Best Personal Trainers in Missoula, MT

The highest-rated Wellness and Personal Training companies out of 156 vetted & reviewed in the Missoula area.

Headwaters Hot Yoga

Headwaters Hot Yoga

  • Bikram
  • Feel
  • Classes
“The studio is beautiful and very clean; and, I really appreciate that the environment (humidity & heat) is kept according to what is posted in the class descriptions.”
In Business Since 2019
Transparent Fees & Pricing
211 N Higgins Ave STE 403, Missoula, MT
Weight Tutor

Weight Tutor

  • Weight Loss
  • Knowledge
  • Goals
“It covers everything from diet, workout techniques/program, the modification of workouts if you have any limitations, and all other pieces of the brain work so that all you have to do is show up and follow the program and lose weight and keep it off.”
In Business Since 2022
109 S 3rd St W, Missoula, MT
Vrtx Fitness

Vrtx Fitness

  • Clean
  • Lockers
  • Equipment
“The smoothies are not the usual flavors I prefer… people call me picky, but I say I'm particular… anyway, they do make a more standard berry/banana/etc.”
In Business Since 2020
255 S Russell St, Missoula, MT
Evan Claxton Personal Training

Evan Claxton Personal Training

Everyday People, Competitive Athletes
“Evan pushed me to the point of growth, was compassionate when I needed support, and provided me a relationship with my body and appreciation for strength training that I will carry with me forever, especially in my yoga teaching.”
In Business Since 2017
Free Initial Consultation
736 Cooper St, Missoula, MT
Lagree MT Fitness Studio

Lagree MT Fitness Studio

  • Coaches
  • Feel
  • Core Strength
“Make sure you try 3 or 4 before you decide if it's for you or not because the first few classes can feel a bit overwhelming (but will also make you gloriously sore!”
In Business Since 2019
806 W Spruce St, Missoula, MT
Cory Engkjer Training

Cory Engkjer Training

  • Fun
  • Enthusiasm
  • Goals
“) In 15 months of working out with Cory, I've increased my strength immensely and come to understand the importance of strength training for my overall health, well-being and mood.”
Free Initial Consultation
In Business Since 2019
Transparent Fees & Pricing
2218 S 9th St W, Missoula, MT
Biohacking Truth

Biohacking Truth

  • Coaching
  • Mindset
  • Health
“From engaging in individual health coaching sessions to participating in his seasonal cleanses/detoxes, my experience with Jerry has helped me feel happier, healthier, and more connected to my body.”
In Business Since 2021
1821 South Ave W suite: 400, Missoula, MT
Health Habits Personal Training and Massage

Health Habits Personal Training and Massage

  • Treatments
  • Healthy
  • Acupuncture
“I particularly enjoy that she treats both the front and back side of my body, allowing me to 'stew' in my points on one side before treating the other.”
In Business Since 2007
2825 Stockyard Rd Ste E2, Missoula, MT
Main Street Pilates Studio

Main Street Pilates Studio

“Not only are the instructors welcoming and knowledgable, but my fellow noon-time classmates are just a pleasure to be around.”
In Business Since 2002
211 N Higgins Ave, Missoula, MT
Rambling Fitness

Rambling Fitness

  • Health
  • To Hike
  • Training
“She takes a really holistic approach to training, has a tremendous understanding about how the component parts of the body work together, and is able to speak in simple and clear language that made me feel like I could work with my body, not against ...”
In Business Since 2020
1521 Cooper St, Missoula, MT
Daniel Carney

Daniel Carney

“If you are looking to get in shape and live a better you, I highly recommend contacting Daniel and having him help you set up a great program that will work for you!”
In Business Since 2016
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
1290 S 3rd St W Unit B, Missoula, MT
Dojo USA

Dojo USA

“I'm newer to Ju Jitsu and initially had some reservations but those were quickly put to ease after my first class!”
500 E Spruce St Unit B, Missoula, MT
Dietrich Performance Training

Dietrich Performance Training

  • Strength
  • Confidence
  • Massage
“He takes provides patient centered care and allows you to control the desired amount of non-therpaeutic talk and still adequately communicates to determine patient needs.”
5000 Blue Mountain Rd, Missoula, MT
Baldwin Fitness Training Inc

Baldwin Fitness Training Inc

“So nice and personal as well as being very helpful!”
In Business Since 2005
Building F, 2825 Stockyard Rd F2, Missoula, MT
Monkey Bar Gymnasium Missoula

Monkey Bar Gymnasium Missoula

  • The Atmosphere
  • Shape
“If you want a supportive setting to feel the best you can, attend the free first week offer and see how you like it, I bet you will stay with Tynille and her members!”
In Business Since 2015
1900 W Broadway St, Missoula, MT
Cam Fitness

Cam Fitness

“Will you be sore after the first day? Yes, doing anything physically, especially if you're just beginning your fitness journey, or if haven't engaged in the activity previously, you can expect to have some tenderness for the following 2 days. The sec...”
In Business Since 2019
Locally Owned & Operated
1920 Montana St, Missoula, MT
Alchemy Personal Training

Alchemy Personal Training

“He listens and observes carefully, adapting to the client's specific needs—frequently with creative solutions.”
3590 Galbavy Dr, Missoula, MT
Intuit Fitness Training

Intuit Fitness Training

“If you want a trainer who is willing to go the extra mile for you and with you, reach out to Jerimy and start down a path that will have you in shape and toned in a safe and fun environment.”
Missoula, MT
Thiele Fitness 406

Thiele Fitness 406

  • Walk
  • Goals
  • Trainer
“She brought back my love for hitting the gym with workouts that challenge me, with a variety of different styles, and helped me create realistic and achievable goals.”
In Business Since 2018
Serving Missoula Area
Discovery Fitness

Discovery Fitness

“Small enough to not have crowds, but it has all the equipment needed and more.”
In Business Since 2023
Emergency Services
Serving Missoula Area
Valley Strength and Fitness

Valley Strength and Fitness

“This gym is just what my son needs for a daily workout at a very affordable price.”
Family Business
In Business Since 2022
Emergency Services
Serving Missoula Area
Elevate Fitness and Performance Training

Elevate Fitness and Performance Training

  • Gym
  • Trainers
“Her workouts are also very fun and she is always teaching you something new!”
In Business Since 2016
Free Initial Consultation
Serving Missoula Area
Cutthroat Nutrition & Fitness

Cutthroat Nutrition & Fitness

Full Coaching Services, Nutrition Coaching
“I was intimidated by my stagnant period and lack of knowledge, but Tyler approaches his training in a way that welcomes questions and doesn't make you feel stupid when you don't know what you're doing.”
In Business Since 2021
Via Whatsapp, Helena, MONTANA,
Montana Athletic Club

Montana Athletic Club

Clean Eatz Dinners, Tanning, Yoga Instructors
“Best part of all is the membership fees which are very reasonable and cheaper than a lot of other gym's I've been to, and the MAC has so much more to offer than other gyms.”
Transparent Fees & Pricing
In Business Since 1995
Remote Consultations Available
Accepts All Major Credit Cards, Check
Serving Missoula Area

Why these companies made our list

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