Best Gymnastics Classes in Springfield, OH
The highest-rated Gymnastic Training companies out of 146 vetted & reviewed in the Springfield area.
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“Private lessons are also offered and thanks to Kayla my daughter Cherish was able to make level 1 pre-team and I have no doubts that the coaches will help to make sure she continues to advance.”
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Femme Fatale Dayton
- Instructors
- Feel
- Confidence
“It was so much fun, everyone was super encouraging and cheerful, and it felt so cool learning how to do a whole tiny routine on the silks the very first time we tried them.”
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Busy Kids Gym
Tumbling & Hip Hop Dance, We Are a Non-Competitive Program
“My four year old has so much fun but goes through phases of being too scared to go into class (because there might be a new teacher and he does not like change).”
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Performance Gymnastics Academy
“My youngest did join gymnastics at a later age than most, so she was in class with younger girls, at times she felt the young ones got more attention but only because they are little and have shorter attention spans and needed more correction.”
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Twigs Kids Gymnastics
Ages 18 mo, Beginner Through Advanced Classes, 4:1 Swim Ration -Warm Water Indoor Pool!
“She loves it, she stays active (as opposed to some after school programs that sit an color) and we know she is in good hands with a well trained, friendly and knowledgeable staff.”
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Day Yoga Studio
- Classes
- Rooms
- Hot Yoga
“Great yoga place for hot yoga it cost like 75 or 85 bucks for a month and they turn up the heat to 99 in the room great place and plus they do baby yoga for young babies with mom and the child and kids yoga with elziabeth she is a fun teacher for ...”
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Gem City Gymnastics
“.Gem city is the best gymnastics place I've been too and if you are looking to get someone in cheerleading or gymnastics Gem City is the place to go 😃👍 Positive Communication, Quality, Professionalism, Value”
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Bejayes Dance Studio
“My daughter loves her dance class she wants to go back tomorrow but I told her no we won't go back until next week I'm glad we found her a good activity for her to do the staff there is very nice it is a family place I'm so very happy and thankful”
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Crown Gymnastics Studio
“There are classes for all ages and abilities including a 1/2 hour Mommy and Me class for very young children and their grown up (Dads and Grandparents can do it too).”
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Ohio Sports Academy
“The stations are engaging and hold her focus; the instructor is friendly and encouraging; other parents seem to be friendly, supportive and like-minded in teaching our Littles how to play respectfully with one another.”
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Gymnastics Training Center of Ohio Gtco
“I went there when i was in 3rd grade and i quiet because the younaforms and stuff but now im in 6th grade and im 11 years and im going back there this year :)”
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Integrity Athletics
- Kids
- Birthday
- Team
“ However, when we were not able to register both girls due to capacity issues, we as parents were just as devastated as the girls would have been, had it not been for Jennifer and the team to accept both.”
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Southern Columbus Crossfit
“I joined Southern Columbus Cross Fit a little under a year and a half ago, with zero fitness experience, in an attempt to get fit and try to find a fitness program I would actually stick with.”
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Integrity Athletics
“The coaches are all very likeable, and the kids really enjoy it.”
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The After Glow Centre
- Tumbling
- Cheer
“They took their time and did a thorough entrance evaluation, explaining everything and encouraging my admittedly not so coordinated oldest.”
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The Flip Zone
“Whether your child is shy, unaware of their body, does not want to leave their parent, or incredibly out going, Sheri can teach them.”
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Aerial's Athletics
“My daughter has taken classes here, and is currently on the acro team - she has learned alot and has had a great experience .”
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Showtime Gymnastics
“Best Dance/Tumble Center you could ever ask for.”
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Terrie's Dance Spectrum & Cheer
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Kids First Sports Center
Sporting Goods
“The teachers are great, the classes are great and typically around 6 kids for my baby's age, with parents in the classes, and everyone works hard to make sure the place is clean and safe for all the athletes in the building.”
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Wendy's Gymnastics & Fitness For Children
“My daughter is 4 yrs old and this place seems perfect for her age, they have all kinds of equipment that is so fun and she actually gets to use it - the rings, uneven bars, parallel bars, horse, vault spring, trampolines, balance beam.”
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Dublin Dance Centre & Gymnastics
“I want to do gymnastics there but we don't know how much money I went to buckeye gymnastics and it was 99 a month and my parents couldn't pay for it so we need something lower”
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Aerotique Columbus
- Bungee
- Kids
“Aerotique is a very warm and welcoming place the staff is amazing and the community is very enjoyable Positive Communication, Quality, Professionalism”
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Powell Dance Academy
“The staff and teachers are wonderful- I love the structure of the classes compared to other activities I've had my kids in.”
Gymnastic Training Services in Springfield, OH Cost Estimates
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