Best Personal Trainers in Elyria, OH

The highest-rated Wellness and Personal Training companies out of 124 vetted & reviewed in the Elyria area.

Nononsense Training & Fitness (Ntf)

Nononsense Training & Fitness (Ntf)

  • Feel
  • Goals
  • Supplements
“The owner Walter Martin is one of the best coolest and very knowledgeable dudes, and he is super helpful and actually cares about how nice his gym is for his customers, and loves helping change people's lives.”
In Business Since 2023
Emergency Services
623 Griswold Rd, Elyria, OH
The Design Dames

The Design Dames

405 Kenyon Ave, Elyria, OH
Live Fit Personal Training + Nutrition

Live Fit Personal Training + Nutrition

  • Attention
  • Environment
  • Feel
“I've been training with Laura for some time now and she never fails to provide challenging and unique exercises that often stem from her Pilates and professional dance background!”
Locally Owned & Operated
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
In Business Since 2015
Coupons & Offers
Serving Elyria Area
Pro Sports Performance

Pro Sports Performance

“People from all different backgrounds, from beginners to professional athletes, walk through the doors all with one thing in common - to work hard and become better.”
Coupons & Offers
In Business Since 2019
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
Serving Elyria Area
Unbroken Athletic

Unbroken Athletic

  • Feel
  • Learning
  • People
“Prior to Unbroken and the shutdown, I worked out at Orange Theory but never lost any weight, it was hard to get to into classes, and it was very expensive.”
Transparent Fees & Pricing
In Business Since 2016
Emergency Services
Serving Elyria Area
Crossley Fitness Center

Crossley Fitness Center

  • Shape
  • Goals
  • Work
“Constantly adding new equipment, classes included with membership, open 24 hours, they provide everything except actually lifting the weights for your.”
In Business Since 2015
AFAA Certified
Serving Elyria Area
Paragon Health & Fitness

Paragon Health & Fitness

“You will notice all of the little muscles you didn't know you had, and you will be sore, but over time you will also notice increased ease around everyday activities.”
In Business Since 2017
Transparent Fees & Pricing
Serving Elyria Area
The Gym Of Avon

The Gym Of Avon

  • Muscle
  • Diet
  • Space
“The past few months training with them has been a great confidence booster as I can physically see the changes in my body and my mental game has positively changed as well.”
In Business Since 2018
Free Initial Consultation
Serving Elyria Area
Empowering Punch

Empowering Punch

  • Results
  • Feel
  • Skill
“After I started showing up for the classes, it felt like more of a family atmosphere, from the owners to the trainers and staff to your fellow workout buddies.”
In Business Since 2008
Serving Elyria Area
Bad Girl Fitness

Bad Girl Fitness

  • Shape
  • Tire
  • Results
“The classes are explained in detail at the beginning and she is with you every step of the way making sure each exercise is done properly and effectively.”
Free Initial Consultation
In Business Since 2014
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
Serving Elyria Area
Crossfit Cleveland in Rocky River

Crossfit Cleveland in Rocky River

  • Shape
  • Health
  • Accountability
“From my experience, the workouts are very effective, the staff is very friendly, the classes are well organized and the people are great to workout with”
Transparent Fees & Pricing
In Business Since 2006
Accepts Paypal
Serving Elyria Area
Lifeworks of Southwest General

Lifeworks of Southwest General

  • Amenities
  • Price
  • Trainers
“There are personal trainers who walk around with groups of people and take up all the equipment at once, get in everyone's way, and act like the most important people in there because they pay $200 a month for rep counters.”
In Business Since 2001
Serving Elyria Area
Perfect Fit Health Club

Perfect Fit Health Club

Memberships, Personal Training, Massage
“Even with a Master's degree in exercise science and 44 years of teaching pe and now subbing in retirement, I still find great value in a personal trainer!”
In Business Since 2014
Serving Elyria Area
Maxstrength Fitness – Westlake

Maxstrength Fitness – Westlake

Post Physical Therapy, Corporate Wellness, Personal Training
“He introduced me to HIIT and created benchmarks that I utilize when I return to Ohio to visit, since my wife and I relocated to Florida over 10 years ago.”
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
In Business Since 2013
Remote Consultations Available
MSF Certified
Serving Elyria Area
15:13 Fitness & Strength

15:13 Fitness & Strength

  • Physical Strength
  • Coaching Staff
  • Knee
“The passion they have for fitness, compassion for people and their commitment to being judgement free creates an environment to let sucess grow for everyone.”
In Business Since 2015
Serving Elyria Area
Pope Fitness

Pope Fitness

  • Owner
  • Son
  • Mirrors
“No showers, sauna, cardio theater or spinning room, no water bottle fill up stations, fitness classes aren't included, no mirrors in the locker room.”
In Business Since 2021
Serving Elyria Area
Xtreme Fitness

Xtreme Fitness

  • Area
  • Management
  • Dance
“Can't beat the price of membership either, throw on top of that unlimited Fitness classes and tanning and you have the best bargain in the Strongsville area hands down!”
In Business Since 2019
Emergency Services
Serving Elyria Area
UXL Fitness

UXL Fitness

  • Hands
  • People
  • Wish
“Someone said that they felt out of place because they weren't ripped - but in my experience, I see people in there of all ages, weights, and health journeys - and they all seem to be welcomed.”
In Business Since 2005
Serving Elyria Area
My Personal Trainer

My Personal Trainer

  • Feel
  • Nutrition
  • Weight Loss
“The owner Heath and his staff are very knowledgeable and a lot of fun to be around - the environment is welcoming and I always look forward to my weekly sessions!”
Free Initial Consultation
In Business Since 2023
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
3733 Stonegate Dr, Medina, OH
Tru-Cor Fitness

Tru-Cor Fitness

  • Cardio
  • Machines
  • Equipment
“The facility is always clean, the owner and trainers are super friendly, and the combination of machines and free weights are more than I need to get a good workout.”
Emergency Services
In Business Since 2014
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
Serving Elyria Area
Ctown Fitness

Ctown Fitness

  • Comfort Zone
  • Skill
  • Lifting
“Don't get me wrong, I have been pushed to new levels of strength and endurance here, but in a way that keeps me coming back and asking how to do everything better.”
In Business Since 2016
Transparent Fees & Pricing
Serving Elyria Area
Coca Athletics (Formally Coca Crossfit)

Coca Athletics (Formally Coca Crossfit)

  • Fitness
  • Skilled
  • Modified
“They have in my opinion the best coaches and programming with a wide variety from good old Crossfit, powerlifting, gymnastics programming and in between.”
In Business Since 2022
Transparent Fees & Pricing
Serving Elyria Area
Riverview Martial Arts & Fitness

Riverview Martial Arts & Fitness

“Riverview Martial Arts & Fitness has allowed me to achieve my personal fitness goals and Master Rivet motivates me to achieve additional fitness goals.”
Coupons & Offers
In Business Since 2005
Transparent Fees & Pricing
Serving Elyria Area
Fitspirit Fitness

Fitspirit Fitness

“If you are injured, recovering, need to lose some pounds or perfectly healthy and just looking for kind, like minded folks to exercise with or be exercised by...”
In Business Since 2015
Transparent Fees & Pricing
Serving Elyria Area

Why these companies made our list

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