational workout for anyone interested in maintaining or improving their physical fitness.”
In Business Since 2017
Accepts Debit, Check, Cash, All Major Credit Cards
5626 SW Topeka Blvd Suite a, Topeka, KS
Reps Fitness Body Recomp

Reps Fitness Body Recomp

Fitness Trainer
“My fitness has increased noticeably and I've seen improvements in my ability to lift heavier weights & generally push myself harder throughout each session.”
Emergency Services
Transparent Fees & Pricing
In Business Since 2020
Average Price Tag
2110 SW Randolph Ave, Topeka, KS
Legacy Made Fitness

Legacy Made Fitness

  • Weights
  • Goals
  • Cardio
“My progress over the last 5 months is unbelievable I am down 24 lbs from the day I started with the help of Cory and Shana tweaking my diet and pushing me through the workouts.”
In Business Since 2021
Serving Lawrence Area
Primal FIT LAB

Primal FIT LAB

  • Personal Trainer
  • Machines
  • Feeling
“No bs, open when I'm free to go, great equipment that looks very well-kept, no pretentious pricing for amenities I'll never use, and never busy enough that I have to wait for equipment (even during peak hours).”
In Business Since 2017
Free Initial Consultation
15280 S Keeler St, Olathe, KS
Natural Baseball Academy

Natural Baseball Academy

“My sons took hitting lessons with Scott Jones from the age of 11 through high school, with one continuing to hit at the academy when he is home from his college baseball program.”
In Business Since 2006
1485 Mahaffie St, Olathe, KS
Deposit the Work Fitness

Deposit the Work Fitness

  • Working Out
  • Energy
  • Music
“By far the best workouts I've ever done.”
In Business Since 2020
10920 Stadium Pkwy, Kansas City, KS
Sweatbox Fitness Club

Sweatbox Fitness Club

“It's a true 360 degree approach to total health that, thanks to Peda, keeps me focused on the entire picture and rounds out the work being put in at the gym.”
In Business Since 2022
1809 S Ridgeview Rd, Olathe, KS

Why these companies made our list

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