Best Martial Arts and Combat Sports Classes in Milwaukee, WI

The highest-rated Martial Arts Training companies out of 198 vetted & reviewed in the Milwaukee area.

Roufusport MMA

Roufusport MMA

  • Facility
  • Train
  • Goals
“I had never done any physical sports before and I was able to learn under great coaches and now that I have done some of the basics I now work with the intermediate people and everyone is just as caring and helpful.”
Coupons & Offers
In Business Since 1996
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
Lower level below Blue's Egg Cafe, 321 N 76th St, Milwaukee, WI
Rising Dragon Martial Arts

Rising Dragon Martial Arts

“In fact I have won my new yellow sash on Friday.”
In Business Since 2005
Coupons & Offers
3429 W Greenfield Ave, Milwaukee, WI
Pura Vida BJJ & MMA

Pura Vida BJJ & MMA

  • Environment
  • Atmosphere
  • Classes
“When I stepped on the mats I also noticed something that was rare to any other gym Ive been to for no gi bjj training - they made everyone do a minute excercise station between each roll”
In Business Since 2013
4125 N Richards St, Milwaukee, WI
Neutral Ground Academy

Neutral Ground Academy

  • Train
  • Learn
  • Atmosphere
“I have been training at this location for about 8 years and for me the culture of the businesses makes jiujitsu easy to learn and reminds me to trust in your teammates.”
In Business Since 2017
Remote Consultations Available
932 E Pleasant St, Milwaukee, WI 53202
Fitpower LLC

Fitpower LLC

  • Trainer
  • Jiu Jitsu
  • Environment
“An excellent training environment with experienced, knowledgeable trainers, Jess has created a very special place for her students and clients in the heart of Wauwatosa.”
In Business Since 2018
Remote Consultations Available
5425 W Vliet St, Milwaukee, WI
Chinese Kung Fu Center

Chinese Kung Fu Center

  • Shaolin Kung fu
  • Classes
  • Tai Chi
“The people in the CKFC are very kind and generally entertaining people who seem to care very much for their art and themselves, and are always willing to help newer students who don't know exactly what they are doing.”
In Business Since 2008
Transparent Fees & Pricing
2120 W Clybourn St, Milwaukee, WI
J.K. Lee City Youth Martial Arts Program

J.K. Lee City Youth Martial Arts Program

  • Volunteer
“Lee City Youth Martial Arts Program offers events and programs that create increased wellness, safety, respect, responsibility, and thoughtfulness–while also providing exceptional training in the martial arts.”
Coupons & Offers
In Business Since 2020
Remote Consultations Available
510 E Burleigh St, Milwaukee, WI
Wahadachi Judo Club

Wahadachi Judo Club

“I would recommend them to anyone looking to get into Judo.”
In Business Since 2015
Transparent Fees & Pricing
5410 N Lovers Lane Rd, Milwaukee, WI
Zero To 100 Fitness & MMA

Zero To 100 Fitness & MMA

  • Lose Weight
  • Fighters
  • Goals
“Great exercise for people who want to compete in the sport of MMA and great for people that want to get in great shape!”
In Business Since 2015
706 N 26th St, Milwaukee, WI
Sage Arts Studio Martial Arts & Fitness

Sage Arts Studio Martial Arts & Fitness

  • Learn
  • Knowledge
  • Artist
“I have known the owner and head instructor Guro Anthony Sell for many years and he is one of the most knowledgeable, thoughtful and caring martial arts instructors around.”
In Business Since 2004
Transparent Fees & Pricing
4300 W Forest Home Ave, Milwaukee, WI
Futen Dojo

Futen Dojo

  • Learning
  • Sensei
“If you're looking for a safe place to strengthen your mind, to bolster your capabilities in defending yourself, to find peace within your soul, look no further.”
In Business Since 2005
2234 S Kinnickinnic Ave, Milwaukee, WI
Y.m.a.a. Tai Chi Ch'uan of Wisconsin

Y.m.a.a. Tai Chi Ch'uan of Wisconsin

“Over the years, Angela has taught me the Yang style Tai Chi form, several Qigong sets (including 8 pieces of Brocade, Coiling Set, and Primary Set), different breathing and meditation techniques, and applications for the Tai Chi forms.”
In Business Since 2008
YMAA Tai Chi Ch'uan of Wisconsin, 2647 N Stowell Ave, Milwaukee, WI
Evolution Jiu Jitsu

