Best Acting Classes in Waukegan, IL

The highest-rated Acting Training companies out of 154 vetted & reviewed in the Waukegan area.

Citadel Theatre

Citadel Theatre

  • Message
  • Mousetrap
  • Cast
“Great musical, small stage, great children, very well prepared, great atmosphere and tickets very cheap compared to other theaters, I highly recommend it”
Coupons & Offers
In Business Since 2002
300 S Waukegan Rd, Lake Forest, IL 60045


  • Felt
  • Fun
  • Son
“Which is why I give you guys 4 stars as although you guys were great I felt like I was not learning much, the choreography wasn't as complex as I wished it was and generally wish I could've taken those years back and gone to my current studio.”
Family Business
In Business Since 2017
7 Waukegan Rd, Deerfield, IL 60015
Three Brothers Theatre

Three Brothers Theatre

“Support local playwrights and theater!”
In Business Since 2016
115 N Genesee St, Waukegan, IL
Lomastro Performing Arts Academy

Lomastro Performing Arts Academy

  • Memories
  • Desk
  • Organized
“I'm always impressed at the organization of the team and creativity the staff shows as well as their efforts to further build the Lo Mastro dance community.”
In Business Since 2005
840 S Waukegan Rd Ste 108, Lake Forest, IL 60045
Marriott Theatre

Marriott Theatre

“I've been to see it twice and both times I've been amazed by the way the director and cast and designers have clearly understood the show in all of it's too often missed nuances.”
In Business Since 1999
Serving Waukegan Area


  • Prices
  • Musical
  • Night
“Saw the Diviners, Treasure Island, and To Kill a Mockingbird.”
Coupons & Offers
In Business Since 1999
Serving Waukegan Area
Improv Playhouse Theater

Improv Playhouse Theater

  • Kids
  • Addition
  • Community
“In addition to the theater programs, there are opportunities for the kids to take part in a Traveling Troupe that performs for the Libertyville community and surrounding areas to highlight the skills they have learned as well as the annual parade at ...”
In Business Since 2001
116 Lake St, Libertyville, IL
Gorton Center

Gorton Center

  • Film
  • Parking
  • Party
“Good seating and great acoustic design of the theater”
Remote Consultations Available
Family Business
Transparent Fees & Pricing
In Business Since 2000
Serving Waukegan Area
Children's Theatre Company

Children's Theatre Company

  • Kids
  • Confidence
“From after school plays, to summer camps to full on theater productions Margo and Amy and the whole CTC team has provided a place where kids can be proud, build friendships, showcase talent and have a safe place to be themselves.”
In Business Since 2003
Serving Waukegan Area
Lake County Symphony Orchestra

Lake County Symphony Orchestra

“Great Performance.”
In Business Since 2017
Serving Waukegan Area
Centerstage In Lake Forest

Centerstage In Lake Forest

“A very nice cosy place for a show”
In Business Since 1998
Serving Waukegan Area
Oil Lamp Theater

Oil Lamp Theater

“I was particularly impressed by their facial expressions and the variety of character voices, as well as the sound effect technician who can do so much with her props and voice!”
Coupons & Offers
In Business Since 2007
Serving Waukegan Area
Writers Theatre

Writers Theatre

  • Audience
  • Performances
  • House
“We subscribe to Steppenwolf, regularly attend the Goodman, Looking Glass Theatre, and Shakespeare as well, and have seen a number of really good shows at Writers Theatre.”
Coupons & Offers
Transparent Fees & Pricing
In Business Since 2000
Serving Waukegan Area
Skokie Theatre

Skokie Theatre

  • Singers
  • Intimate
  • Parking
“We visited the theater for the play called "doubt" we had such a great time, the performance was outstanding, and make us want to come back again for another play!”
In Business Since 2003
7924 Lincoln Ave, Skokie, IL
Lifeline Theatre

Lifeline Theatre

  • Blankets
  • Literary Adaptation
  • Performances
“This is a small theater with little to no immediate parking, but with that information in hand in advance (shuttle provided, which we didn't use) it didn't subtract from our visit.”
In Business Since 1999
6912 N Glenwood Ave, Chicago, IL
Al Larson Prairie Center For the Arts

Al Larson Prairie Center For the Arts

  • Fountain
  • Picnic
  • Photos
“It's a decent place for small crowd shows, love the sound effects, lots of parking , great location, reason for the four stars is very less leg room in between seats”
Transparent Fees & Pricing
In Business Since 2000
201 Schaumburg Ct, Schaumburg, IL
North Shore Center For the Performing Arts in Skokie

North Shore Center For the Performing Arts in Skokie

  • Valet Parking
  • Parking Garage
  • Sight Lines
“Glasper's performance was a total disappointment, at times he appeared to be drunk and his constant disrespect for the town of Skokie was not amusing.”
In Business Since 2002
9501 Skokie Blvd, Skokie, IL
Theo Ubique Cabaret Theatre

Theo Ubique Cabaret Theatre

  • Voices
  • Temperature
  • Mask
“The only reason i put a 4 star is due to the fact that theater required everyone to wear masks, which is understandable, but inside the theater temperature was very warm, no air circulation at all.”
In Business Since 2010
721 Howard St, Evanston, IL
Big Noise Theatre

Big Noise Theatre

  • Costumes
  • Audience
  • The Sound of Music
“Wow they really did a great job making it an exciting experience with Piggie and Gerald "disguises" for sale at the door and little fruit snacks available for purchase.”
Transparent Fees & Pricing
In Business Since 2005
515 E Thacker St, Des Plaines, IL
Piven Theatre

Piven Theatre

  • Actors
  • Improv
  • Skills
“It sets itself apart from other places to take theater classes in that they really focus on building a strong foundation instead of making people famous.”
In Business Since 2002
927 Noyes St, Evanston, IL
Signature Sounds School of Music

Signature Sounds School of Music

Community, Arts & Entertainment, Music Lessons & Instruction School
“One of the great things about Christian is that he is able to bring tips from his professional saxophone shows to his teaching, while being so patient with kids and making it fun for them!”
Free Initial Consultation
Se Habla Español
Below Average Price Tag
In Business Since 2024
Serving Waukegan Area
Prairie Lakes Theater

Prairie Lakes Theater

  • Sound
“Green Extraction Technologies,LLC is very grateful and proud to have been an instructor for the Illinois Landscape Contractors Association pruning workshop at this location.”
Coupons & Offers
Transparent Fees & Pricing
In Business Since 2008
515 E Thacker St, Des Plaines, IL
Jodi Koplin's Jigglejam/Jigglejam Productions

Jodi Koplin's Jigglejam/Jigglejam Productions

  • Parents
  • Library
  • Singing
“We are so glad we are able to continue with classes virtually because as parents we look forward to seeing that smile and watching his love for music continue to grow.”
In Business Since 2017
Serving Waukegan Area
Devonshire Playhouse

Devonshire Playhouse

“Always a lovely experience!”
In Business Since 2010
4400 Greenwood St, Skokie, IL

Acting Coaching Services in Waukegan, IL Cost Estimates

Minimum cost
Maximum cost
National Average
Avg Per Hour Rates
Typical price range is based on 366 cost profiles
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Average Cost $457
Minimum cost $172
Maximum cost $2967
Avg Per Hour Rates $72

Typical range $343 to $799 is based on 366 cost profiles.

Why these companies made our list

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