Best Acting Classes in Portland, OR

The highest-rated Acting Training companies out of 140 vetted & reviewed in the Portland area.

Ted Rooney Film Acting Classes

Ted Rooney Film Acting Classes

  • Audition
  • Actor
  • Acting Coach
“Ted is a Professional Actor with a resume a mile long but most importantly, He's absolutely the best as he gently moves you along to get the best maximum performance out of you in front of the camera.”
Transparent Fees & Pricing
In Business Since 2012
2110 SE 10th Ave, Portland, OR
Curious Comedy Theater

Curious Comedy Theater

“What I've found there is nothing short of magic - a community of kindness and creativity where I've formed precious relationships and continued to discover myself as an artist and performer.”
In Business Since 2007
5225 NE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Portland, OR
Twilight Theater Company

Twilight Theater Company

  • Stairs
  • Concessions
  • Shows
“This is one of the best theater companies in Portland (In fact, it just won 3rd place in Willamette Weekly's "Best of Portland" in the theater company category!”
In Business Since 2014
7515 N Brandon Ave, Portland, OR
Portland Playhouse

Portland Playhouse

  • Cast
  • Space
  • Production
“CO19 precautions in place - oops, I should probably change to a 4 star as we did not know we would need proof of vaccination on us - anyway, acting was excellent, theater was nice and clean and I love that water is offered upon entry.”
In Business Since 2008
602 NE Prescott St, Portland, OR
Voxnorthwest Voice Studio

Voxnorthwest Voice Studio

  • Part
  • Confidence
  • Students
“Now when I come across a new song and try it out, I can hear myself automatically incorporating the new breathing and visualization techniques that she has been teaching me, and how much my voice has improved.”
In Business Since 2011
232 SE Oak St #101, Portland, OR


  • Space
  • Culture
  • Feel
“Really nice place, I was there for my graduation from the Oregon Humanities Humanities perspective class, the establishment was beautiful I recommend it for any occasion.”
In Business Since 1996
525 SE Stark St, Portland, OR
The Aero Space

The Aero Space

  • Energy
  • Community
  • Students
“They have all the equipment necessary to properly train for pole as well (elastic bands, blocks, foam cylinders, yoga mats, etc) AND they have a 24/7 members studio, which is my favorite!”
Emergency Services
Transparent Fees & Pricing
In Business Since 2013
Coupons & Offers
111 SE Madison St, Portland, OR
Hawthorne Theatre

Hawthorne Theatre

  • Moshing
  • Security
  • Metal
“It's a great place to see a metal show, I've seen Death to All, Decapitated, Septic Flesh, Allegaeon, Suffocation, 3 accessible bars, all ages areas, staff seems cool, been to alot of clubs, I like this venue”
In Business Since 2005
1507 SE 39th Ave, Portland, OR
Newmark Theatre

Newmark Theatre

  • Ballet
  • Balcony
  • Intimate
“Despite my understanding of that, it was still a little tight of a squeeze as well as avoiding making contact with my neighbors with usage of the armrest.”
In Business Since 2013
1111 SW Broadway, Portland, OR
Imago Theatre

Imago Theatre

  • Parking
  • Kids
  • Intimate
“Great small theater with creative, fun, and interactive shows for kids.”
In Business Since 2000
17 SE 8th Ave, Portland, OR
Portland Opera

Portland Opera

  • Parking
  • Christmas
  • Shows
“Thank you Portland Opera for the Opera Cart.”
In Business Since 1996
211 SE Caruthers St, Portland, OR
Artists Repertory Theatre

Artists Repertory Theatre

  • Creative
  • Performances
  • Skilled
“JOHN helped me make sure that I could get a ticket for him, and reassured me that I could even buy the ticket at a later date and see if our seats could be seated togeter!”
Transparent Fees & Pricing
In Business Since 1996
1515 SW Morrison St, Portland, OR
Deep End Theater

Deep End Theater

  • Comedy
“Great improv, storytelling & classes offered for all who are interested.”
In Business Since 2016
2110 SE 10th Ave, Portland, OR
Ellyn Bye Studio Theater

Ellyn Bye Studio Theater

  • Intimate
  • Space
“Nice intimate (199 max occupancy) place to see some wonderful shows!”
Remote Consultations Available
Coupons & Offers
In Business Since 1996
128 NW 11th Ave, Portland, OR
Acting Classes For Film w/ Shelly Lipkin

Acting Classes For Film w/ Shelly Lipkin

  • Feedback
  • Learned
  • Skill
“The individual feedback during class is more of a conversation between Shelly and the actor, where you both can make observations about performance, which for me was more encouraging.”
In Business Since 2003
Portland, OR
Lavoie Acting Studio

Lavoie Acting Studio

  • Films
  • Acting Coach
“I feel like she understands me well and is honest with me on where I need to improve!”
Remote Consultations Available
1336 SW Falcon St, Portland, OR
Barbara Kite

Barbara Kite

  • Students
  • Skill
  • Feedback
“Whether you're a seasoned vet looking for a place to stay fresh and loose, an amateur looking to take your game to the next level, or someone whose never acted before in your life: Barbara's class can get you where you want to go.”
30+ Years Experience
232 SE Oak St, Portland, OR
Hand2mouth Theatre

Hand2mouth Theatre

“Was a good space, but the portable A/C was ridiculously loud.”
In Business Since 2003
3121 S Moody Ave Ste 105, Box 11, Portland, OR
Blueprint Ensemble Arts

Blueprint Ensemble Arts

  • Musical
  • Pop
  • Singing
“With a full range of singing options from Classical to Pop, small to medium sized ensembles, and groups for beginners to those with years of choral and preforming experience.”
In Business Since 2013
5830 NE Alameda St, Portland, OR
DO Jump Extremely Physical

DO Jump Extremely Physical

“I have been training in trapeze here for a little over a year now and I cannot say enough how much I highly recommend this place both to take classes with and to see performances at.”
In Business Since 1981
1515 SE 37th Ave, Portland, OR
Passinart Theatre Co

Passinart Theatre Co

“Always thought provoking theater.”
In Business Since 2008
825 NE 20th Ave Ste. 140, Portland, OR
Aerial Muse Collective

Aerial Muse Collective

  • Students
“None of those coaches were willing to meet me where I was at with the level of strength and flexibility I already had but instead insisted I follow a pre determined curriculum that left me bored and unchallenged.”
In Business Since 2015
534 SE Oak St, Portland, OR
Bridgetown Conservatory of Musical Theatre

Bridgetown Conservatory of Musical Theatre

“Outstanding faculty!”
In Business Since 2016
711 SW 14th Ave, Portland, OR
Westview High School Theatre

Westview High School Theatre

“Kids school”
In Business Since 2004
4200 NW 185th Ave, Portland, OR

Acting Coaching Services in Portland, OR Cost Estimates

Minimum cost
Maximum cost
National Average
Avg Per Hour Rates
Average price range is based on 503 cost profiles
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Average Cost $497
Minimum cost $187
Maximum cost $3231
Avg Per Hour Rates $79

Average range $373 to $870 is based on 503 cost profiles.

Why these companies made our list

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