Best Personal Trainers in Fairbanks, AK

The highest-rated Wellness and Personal Training companies out of 143 vetted & reviewed in the Fairbanks area.

We are still growing

There are too few quality options within 12.5 miles radius, so we have expanded area of coverage to up to 200 miles from you. This includes Fairbanks and several other cities.
Crossfit Fairbanks

Crossfit Fairbanks

“The workouts are accessible to individuals of any fitness level, with a variety of modifications offered tailored to individual ability, keeping participants safe and ensuring continual progress is being made.”
In Business Since 2012
Licensed, BBB Rating: A+
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
399 Old Richardson Hwy, Fairbanks, AK
RED Strength

RED Strength

  • Price
  • Code
  • Equipment
“Clean (I'm not sure we were ever there when someone wasn't there cleaning), all the equipment we needed and then some, no televisions, 24/7 access, simple and straightforward rules that make sense, respectful staff and members.”
In Business Since 2019
Emergency Services
Locally Owned & Operated
3415 Airport Way, Fairbanks, AK
F&H Fitness Studio

F&H Fitness Studio

  • Spin Class
  • Leadership
  • Motivating
“F&H's signature Culture Ride spin class is a must, but you can't go wrong with any of their other fitness classes either (personal/group trainings or various pop-up classes).”
In Business Since 2012
Transparent Fees & Pricing
1235 Airport Way, Fairbanks, AK
Tailor-Made Performance

Tailor-Made Performance

  • Goals
  • Personal Training
  • Strength
“Tailor Made's Elements classes have helped me increase my strength and mobility, allowing me to perform better in endurance events while reducing the amount of strain from sport-specific training.”
In Business Since 2023
910 Old Steese Hwy Suite B, Fairbanks, AK


  • Cheating
  • Atmosphere
  • Personal Trainers
“Best gym in all of Fairbanks, wide variety of equipment to match all fitness goals, Amazing stress free environment and incredible and knowledgeable staff!”
In Business Since 2019
Emergency Services
Serving Fairbanks Area
The Fitness Studio

The Fitness Studio

  • Zumba
“Excellent zumba classes!”
In Business Since 2022
Serving Fairbanks Area

Why these companies made our list

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