Evolution Jiu Jitsu

  • Professor
  • BJJ
“It's easy to see why, and the results from the club at competitions for those who want to do that speak for themselves - Evolution almost always has the most medals per participant in any tournament they enter.”
Transparent Fees & Pricing
In Business Since 2021
USBJJF Certified
1120 Milwaukee Ave, Burlington, WI 53105
Hong's Taekwondo

Hong's Taekwondo

  • Confidence
  • Self Defense
  • Discipline
“He teaches you not to be rude or disrespectful to your instructors and to listen i have been with him for 10 years and i love it there!”
In Business Since 2011
9709 W Greenfield Ave, Milwaukee, WI
Four Winds Martial Arts

Four Winds Martial Arts

“The instructors know each person on an individual level, and do a lot to encourage participation beyond the mat - with everything from wine tasting and charity events to halloween parties and volunteer opportunities.”
In Business Since 2019
2038 S 114th St, Milwaukee, WI
Kempo-Goju School of Karate

Kempo-Goju School of Karate

“Anybody looking for watered down training and for the teachers to cuddle you if you stub your toe, this is not the place for you BUT if you want to train hard and EARN skills and a code that will permeate your life then this is the school for you!!”
In Business Since 2016
1812 W Atkinson Ave, Milwaukee, WI 53206
Sabree3 ATA Martial Arts

Sabree3 ATA Martial Arts

  • Taekwondo
“They have taught my children so much, and are great role models.”
In Business Since 2018
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
8436 W Lisbon Ave, Milwaukee, WI
American Dojo Martial Arts

American Dojo Martial Arts

“One thing I really like about the dojo is that they don't just teacher the forms and kicks and different techniques, they also teach you how to use those techniques in real life situation.”
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
In Business Since 1999
Licensed, BBB Rating: A+
1720 Dolphin Dr, Waukesha, WI
Cho's Martial Arts

Cho's Martial Arts

  • Knowledge
  • Skills
  • Classes
“Not the artificial self-confidence kids get from "everyone gets a trophy,", but the true self-confidence only achieved through hard work, dedication, perseverance, and accomplishing tough things that many people can't do.”
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
In Business Since 2002
Licensed, BBB Rating: A+
Serving Milwaukee Area
Journey Martial Arts

Journey Martial Arts

  • Energy
  • Skills
  • Coordination
“When the Covid crisis hit she immediately offered virtual classes and continues to do so which I am very greatful for, allows me to continue class without interfering with my work schedule.”
In Business Since 2018
217 E Sunset Dr, Waukesha, WI
Nova Gyms Martial Arts & Fitness

Nova Gyms Martial Arts & Fitness

  • Jiu Jitsu
  • Motivating
  • Cardio Kickboxing
“I wanted this for my physical health so I wrote Nova a FB message and they got back to me with the greatest customer service, had me in for a couple free trials and I was hooked”
In Business Since 2010
Serving Milwaukee Area
Primal MKE

Primal MKE

  • Skill
  • Atmosphere
  • Pankration
“Their jump-in-head-first approach may feel challenging at first, but it's based in sports science and is proven to help athletes improve more quickly than traditional drill style classes.”
In Business Since 2019
FRONT DOOR AT, 2028 S 55th St, S 55th St, West Allis, WI
Wisconsin National Karate Kickboxing & Krav Maga

Wisconsin National Karate Kickboxing & Krav Maga

  • Adults
  • Skills
  • Youth
“Knowing he truly has your best interests forward when taking a step towards learning self defense and bettering your health is refreshing in today's world”
In Business Since 2021
Serving Milwaukee Area
Karate America

Karate America

“We have enjoyed coming here now for more than three years during which time my spouse has earned a black belt and our three children are well on their way to theirs.”
Remote Consultations Available
In Business Since 2010
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
Serving Milwaukee Area

Martial Arts Training Services in Milwaukee, WI Cost Estimates

Minimum cost
Maximum cost
National Average
Avg Per Hour Rates
Typical price range is based on 316 cost profiles
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Average Cost $149
Minimum cost $94
Maximum cost $472
Avg Per Hour Rates $63

Typical range $125 to $187 is based on 316 cost profiles.

Why these companies made our list

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