Best Personal Trainers in Kansas City, KS

The highest-rated Wellness and Personal Training companies out of 146 vetted & reviewed in the Kansas City area.

Fit Street Gym

Fit Street Gym

  • Bored
  • Working Out
  • Trainers
“This gym is unique in that there are only classes, but they are a combination of HIIT and HIRT (aka cardio meets weights) and are really difficult, but I always leave feeling great.”
In Business Since 2019
Transparent Fees & Pricing
2031 Washington St, Kansas City, MO
Freight House Fitness (West Bottoms)

Freight House Fitness (West Bottoms)

  • 30 Minute
  • Bootcamp
  • Life
“Seeing people cheer on strangers and always give their best (because the person right next to them is doing the same), is the special sauce that FHF has.”
In Business Since 2013
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
Transparent Fees & Pricing
Coupons & Offers
1618 Wyoming St, Kansas City, MO
Metro KC Fitness

Metro KC Fitness

  • Desi
  • Shape
  • Community
“I haven't been back in the gym for years and now that I am back, it is great to be in a place where I grow up at, I seen the building grow as a community and a gym in there is also a big plus helps everyone feel welcomed and touches home”
In Business Since 2019
Emergency Services
Se Habla Español
2810 Metropolitan Ave, Kansas City, KS
Fountain City Fitness

Fountain City Fitness

  • Mindset
  • Working Out
  • Athletes
“The staff at FCF are trained to help you focus on proper form, scaling back when and where necessary, to ensure you have proper technique to lift heavy and avoid injury.”
In Business Since 2020
Transparent Fees & Pricing
Free Initial Consultation
7525 Wornall Rd, Kansas City, MO
Flex Fitness Gym

Flex Fitness Gym

  • Culture
  • Investment
  • Bodybuilding
“On a random Tuesday I bought a membership and I was out of the gym for 2 years prior, everyone has gym anxiety when first starting to work out but the atmosphere really helped.”
In Business Since 2019
Emergency Services
1536 Burlington St, Kansas City, MO
The Hill Kansas City

The Hill Kansas City

  • Programming
  • Warm up
  • Facility
“If you're local and looking for new gym or exploring the world of functional fitness, look no further, because The Hill is one of the standard bearers within the Crossfit community.”
In Business Since 2012
Transparent Fees & Pricing
2540 W Pennway St, Kansas City, MO
Core Strong Fitness

Core Strong Fitness

TRX Classes, Core 90 Challenge, Personal Training
“As soon as you walk through the door into this inviting and inspiring space, you can feel Mark's attention to detail, care for his customers and dedication to his craft in everything he does.”
In Business Since 2015
NSCA Certified
1000 W 25 St Ste A, Kansas City, MO
MVP Fitness

MVP Fitness

Athletic Development, Personal Training, Massage Therapy
“Would highly recommend anyone to use Mike and MVP fitness, best trainers that truly help improve your body long term and the best massage I have ever gotten in my life!”
In Business Since 2018
1408 NW Vivion Rd, Kansas City, MO
MJ Fitness

MJ Fitness

  • Motivated
  • Trainers
  • Physical
“Great people: skilled, knowledgeable, passionate, focused on truly partnering with each client to help them reach their particular goals, encouraging and motivating to whatever degree you need.”
In Business Since 2021
Transparent Fees & Pricing
Coupons & Offers
2750 Cherry St bldg.b, Kansas City, MO
Crossfit Northland

Crossfit Northland

  • Airport
  • Workshop
  • Box
“Even if you have very little experience with some of the exercises and movements, everyone is very encouraging and the coaches will do everything to help you meet your goals.”
In Business Since 2011
Transparent Fees & Pricing
7900 Northwest 100th Street, Lower Levels 4/5/6, Kansas City, MO
The Stiletto Gym

The Stiletto Gym

  • Abilities
  • Confidence
  • Birthday
“Myfirst interaction was with the owner who assured me that me and my girls would have a great time and knew exactly which instructor she would have for us.”
In Business Since 2014
AFFA Certified
Accepts Cash only, Paypal
Transparent Fees & Pricing
6133 Blue Ridge Blvd, Kansas City, MO
Thegymkc: Uptown

