Best Acting Classes in Pompano Beach, FL

The highest-rated Acting Training companies out of 177 vetted & reviewed in the Pompano Beach area.

Pompano Beach Cultural Center

Pompano Beach Cultural Center

  • Food Trucks
  • Literature
  • Farmers Market
“So, if you're in need of ADA wheelchair accessible seats and would like to attend a show in this theatre, plan ahead and if you don't see the seats as they're supposed to, then contact the promoter/organizer directly, and inform them what's going on”
In Business Since 2014
50 Atlantic Blvd, Pompano Beach, FL
Xpressions For Performing Arts

Xpressions For Performing Arts

  • Ballet
  • Parents
  • Studio
“5 year old started here a few weeks ago and she can't get enough, her teacher is so good with them and I love the independence of having them all go back without parents.”
In Business Since 2021
Serving Pompano Beach Area
Delray Beach Playhouse

Delray Beach Playhouse

Performance Art Theatre
“Multiple boat, ramps and jungle gyms for kids to play around on with Greek bathrooms, barbecues, park benches and open grass areas for kids to play soccer and games on.”
In Business Since 2000
Average Price Tag
950 NW 9th St, Delray Beach, FL
Kirova Dance Academy

Kirova Dance Academy

  • Studio
  • Attention
  • Students
“In those 6 years, Kirova instilled in me a love for the grace, attention to detail, precision in technique, discipline and so much more that comes with studying this art form.”
In Business Since 2023
Serving Pompano Beach Area
Southern Dance Theatre

Southern Dance Theatre

“I apologize to the hard working teachers at Southern Dance Theatre, I'm not sure what happened but last week It shows that I gave a star to this marvelous dance place, my oldest daughter has been attending this school for 6 years now and now my young...”
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
In Business Since 1987
Licensed, BBB Rating: A+
Serving Pompano Beach Area
Julius Littman Performing Arts Theater

Julius Littman Performing Arts Theater

  • Price
  • Musical
  • Opera
“It was a juneteen celebration of freedom and education it was amazing and on behalf of me and my grandkids we would like to thank them again for the event they provided for us”
In Business Since 2010
Serving Pompano Beach Area
Thinking Cap Theatre

Thinking Cap Theatre

“The performance by Timothy Mark Davis was breathtaking and awe inspiring, Arlette Del Toro and Todd Bruno portray with great emotion very real situations of parents trying to raise autistic children.”
In Business Since 2010
Serving Pompano Beach Area
Curtain Call Playhouse

Curtain Call Playhouse

“Love performing with Curtain Call performers.”
In Business Since 2008
2500 SE 3rd St, Pompano Beach, FL
Universal Dance Studios

Universal Dance Studios

“Best studio in the world”
In Business Since 2016
Serving Pompano Beach Area
Standing Ovation Performing Arts

Standing Ovation Performing Arts

Including Camps, Workshops and Productions!
“I'm a strong believer that this class was one of the reasons as to why my daughter got accepted into Bak Middle School for this upcoming 23-24 school year.”
In Business Since 2014
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
Serving Pompano Beach Area
Speak Easy Theater Co

Speak Easy Theater Co

  • Stage
  • Space
  • Environment
“I no longer have worry or anxiety in my day because these classes have trained me to go with the flow and accept life's twists and turns and deal with them head on and confidently, not hide from them like I used to.”
7450 Ocean Terrace, Miami Beach, FL
Imiart Llc. IMI Studio Of Performing Arts

Imiart Llc. IMI Studio Of Performing Arts

  • Craft
“My kids have been dancing here for over 5 years.”
18344 W Dixie Hwy, North Miami Beach, FL
Green Room Acting Studio

Green Room Acting Studio

Acting Resumes, Talent Consultation, Private Acting Coaching
“I knew when it was my time to go I was fully prepared to bring my best self because of all the dedication that was poured into me over the year and especially the week leading up to the Showcase.”
In Business Since 2011
Remote Consultations Available
760 NW 4th Ct, Boca Raton, FL
Empire Stage

