Best Martial Arts and Combat Sports Classes in Rapid City, SD

The highest-rated Martial Arts Training companies out of 100 vetted & reviewed in the Rapid City area.

We are still growing

There are too few quality options within 12.5 miles radius, so we have expanded area of coverage to up to 200 miles from you. This includes Rapid City and several other cities.
Buckingham's ATA Martial Arts & Karate For Kids

Buckingham's ATA Martial Arts & Karate For Kids

  • Teach
  • Principles
  • Son
“She still looks forward to class twice a week and has gained so much self confidence and learned the importance of respect and listening to directions.”
In Business Since 1994
5955 Mt Rushmore Rd suite d, Rapid City, SD
Full Circle Martial Arts Academy

Full Circle Martial Arts Academy

“Really a great place to start your martial arts journey the way the go about conducting classes is so my fun it really motivates you to give in your best”
In Business Since 2014
412 Oshkosh St, Rapid City, SD
Bujin Ki Ryu Jujitsu

Bujin Ki Ryu Jujitsu

“I initially started by bringing my daughter to class and after a few weeks, Hanshi said “you know instead of just watching your daughter train, you could join us”.”
In Business Since 2015
2200 N Maple Ave Suite 115, Rapid City, SD
Sanano Sikaran Arnis Club

Sanano Sikaran Arnis Club

“High quality staff and great prices make this a club I will keep coming back to.”
In Business Since 2023
Remote Consultations Available
1019 Farlow Ave, Rapid City, SD
Rapid City Kung Fu

Rapid City Kung Fu

  • Teaching
  • Sifu
“You definitely feel the difference in your muscles when your in the right technique i also feel a spiritual essence when training that i haven't felt any where else”
In Business Since 2023
5649 Coal Bank Dr, Rapid City, SD
Lim Kenpo Karate South Dakota

Lim Kenpo Karate South Dakota

  • Professor
“If you're exploring ways to boost your confidence, trying to find a rewarding activity for your child, or just need a way to make yourself feel better on the inside and out, I would encourage you to reach out to our school.”
In Business Since 2008
3808 Sheridan Lake Rd Ste 202, Rapid City, SD
Rushmore Ju-Jitsu

Rushmore Ju-Jitsu

“Worth the money, functional fitness plus self defense!”
In Business Since 2004
311 E Saint Patrick St, Rapid City, SD
Bright Path Martial Arts

Bright Path Martial Arts

“It's a great place, and great people, they make it easy to learn without feeling judged based on experience.”
Family Business
In Business Since 2023
Transparent Fees & Pricing
Serving Rapid City Area

Martial Arts Training Services in Rapid City, SD Cost Estimates

Minimum cost
Maximum cost
National Average
Avg Per Hour Rates
Typical price range is based on 274 cost profiles
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Average Cost $135
Minimum cost $85
Maximum cost $427
Avg Per Hour Rates $57

Typical range $113 to $169 is based on 274 cost profiles.

Why these companies made our list

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