Thegymkc: Uptown

  • Cardio
  • Pop Music
  • Atmosphere
“If you like a proper locker room and sauna and Cafe and stuff then look elsewhere, if you just want a clean, simple, and fairly quiet gym to exercise and get out of there, this is the place.”
In Business Since 2012
Emergency Services
3610 Broadway Blvd, Kansas City, MO
Wellness Warehouse KC

Wellness Warehouse KC

“If you're looking for a change, a gym that has top notch strength AND yoga, a place that takes cleanliness and sustainability seriously, this is the place!”
In Business Since 2019
1400 W 9th St, Kansas City, MO
Alchemy Space Pole and Fitness

Alchemy Space Pole and Fitness

  • Confidence
  • Craft
  • Learning
“I didn't find myself comparing my ability with others (like I was worried about) because this ART is all about getting out of your own head and into your body.”
In Business Since 2021
Transparent Fees & Pricing
524 Walnut St #340, Kansas City, MO 64106
Bodyfit KC

Bodyfit KC

“Other than top-notch instruction and many forms of training to choose from, the main thing that Bodyfit has that other places lack is a strong sense of community.”
In Business Since 2020
3838 Main St, Kansas City, MO
Max Fit KC Fitness and Nutrition

Max Fit KC Fitness and Nutrition

  • Facility
  • Comfortable
  • Feel
“David developed a customized personal training program for me and I highly recommend David for his creativity, patience and contagious positive attitude.”
In Business Since 2021
6437 N Cosby Ave, Kansas City, MO
Genesis Health Clubs

Genesis Health Clubs

  • Paper Towels
  • Treadmill
  • Town
“The staff is super friendly and accommodating, everything is clean, there's plenty of space in the gym and locker rooms, and lots of options for equipment.”
In Business Since 2002
Coupons & Offers
1261 Main St, Kansas City, MO
Life Adapted Fitness

Life Adapted Fitness

  • Weight
  • Running
  • Machine
“Pros: brand new, super clean, high end equipment, member controlled pandora and tv's, well lit, never crowded, complimentary towel service, shall I go on”
In Business Since 2014
Emergency Services
414 E 63rd St #101, Kansas City, MO
Zone 6 Fitness

Zone 6 Fitness

  • State of the Art
  • Motivated
  • Machines
“The gym is CLEAN - like impeccable 😍 and it's also HUGE — a ton of space to spread out & do your own thing without feeling like you're in someone's way — plus literally every piece of equipment I could possibly need and then some.”
In Business Since 2018
Accepts Cash, Debit, All Major Credit Cards
2700 Burlington St, North Kansas City, MO 64116
Change Now Crossfit

Change Now Crossfit

  • Athletes
  • Couple
  • Skill
“At Change Now, not only is the instruction great and the workouts challenging, but it really is like a big family there as everyone is willing to help cheer each other on.”
In Business Since 2018
Transparent Fees & Pricing
611 E 99th St, Kansas City, MO
Pilates 1901

Pilates 1901

  • Classes
  • Facility
  • Atmosphere
“I've been to several studios in the kansas city area but when it comes to pilates equipment, knowledgeable staff, clean facilities and flexible schedules I have to say hands down Pilates1901 is the place to go for pilates in kansas city.”
In Business Since 2009
222 W Gregory Blvd g1, Kansas City, MO
Blue Bicycle Health and Fitness

Blue Bicycle Health and Fitness

  • Budget
  • Cardio
  • Area
“Wish they were open later sometimes, and they are a little light on some equipment like kettlebells, but the staff are friendly, as are the majority of the members.”
In Business Since 2009
Accepts Paypal, Debit, All Major Credit Cards
11128 Holmes Rd, Kansas City, MO
NKC Pilates

NKC Pilates

  • Ability
  • Personality
  • Flexibility
“The depth of her experience and her ability to convey that knowledge and experience without using jargon is what makes her the perfect personal trainer.”
In Business Since 2022
Remote Consultations Available
7211 NW 83 St Suite #260-H, Kansas City, MO
Hudon Training

Hudon Training

Client Transformations, Personal Training, Client Testimonials
“Man where do I start Blake got me on my workout journey back in 2017 super smart knows how you cater to your body type and body needs and def makes you accountable if you're ready for a change hes the man”
In Business Since 2020
Below Average Price Tag
101 E Blue Ridge Blvd, Kansas City, MO

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