Best Acting Classes in Des Plaines, IL

The highest-rated Acting Training companies out of 188 vetted & reviewed in the Des Plaines area.

Big Noise Theatre

Big Noise Theatre

  • Actors
  • Costumes
  • Voices
“Wow they really did a great job making it an exciting experience with Piggie and Gerald "disguises" for sale at the door and little fruit snacks available for purchase.”
Transparent Fees & Pricing
In Business Since 2005
515 E Thacker St, Des Plaines, IL
Prairie Lakes Theater

Prairie Lakes Theater

  • Sound
“Green Extraction Technologies,LLC is very grateful and proud to have been an instructor for the Illinois Landscape Contractors Association pruning workshop at this location.”
Transparent Fees & Pricing
In Business Since 2008
Coupons & Offers
515 E Thacker St, Des Plaines, IL
Tet-a-Tet Theater

Tet-a-Tet Theater

“Best theater in Illinois 🔥👍👏👏👏🙄 …”
In Business Since 2009
72 N Broadway St, Des Plaines, IL
Leela Arts Center

Leela Arts Center

“They had an all gender bathroom and a women's bathroom way out of the way to find, my only complaint and very small because at least they had a single gender women's bathroom!”
Below Average Price Tag
620 Lee St, Des Plaines, IL
Acting Studio Chicago

Acting Studio Chicago

  • Training
  • Resource
  • Feedback
“Rachael has always been great about promptly responding to my emails with questions and has even picked up my calls made to the studio after hours when I wasn't expecting anyone to be there and just planning on leaving a message.”
Licensed, BBB Rating: A+
In Business Since 1986
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
10 W Hubbard St, Chicago, IL
Oil Lamp Theater

Oil Lamp Theater

“I was particularly impressed by their facial expressions and the variety of character voices, as well as the sound effect technician who can do so much with her props and voice!”
Coupons & Offers
In Business Since 2007
Serving Des Plaines Area
The Magic Parlour

The Magic Parlour

  • Audience
  • Magician
  • Show
“?? Its interactive, he gets most if not all, of the audience involved with picking cards or numbers; the positive environment is so welcoming and the crowd is so supportive of the Magician as well as the other participants!”
Remote Consultations Available
In Business Since 2011
50 W Randolph St, Chicago, IL
Steppenwolf Theatre Company

Steppenwolf Theatre Company

  • Acting
  • Purpose
  • Snacks
“The Unfair Advantage show with Harry Milas was terrific, intimate, up close, and made me shake my head with disbelief at his incredible skill level with playing cards.”
Average Price Tag
Coupons & Offers
In Business Since 1996
Remote Consultations Available
1650 N Halsted St, Chicago, IL
Writers Theatre

Writers Theatre

  • Space
  • Performances
  • House
“Thank you to everyone who made this event perfect, from the ushers, to the bar staff, to the announcer to the set and stage direction, and of course to the fine actor who performed as Chopin!!!”
Transparent Fees & Pricing
In Business Since 2000
Coupons & Offers
Serving Des Plaines Area
Mercury Theater Chicago

Mercury Theater Chicago

  • Little Shop of Horrors
  • Cast
  • Young Frankenstein
“The timing on all of the entrances was perfect, the harmonies in the Four Seasons songs were well-blended, and everyone on stage looked like they were having a blast.”
In Business Since 2010
3745 N Southport Ave, Chicago, IL
Vocal Molly Studios

Vocal Molly Studios

  • Confidence
  • Skills
  • Voice
“Molly immediately spotted our kids potential and personalities, she worked on the areas that needed improvement, taught them how to tackle character acting and singing with positivity and enthusiasm.”
Coupons & Offers
In Business Since 2016
Serving Des Plaines Area
McAninch Arts Center

McAninch Arts Center

  • Concert
  • Shows
  • Performances
“A lot goes into really educating the viewer before you even get to the art, so by the time you're viewing the art, you're armed with the important background info and can more deeply enjoy what you're seeing.”
Coupons & Offers
In Business Since 2002
Serving Des Plaines Area
Green Shirt Studio

