Best Acting Classes in Baton Rouge, LA

The highest-rated Acting Training companies out of 109 vetted & reviewed in the Baton Rouge area.

Manship Theatre

Manship Theatre

  • Movies
  • Intimate
  • Jazz
“A very up close and personal venue...”
In Business Since 2004
100 Lafayette St, Baton Rouge, LA
River Center Performing Arts Theater

River Center Performing Arts Theater

  • Dance
  • Prices
  • Concession
“The acoustics were excellent, seats were very comfortable, just awkward seating arrangements with long continuous rows and no extra aisles between for people to go in or out, everyone had to pass down the entire row to their seat and back to the end.”
In Business Since 2016
396 St Louis St, Baton Rouge, LA
Upstage Theatre Company

Upstage Theatre Company

  • Atmosphere
“Always a wonderful, entertaining experience.”
In Business Since 2006
1713 Wooddale Blvd # 1, Baton Rouge, LA
Playmakers of Baton Rouge

Playmakers of Baton Rouge

“The production was very good and the tickets are pretty reasonable.”
In Business Since 2012
10 Tower Dr, Baton Rouge, LA
Reilly Theatre

Reilly Theatre

“Actors from the MFA program at LSU along with professionals in Louisiana and from New York perform here, along with many other local companies that use the space, so it is undoubtedly one of the best spots for local, professional performing arts.”
In Business Since 2000
Reilly Theater, 10 Tower Dr, Baton Rouge, LA
Piano Pathways

Piano Pathways

Adult Piano Instruction, Piano Classes For Children & Adults
“Rebecca Bellelo's talent, kindness, and efficiency make Pathways a gem of Baton Rouge.”
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
In Business Since 2016
9270 Siegen Ln #304, Baton Rouge, LA
Baton Rouge Chorus Of Sweet Adelines

Baton Rouge Chorus Of Sweet Adelines

“Friendly singers, great harmony, lots of fun.”
In Business Since 2007
Ingleside United Methodist Church, 4264 Capital Heights Ave, Baton Rouge, LA


“vagabondance: contemporary dance, serving baton rouge.”
In Business Since 2020
233 St Ferdinand St, Baton Rouge, LA
Zachary High School Visual and Performing Arts Center

Zachary High School Visual and Performing Arts Center

  • Band
“Kids & all support staff did a fantastic job.”
Transparent Fees & Pricing
In Business Since 2004
Serving Baton Rouge Area
Center Stage Performing Arts Academy

Center Stage Performing Arts Academy

  • Dancing
In Business Since 2001
Serving Baton Rouge Area
Centre For the Arts

Centre For the Arts

“(During the school year, for schools in the PC Parish only I believe) For summer camp, they offer everything from Musical Theater, Dance and Tumbling, Boxing and Physical Fitness, Art, Sewing and a Center Stage theater camp.”
In Business Since 2005
Serving Baton Rouge Area
Lafon Performing Arts Center

Lafon Performing Arts Center

  • Acoustics
  • Beautiful
  • Concert
“I didn't realize the venue was associated with the local school system, or that there would be so many families, but the actors all interacted with everyone.”
In Business Since 2018
Serving Baton Rouge Area
Columbia Theatre For the Performing Arts

Columbia Theatre For the Performing Arts

  • Sound
  • Concert
  • Wars
“The Columbia Theatre is a beautiful old movie theater which has been renovated and repurposed into a performing Arts Center in downtown Hammond, Louisiana.”
In Business Since 2005
Serving Baton Rouge Area
Swamplight Theater

Swamplight Theater

  • Footloose
“Very accepting, and I've learned so much!”
In Business Since 2017
Serving Baton Rouge Area
A Touch of Class Perform Arts

A Touch of Class Perform Arts

“Such a great place for children to learn and grow.”
In Business Since 2002
Serving Baton Rouge Area
River Ridge School of Music & Dance

River Ridge School of Music & Dance

“He has proven that his teaching style is perfect for a budding young child as I was at 6 years old just starting to a middle aged man becoming acquainted with the piano once more.”
Transparent Fees & Pricing
Remote Consultations Available
In Business Since 1985
Serving Baton Rouge Area
Rivertown Theaters For the Performing Arts

Rivertown Theaters For the Performing Arts

  • Entertaining
  • Cast
  • Shows
“I've been three or four times each time the shows a very enjoyable usually an hour-and-a-half 2 hours long but it doesn't seem that long makes a very nice evening to take your girl out somewhere really enjoy yourselves”
In Business Since 2012
325 Minor St, Kenner, LA
The Allways Lounge & Cabaret

The Allways Lounge & Cabaret

  • Entertainment
  • Shows
  • Crowd
“Saw an incredible singing showcase Sweet D*ck Productions presents “They Got Pipes” in the Twilight Lounge last Friday where host Bette Tittler was an absolute standout.”
Below Average Price Tag
In Business Since 2011
2240 St Claude Ave, New Orleans, LA
30 by Ninety Theatre

30 by Ninety Theatre

  • Production
  • Cast
  • Acting
“Before the show, I got a Dr Pepper and M&M peanuts to have during the show to make sure I didn't nod off during the performance while sitting on the front row.”
In Business Since 2014
Serving Baton Rouge Area
Saenger Theatre

Saenger Theatre

  • Phantom of the Opera
  • Ceiling
  • Hamilton
“I love coming to the Saenger for shows last week I went to the one hallelujah tour and it was my first experience in the club suites all was well but the lady with no hair behind the bar has a an attitude problem and was really rude to me my grandmot...”
In Business Since 2010
1111 Canal St, New Orleans, LA
Metropolitan Dance Theatre

Metropolitan Dance Theatre

  • Students
  • Environment
  • Confidence
“Miss Jaune is incredibly dedicated and a talented dancer herself and the level of instruction is very professional, but my daughter also has fun which is important.”
In Business Since 2008
300 Park Rd, Metairie, LA
Jefferson Performing Arts Society

Jefferson Performing Arts Society

  • Funny
  • Shows
“In addition to musical theatre productions featuring local talent, JPAS supports developing performance artists and at-risk youth with educational partnerships at schools in our community.”
Transparent Fees & Pricing
In Business Since 2000
Serving Baton Rouge Area
Playmakers Inc

Playmakers Inc

  • Seat
  • Parking
  • Acting
“I love old theaters like this one mainly for the aesthetics, but this theater also puts on variety of shows I haven't seen many, but the ones I have seen very very good.”
In Business Since 2004
Serving Baton Rouge Area
Wonderland Performing Arts

Wonderland Performing Arts

  • Learned
  • Kids
“The venue was nice overall, prolly great for performing arts but not sufficient for a training which is why I went there, would definitely be interested in attending any of their upcoming events”
In Business Since 2017
2807 Johnston St, Lafayette, LA

Acting Coaching Services in Baton Rouge, LA Cost Estimates

Minimum cost
Maximum cost
National Average
Avg Per Hour Rates
Average price range is based on 495 cost profiles
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Average Cost $489
Minimum cost $184
Maximum cost $3178
Avg Per Hour Rates $77

Average range $367 to $856 is based on 495 cost profiles.

Why these companies made our list

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