Best Personal Trainers in Winston-Salem, NC
The highest-rated Wellness and Personal Training companies out of 154 vetted & reviewed in the Winston-Salem area.
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“I was told to call to discuss my options, but considering my night shift schedule is non negotiable due to a work contract, my only option was to cancel my Cross Fit membership.”
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Bruce Pahl
- Fitness
- Nutrition
“After knowing and working with Bruce for over 3 years, I can honestly say I am the most disciplined in my fitness/health goals and feel the best I have in a VERY long time!”
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TL Fitness
TL Fitness Group Workout, Personal Training, Sport Specific Training
“He was able to provide a thorough workout even with my many old injuries all while challenging me to do things I didn't think I was capable of doing anymore.”
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Dogwatch Hidden Fence of the Triad
- Wire
- Golden Retriever
- Pet
“He adjusted the boundary width, cut and spliced our previous boundary for adjustments, and took the lead in training our 2 year old beagle to the fence for the first time.”
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Crossfit Winston-Salem Gym
“If you're looking for a Cross Fit gym that has coaches who will motivate you, members who will encourage you, and an environment where you can grow and get stronger then this is the gym for you!”
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Gym 365 Bermuda Run
- Lifting
- Atmosphere
- Sneakers
“I thoroughly appreciate that the facility is open 24 hours a day, and I like the fact that gym provides person(s) serious about lifting w/ the the most vital weightlifting accoutrements!”
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Top Tier Fitness
“As a Physical Therapist, who analyzes movement all day, the coaches know exactly what they're doing and program effectively while making modifications when needed.”
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Edge Fitness Kernersville
“I've been going here consistently for about 2 months now and I never wanna quit now love their combat sports and great coaches who will help every step of the way”
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Spark Fitness and Performance
- Muscle
- Sleep
- Working Out
“In May of 2023 my doctor had put me on medicine for insulin resistance and it helped me to lose 50 pounds in 4 months, but I lost a lot of muscle and knew I needed to go back to the gym.”
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Just You Fitness Winston-Salem
“I love that semi private sessions are offered because it is more affordable for me, and I really appreciate that they are flexible with scheduling as I can't regularly come the same days every week.”
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Beam Fitness Training
- Injury
- Tailored
- Plan
“Someone with knowledge when it's needed, accountability but not overbearing, and check ins that feel like catching up with an old friend rather than conversations with minimal interaction.”
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Fitness 2000 Gym King
- Letter
- Smoothie
- Money
“Very accessable open 24/7 with plenty of great excersize equipment,bathroom,showers,lockers and is the best,and only,place in king & stokes county area for your workout needs.”
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Phenom Fitness
- Phenomenal
- Clean
- Atmosphere
“If you're looking for a gym that's big enough to get your work done, but small enough to make some good friends who will motivate you, come check out Phenom Fitness - your first round is on me!”
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The Strength Lab
- Health
- Pain
- Life
“In addition to the health benefits, the people you get to work out with are fun, supportive, and dedicated - great atmosphere for the 30 somethings to 70 somethings!”
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Utopia Fitness Center
“Awesome place and they care about you Stacey is a wonderful GM and Davia is a Awesome trainer and will take the time to answer your questions for free!”
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690 Women's Fitness
- Zumba
- Environment
- Energy
“Great place to work out at.”
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Edge Fitness and Combat Arts LLC
- Strength
- Trainers
“Everyone here is great, the classes are structured so that someone who has never trained can hop right in and not feel as if they are below other students.”
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Grizzled Warrior Nutrition and Athletics
“Unlike most other trainers I have spoken with, Darrell goes into detail about how what you eat and your activity affects your body and is able to break it down and simplify it so it's easier to understand.”
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Kore Training Systems
- Strength Training
- Fitness
“Even though it's been almost a decade since I lived in Clemmons - Kore remains my favorite gym experience; awesome varied workouts, great group of fellow fitness enthusiasts, specialized attention to reach fitness goals - it's just a great experience...”
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Torque Performance & Fitness
“There is no judgement in the gym, just encouragement and instruction in helping each individual, whether athlete or not, learn how to make their body stronger and healthier.”
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Altius Fitness and Nutrition
- Athletes
- Coaches
“The coaches equally share these attributes in addition to being knowledgeable of proper technique and ensuring their athletes are safely lifting and scaling.”
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Movingroom Coaching LLC
- Physical
- Working Out
“Not being hesitant about letting you know how you can improve your overall exercise routine, she will hold you to task about your growth in her program.”
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Body-Patterns Wellness & Fitness
- Stretching
- Boxing
- Massage
“Not only does she take great care of her clients, she has a genuine teacher's mentality and leaves you with exercises to help with areas that need extra attention.”
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The Lab Personal Training
“Jared is very patient when demonstrating new exercises and always makes sure I have a complete understanding before we try anything I'm unsure about.”
Why these companies made our list
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