Best Acting Classes in Overland Park, KS

The highest-rated Acting Training companies out of 117 vetted & reviewed in the Overland Park area.

First Act Theatre Arts

First Act Theatre Arts

  • Kids
  • Camp
  • Parents
“In CYT's HYPE (Highschool Youth Pursuing Excellence) we're taught how to lead younger students, grow in our relationship with God, and grow into responsible adults, by showing an example of great responsibility as youths.”
In Business Since 2021
Transparent Fees & Pricing
6800A W 153rd St, Overland Park, KS
Miller Marley School of Dance & Voice

Miller Marley School of Dance & Voice

  • Learned
  • Second Home
  • Ballet
“It is always so heartwarming to see where alumni ends up out of high school, especially when they go into professional dancing but also just as a person and how connections from here never break.”
In Business Since 1969
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
10448 Mastin St, Overland Park, KS 66212
Kcrep Spencer Theater

Kcrep Spencer Theater

“Bathroom lines aren't bad as there are multiple stalls, and there are ramps out to the seats and elevators to the upper area so accessibility can be accommodated especially if arrangements are made in advanced.”
In Business Since 2002
Coupons & Offers
4949 Cherry St, Kansas City, MO
The Coterie Theatre

The Coterie Theatre

  • Kids
  • Performances
  • Stage
“Such a cute place to see a family play!”
In Business Since 2004
2450 Grand Blvd, Kansas City, MO
Kauffman Center For the Performing Arts

Kauffman Center For the Performing Arts

  • Symphony
  • Wonderful Acoustics
  • Black Violin
“There are plenty of staff members who can answer questions and give directions before the start of the performance, and they were all very kind and helpful!”
In Business Since 2001
Coupons & Offers
1601 Broadway Blvd, Kansas City, MO
Kansas City Music Hall

Kansas City Music Hall

  • Shows
  • Restrooms
  • Wicked
“Awesome event space!”
In Business Since 1998
Remote Consultations Available
301 W 13th St, Kansas City, MO
Just Off Broadway Theatre

Just Off Broadway Theatre

  • Intimate
  • Daddy
  • Actors
“Clean theater and restrooms, concession stand has a nice variety, and we were allowed to bring the items purchased from the food truck into the blue room to eat before the show.”
In Business Since 2002
3051 Central St, Kansas City, MO
Gem Theater

Gem Theater

  • History
  • Building
  • String Quartet
“I was excited to see the old school group One Way at this location and was quickly disappointed when the vendor appeared to sell more tickets than there were seats.”
In Business Since 2003
Remote Consultations Available
1615 E 18th St, Kansas City, MO
James C. Olson Performing Arts Center

James C. Olson Performing Arts Center

  • Students
  • Actors
  • Parking
“The University of Missouri has a relationship with the repertory theater and so this professional theater operates out of this building while the building simultaneously hosts students studying everything from dance to jazz.”
In Business Since 1989
4949 Cherry St, Kansas City, MO
Actor Training Studio

Actor Training Studio

And Via Skype, Online Acting Instruction is Available
“He sees EVERYTHING an actor has to give and draws from his extensive experience and knowledge to give very precise feedback which is everything an actor needs.”
In Business Since 2001
Coupons & Offers
Remote Consultations Available
Serving Overland Park Area
Martin City Melodrama

Martin City Melodrama

  • Dogs
  • Acting
  • Humor
“We're from out of town bit came here by chance after seeing about The Twelve Dogs of Christmas special from Facebook and were so surprised at what we found.”
In Business Since 2003
Serving Overland Park Area
Chestnut Fine Arts Center

Chestnut Fine Arts Center

  • Shows
“I, also now, have a better appreciation for the amazing Ken Remmert & the "many" hats he wears & hidden tallents, along with his beautiful Wife Lenora, What a team”
In Business Since 2005
Serving Overland Park Area
Stonelion Puppet Theatre

Stonelion Puppet Theatre

“Looking forward to the drive-thru outdoor event at Forest Park St.”
In Business Since 2001
Transparent Fees & Pricing
2400 E Truman Rd Ste 100, Kansas City, MO
KC Melting Pot Theatre

KC Melting Pot Theatre

  • Plays
“The theater itself is super nice, but the play was beyond powerful, better than I could have expected -- and I had high expectations for Lewis's work, as my dad both talks him up every chance he gets, and sends me anything he does on You Tube, so I'd...”
In Business Since 2012
3051 Penn Valley Dr, Kansas City, MO
Main Street Theater Belton

Main Street Theater Belton

  • Actors
  • Community Theater
  • Play
“Absolutely enjoyed the play, the atmosphere was a small intimate setting, actors were great, I just really enjoyed the evening!”
In Business Since 2017
Serving Overland Park Area
Acorn Performing Arts Academy

Acorn Performing Arts Academy

  • Lessons
“I love the teaching style, I love the introduction to performance, I love the location, I love that my son gets input on what he's learning, I could go on and on!”
In Business Since 2018
Serving Overland Park Area
Donna's School of Performing Arts

Donna's School of Performing Arts

“Donna is still an active dance teacher and manages a staff of dance professionals with honors and degrees who have performed for Disney, Apple, Royal Caribbean Cruise Line, Alvin Ailey Theatre, and KC Chiefs Cheerleading.”
In Business Since 2007
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
Serving Overland Park Area
Commercial Actors Studio

Commercial Actors Studio

Voiceover Instruction
“It's a group setting and like a one-room schoolhouse but Dan is able to give individualized coaching and meet each student where they are in their own growth process.”
In Business Since 2000
Accepts Debit, Check, Paypal, Cash, All Major Credit Cards
Serving Overland Park Area
Academy of the Arts

Academy of the Arts

  • Studio
“Teachers are very knowledgeable and very helpful and professional and understand the abilities of each student in the class and recommend areas of improvement accordingly.”
In Business Since 2004
Transparent Fees & Pricing
5413 Martindale Rd, Shawnee, KS
Dramatic Truth School-The Arts

Dramatic Truth School-The Arts

“Not only did I learn amazing technique, but I was also taught incredible self-discipline, grace, and how to pour my heart out in worship to the Lord.”
In Business Since 2008
Accepts Check
10508 Grandview Rd, Kansas City, MO
Heartland Irish Dancers

Heartland Irish Dancers

“What a blessing to have a TCRG-credentialed Irish dance instructor with Emily's experiences, personality, and teaching style offering classes locally!”
In Business Since 2017
Serving Overland Park Area
Drama Time

Drama Time

“We have been apart of for the last four years,not only is my son apart of it so is is my granddaughter.”
4001 Troost Ave, Kansas City, MO
Forever Dance

Forever Dance

“I love love love my second family at Forever Dance Academy!”
3831 E 43rd St, Kansas City, MO
Moulin Rouge

Moulin Rouge

  • Shows
  • Job
  • Singing
“Currently Moulin Rouge is show a Halloween themed musical, it is very entertaining and ok for the entire family, my family and myself would go see it again if not for the idea that Oct.”
In Business Since 1997
Transparent Fees & Pricing
Coupons & Offers
4545 Oceans of Fun Dr, Kansas City, MO

Acting Coaching Services in Overland Park, KS Cost Estimates

Minimum cost
Maximum cost
National Average
Avg Per Hour Rates
Fair price range is based on 372 cost profiles
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Average Cost $486
Minimum cost $183
Maximum cost $3157
Avg Per Hour Rates $77

Fair range $365 to $850 is based on 372 cost profiles.

Why these companies made our list

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