Best Personal Trainers in Fort Smith, AR

The highest-rated Wellness and Personal Training companies out of 110 vetted & reviewed in the Fort Smith area.

Activate Fitness

Activate Fitness

  • Coaches
  • Childcare
  • Matter
“I would have never known I could lift more than my weight over my head if it wasn't for being a part of this gym… I know this because I'd never picked up a barbell before I went to this gym much less tried to lift anything over my head.”
In Business Since 2020
6315 Old Harrison Ln, Fort Smith, AR
River Valley Fitness & Training Center

River Valley Fitness & Training Center

  • Machines
  • Bodybuilding
  • Supplement
“They changed moved locations and the gym is a work in progress but hearing Randy “the owner” and his passion and vision for the gym it will a beautiful gym, (already a solid nice gym) Positive Communication, Quality, Professionalism”
In Business Since 2012
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
Emergency Services
5111 Rogers Ave, Fort Smith, AR
The Iron Warehouse Gym

The Iron Warehouse Gym

  • Boxing
  • Powerlifting
  • Price
“It gets to a point where you can't adequately use some of the awesome equipment due to lack of space.”
In Business Since 2016
Emergency Services
5300 Wheeler Ave, Fort Smith, AR
BDJ Fitness & Boxing

BDJ Fitness & Boxing

“The city, all of my coaches know that I was training with Brian while away and they are never not impressed”
In Business Since 2011
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
5300 Wheeler Ave, Fort Smith, AR
Yutrain Fitness

Yutrain Fitness

“Blair and Yusuf are amazing for your kids 100% recommend”
In Business Since 2014
906 Rutgers St, Fort Smith, AR
Family Combat Fitness

Family Combat Fitness

“Brian is a world class mixed martial artist who has competed internationally for major companies such as the UFC, World Series of Fighting and T Itan FC.”
1022 Dodson Ave, Fort Smith, AR
My Personal Trainer

My Personal Trainer

We Are a Private Gym
“This place is awesome because the owners really care about helping people get healthy.”
In Business Since 2008
Accepts Check, Cash, No credit cards
Serving Fort Smith Area


  • Nutrition
  • Motivation
  • Lifestyle
“I never have to wake up and wonder what I'm going to do in the gym or at home that day Someone who has had four babies and has struggled often on with weight for several years, I'm very thankful for Stephanie's help and guidance!”
In Business Since 2018
Serving Fort Smith Area
Fierce Faith Fitness

Fierce Faith Fitness

“At Fierce Faith Fitness, we believe that each one of us was built for more. We strive to come together and put in the work it takes to realize and develop the best version of ourselves. We offer a convenient, clean, affordable solution to personal fi...”
In Business Since 2021
Serving Fort Smith Area
Alpha Fitness & Training

Alpha Fitness & Training

“At Alpha Training Facility (ATF), we believe that fitness is not just a hobby, but a way of life. We founded our training facility to promote an environment that is family-oriented, supportive, and filled with people who want to help each other achie...”
In Business Since 2023
Serving Fort Smith Area
Van Buren Athletic Club

Van Buren Athletic Club

Cafes / Juice Bars, Child Care
“The only thing I dont like is the fact hat they arent open 24/7 so business hours being Monday-Friday and office shutting down just over an hour b4 my shift is over so inconvenient for me to get in touch with them unless I take time from my job to ca...”
In Business Since 1006
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
Average Price Tag
Serving Fort Smith Area
Loco Fitness

Loco Fitness

  • Motivated
  • Knowledge
  • Nutrition
“They are working extremely hard to make Lo Co Fitness a place that the community of Paris and surrounding communities can go to a be excited to work on their health goals.”
In Business Since 2024
Serving Fort Smith Area
I-Earn Fitness

I-Earn Fitness

“Good rates, nice machines and overall pretty clean.”
In Business Since 2006
Emergency Services
Serving Fort Smith Area
Legendary Fitness