Empire Stage

  • Acting
  • Aunt
  • Entertainment
“The story that follows is visceral, avoiding the use of any music, lighting or scene changes/intermissions, in favor of a natural and realistic experience which kept us engaged completely into their harrowing trial.”
In Business Since 2009
1140 N Flagler Dr, Fort Lauderdale, FL
Broward Center For the Performing Arts

Broward Center For the Performing Arts

  • Traffic
  • Bob Dylan
  • River
“Such a beautiful fun atmosphere to enjoy a concert”
In Business Since 2000
201 SW 5th Ave, Fort Lauderdale, FL
Island City Stage

Island City Stage

“Seems like a wonderful local theatre doing quality work for the community.”
In Business Since 2011
Serving Pompano Beach Area
Infinite Abyss Productions @ the Foundry Theatre

Infinite Abyss Productions @ the Foundry Theatre

  • Parking
  • Musical
  • Actors
“Ive seen well thought out interactive pieces of theater as well as not so everydsy named productions and each has a very high standard of production quality.”
In Business Since 2014
Serving Pompano Beach Area
Willow Theatre at Sugar Sand Park

Willow Theatre at Sugar Sand Park

  • Acting
  • Lighting
  • Parking
“STRM topics are important and can be fun but need to be delivered in a way you don't loose the audience's attention There were a few times during the play people in the audience were talking among each other.”
Sugar Sand Park Community Center, 300 S Military Trail, Boca Raton, FL
Lauderhill Performing Arts Center

Lauderhill Performing Arts Center

  • Comedy
  • Boots
  • Venue
“The house staff was very friendly and attentive to guests in need of mobility assistance, and even assisted outside in the rain after the show, assisting people with disabilities into their vehicles.”
In Business Since 2014
Serving Pompano Beach Area
Slow Burn Theatre

Slow Burn Theatre

  • Costumes
  • Tickets
  • Production
“The season membership is an amazing gift requested by my daughter each year, because she doesn't want to miss so many of these shows that are better quality than we've seen in NY & Chicago.”
In Business Since 2011
201 SW 5th Ave, Fort Lauderdale, FL
Rising Starz Music & Performance Academy

Rising Starz Music & Performance Academy

Songwriting, Audition Prep, Instruments
“I have taken my daughter to other local performing arts companies in the past, but Rising Starz is by far THE BEST one I have ever been to and once you are here you will not want your child to go anywhere else.”
In Business Since 2014
2877 S University Dr, Davie, FL
Inna's Hall of Fame Performing Arts Conservatory

Inna's Hall of Fame Performing Arts Conservatory

  • Ballet
  • Rental
  • Summer Camp
“The staff is great, the kids are super talented, the projects and showcases are fun, but moreover, the friendly artistic environment makes you feel like home!”
In Business Since 2012
Serving Pompano Beach Area
Brazilian Beat

Brazilian Beat

  • Musicians
  • Organized
  • Company
“I saw a couple of presentations in Europe and they are truly unique in their genre, they manage to liven up the environment with beautiful music, the dancers are very good and the costumes are fantastic.”
204 NW 11th St, Boca Raton, FL
Sol Theatre

Sol Theatre

  • Comedy
  • Shows
  • For Children
“Wish had more beverage options, possibly some snacks of sort, but also, since it's small, it's good no one can munch in your ear or have crumbs over you .”
In Business Since 2009
3333 N Federal Hwy, Boca Raton, FL

Acting Coaching Services in Pompano Beach, FL Cost Estimates

Minimum cost
Maximum cost
National Average
Avg Per Hour Rates
Typical price range is based on 255 cost profiles
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Average Cost $471
Minimum cost $177
Maximum cost $3061
Avg Per Hour Rates $75

Typical range $354 to $824 is based on 255 cost profiles.

Why these companies made our list

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