Green Shirt Studio

  • Community
  • Vulnerability
  • Exercises
“I've wanted to act for as long as I can remember and I made the decision to start last year October after visiting the studio and meeting the instructor Jack Schultz..”
In Business Since 2008
4001 N Ravenswood Ave Unit 303B, Chicago, IL
Westside Improv Studio

Westside Improv Studio

  • Laugh
  • Space
  • Shows
“Whether you want an inexpensive way to enjoy a weekend night or you are looking for a way to step outside your comfort zone and grow as a person--I can't recommend Westside Improv highly enough.”
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
In Business Since 2014
125 W Front St, Wheaton, IL
Skokie Theatre

Skokie Theatre

  • Sound
  • Intimate
  • Parking
“We just attended the fundraiser for the Ukrainian children, where Hillary Feldman gave an outstanding performance, together with her talented pianist, Beckie Menzie.”
In Business Since 2003
7924 Lincoln Ave, Skokie, IL


  • Magic Show
  • Psychic
  • Miracles
“Magician Aaraon is cheeky, very creative, fosters participation, has a keen memory for the names of the audience member, which all equates to an intimate, joyous experience that is unforgettable.”
In Business Since 2017
3453 N Halsted St, Chicago, IL
Cadillac Palace Theatre

Cadillac Palace Theatre

  • Architecture
  • The Temptations
  • Fiddler on the Roof
“The ushers have been a good amount of no nonsense and polite to correct it promptly but some people don't have the common sense god gave them to not use their phone for a few hours or at least step outside.”
Coupons & Offers
In Business Since 2000
151 W Randolph St, Chicago, IL
Chicago Children's Theatre

Chicago Children's Theatre

  • Play
  • Puppets
  • Adults
“But the unavoidable aside, the sets, music, costumes, puppets and audience participation for Bea-Trix and Treats were creative, beautiful and memorable.”
Remote Consultations Available
In Business Since 2004
Coupons & Offers
100 S Racine Ave, Chicago, IL
Lifeline Theatre

Lifeline Theatre

  • Show
  • Literary Adaptation
  • Performances
“This is a small theater with little to no immediate parking, but with that information in hand in advance (shuttle provided, which we didn't use) it didn't subtract from our visit.”
In Business Since 1999
6912 N Glenwood Ave, Chicago, IL
Porchlight Music Theatre

Porchlight Music Theatre

  • Production
  • Blues
  • Cabaret
“If you've never had the opportunity to see it live, you must check it out--and if you have seen the show at some point, you'll enjoy it even more if you see it this time!”
In Business Since 2011
1016 N Dearborn St, Chicago, IL
Timeline Theatre Company

Timeline Theatre Company

  • Production
  • Socially
  • Historical
“By far the best program covering the play's backstop I've ever seen, not to mention all the extra info and historical artifacts posted throughout the lobby.”
Coupons & Offers
In Business Since 1998
615 W Wellington Ave, Chicago, IL
Windy City Playhouse

Windy City Playhouse

  • Cast
  • Acting
  • Intimate
“However it was much too hot during the show and they cram too many people into the space so you can't often see what's going on during certain scenes, because there is nowhere to stand.”
Coupons & Offers
In Business Since 2014
3014 W Irving Park Rd, Chicago, IL
Marriott Theatre

Marriott Theatre

“I've been to see it twice and both times I've been amazed by the way the director and cast and designers have clearly understood the show in all of it's too often missed nuances.”
In Business Since 1999
Serving Des Plaines Area
Al Larson Prairie Center For the Arts

Al Larson Prairie Center For the Arts

  • Performances
  • Picnic
  • Photos
“While I love attending the Joffrey version, it sure is refreshing to be close to home, not spend $400, and be able to see and appreciate the choreography.”
Transparent Fees & Pricing
In Business Since 2000
201 Schaumburg Ct, Schaumburg, IL

Acting Coaching Services in Des Plaines, IL Cost Estimates

Minimum cost
Maximum cost
National Average
Avg Per Hour Rates
Average price range is based on 290 cost profiles
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Average Cost $426
Minimum cost $160
Maximum cost $2768
Avg Per Hour Rates $68

Average range $320 to $746 is based on 290 cost profiles.

Why these companies made our list

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