Legendary Fitness

  • Atmosphere
  • Phone
  • Brand
“The gym is smaller compared to some more popular gyms, which leads to a more welcoming and less overwhelming environment if you're a beginner just getting into the gym.”
In Business Since 2023
Emergency Services
Transparent Fees & Pricing
Serving Fort Smith Area
Elevated Aesthetics

Elevated Aesthetics

  • Goals
  • Life
  • Gain Weight
“Your coach will actually care about you and what you have to say, they offer 1on1 calls where you can go over your week, if you are local, they have a private gym where you and your coach can train, they will make you a meal plan and training split, ...”
In Business Since 2019
Serving Fort Smith Area
Clubhaus Fitness @ Mount Sequoyah

Clubhaus Fitness @ Mount Sequoyah

  • Equipment
  • Name
  • Classes
“The classes are small enough that you feel like you're getting the attention you need to not injure yourself, but big enough that you don't feel like all eyes are on you the whole time.”
In Business Since 2008
Emergency Services
Accepts Debit, Check, Cash, All Major Credit Cards
Average Price Tag
150 N Skyline Dr, Fayetteville, AR
Tulsa Fitness Systems

Tulsa Fitness Systems

“I recently moved from the SF Bay Area so I was concerned about finding a high quality gym in this area of OK with so many options in the big city, but I have been pleasantly surprised at my experience at TFS and it's a bonus that the owners and staff...”
In Business Since 2016
Licensed, BBB Rating: A+
Accepts All Major Credit Cards, Check
8624 S Peoria Ave, Tulsa, OK
Tulsa Training

Tulsa Training

“Trevor has been a perfect trainer for my direction, he has focused my want for healthier basketball terms while also just getting me to a great feeling confident size and shape where I feel great on and off the court.”
In Business Since 2021
Transparent Fees & Pricing
Free Initial Consultation
8249 S Harvard Ave, Tulsa, OK
Endless Fitness

Endless Fitness

  • Clean
  • Playground
  • Sauna
“For the reviews stating discrimination against Hispanics is rather humorous as I'm a Hispanic woman and see multiple Hispanics in the gym in the morning and evening and have never witnessed any racial interactions.”
In Business Since 2019
Emergency Services
Locally Owned & Operated
Serving Fort Smith Area
Select Fitness & Tanning

Select Fitness & Tanning

  • Equipment
  • Stars
  • Atmosphere
“They pro-rate for students back in town over breaks, offer a free consultation when you join, and have every piece of equipment you'll need (free weights, squat rack, etc).”
In Business Since 2009
Licensed, BBB Rating: A+
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
Serving Fort Smith Area
Optimal Fitness 24/7 Owasso

Optimal Fitness 24/7 Owasso

  • Equipment
  • Lifting
  • Suana
“Then in the back theres squat racks,deadlift platforms,and pull up bars.”
In Business Since 2018
Emergency Services
Transparent Fees & Pricing
Serving Fort Smith Area
Fitted Fhysiques

Fitted Fhysiques

Transformation Coaching, Competition Prep, Champion Posing
“She taught me stretches that no other posing coach has taught me , took more time than the needed session with me, went through the poses with me with corrective postive critiques to be tweaked and practice, sent screenshots and answered any question...”
In Business Since 2019
ACE, ACE Certified
N Pine Creek Dr, Fayetteville, AR
Diamond Training Fitness Club

Diamond Training Fitness Club

  • Team
  • Plan
  • Diamond
“Dom, Coach Dee, and the rest of the team are awesome and dedicated to helping you reach your fitness goals, not only tackling weight loss and staying in shape, but cutting out unhealthy life habits and pushing yourself to the best you can be.”
In Business Since 2018
Free Initial Consultation
1545 W 15th St Suite 5, Fayetteville, AR
Conley Fitness

Conley Fitness

  • Goals
  • Accountable
  • Environment
“Conley fitness is amazing I have only been with them for 5 months now and since I have been with them I have lost a total of 18lbs to me that is amazing they are judge free facility they care about other people they have the most energy you could eve...”
In Business Since 2015
1776 N College Ave, Fayetteville, AR

Why these companies made our list

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