Best Meditation Classes in Plantation, FL
The highest-rated Awareness and Relaxation Training companies out of 122 vetted & reviewed in the Plantation area.
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“I purchased a package on Groupon and from the first time I stepped in I loved the atmosphere I signed up for membership immediately that day and was ecstatic that I did!”
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Yoga Connection
- Space
- Classes
- Reviews
“In addition to the many available class times, all the unique teachers have something different to offer you, and there are classes to fit your energy or focus as your needs may change from day to day.”
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Lesound Temple
- Energy
- Feeling
- Peace
“Tammy and Simon's wisdom, awareness and compassion are so welcoming, I highly recommend and encourage everyone to experience this deeply spiritual journey.”
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Tamara Fayad Private Yoga Instructor
Corporate, Private Mat Pilates, Private Yoga
“She was patient and attentive during our bachelorette yoga class, incorporating beginner-friendly instructions and group yoga poses that made for fun and memorable moments between my girls and I.”
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- Pilates
- Classes
- Desk
“They have vegetarian and non-vegetarian meals so you can have more options, my husband loves the salmon burgers, for the prices and the taste I could only say I'll be going for the next years!”
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Yogi Hari's Ashram
- Wisdom
- Spiritual
- Chanting
“Be prepared to give up alcohol, smoking and caffeine for your two weeks and I would highly suggest that you break the cell phone addiction by always leaving it in your room and not bringing it with you to lecture so that you are fully present :-)”
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Youniversal Yoga
- Atmosphere
- Feel
- Felt
“The owner Samantha and manager Carissa really go out of their way to create a meaningful connection with each client and provide a relaxing and chill environment for any yoga student to thrive in.”
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Broward Meditation
- Grateful
- Happy
- Practice
“As time passed on, the emotions from these negative events compounded, but I have found the silver lining that has helped me manage my feelings/thoughts and that is meditation with Broward Meditation.”
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Gaja Boheme Holistic Wellness
- Hands
- Feel
- Light
“Laura was very attentive and informative of what I wanted along with what she recommended based on my back pain while still providing a relaxing and personal experience.”
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Miami Sports Chiropractic & Yoga Center
Golf Injuries, Traction, Sports Chiropractor Aventura
“The entire time Dr Doman and the posture therapist (virtual) were accessible, empathic and patient with all my questions- which as a patient you cannot take for granted.”
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Ft. Lauderdale Meditation Group of Self-Realization Fellowship
- Paramahansa Yogananda
- Peaceful
- Spiritual
“Very nice place for a quiet encounter with yourself to meditate and to listen to yogananda's teachings”
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Blu Moon Meditation
“I used Andreas Reiki healing mediations with positive affirmations...”
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- Feel
- Meditation
“Cleanliness knowledgeable informative communicative Positive Communication, Professionalism”
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Glass Roots Energetics
- Light
- Spiritual
- Energy
“Having experienced 2 activations and some other energy sessions, I'm excited to go to the next level with Lilith's 2-day Empower Thyself training next week — and I'm sure that won't be the end of my exploration into all the fascinating wisdom she off...”
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Osho Bodhisattva Meditation Garden
“Tons of butterflies, birds are singing, flowers are blooming, animals are running around, fruit is ripening, you feel as if you're somewhere in nature and not in the city next to West Dixie highway!”
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Ft Lauderdale Beach Yoga Fit
“At the end of our class, she placed a cold washcloth with essential oils over our eyes (if we consented) as we meditated on our backs during cool down listening to the waves.”
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Synchrony Center
“I was going through great sadness and pain due to the betrayal I suffered from my partner, my life was chaos, I did not know how to face this situation, especially when they blame you for everything that happened, looking for help I found synchrony c...”
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Bo Hyun Sa Temple
“Great place for Meditation”
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Goddess T.o.u.c.h.
- Life
- Energy
- Pain
“During the gatherings she brings her knowledge, abilities, compassion and loving and healing energy to the group in divine ways and actually helps you to connect to and experience the Divine.”
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The Spark Within
“Dalit is a very gifted human that combines the most rich vocabulary with a life long search and experience of the mind and soul produces great results.”
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Thalia Reitkopf
- Therapy
- Empathetic
“The way she can reframe your thinking causes you to step outside of whatever situation you are in mentally, and come up with solutions in a calmer more pragmatic way.”
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Mindclarity Hypnotherapy Center
“He helps me through whatever I have going on and it is so nice to have him to rely on.”
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The Love Clinic Metaphysical Psychic Studio
“Highly recommend her She connected so fast on my situation And gave me a very in-depth reading definitely gave me the clarity and peace of mind that I was seeking and gave me accurate information you must try her out for yourself!!”
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Karma Cleaning Company
“I had a reiki session performed and had an awesome wonderful experience; it was very relaxing and my body and mind felt great during and after the session.”
Meditation Training Services in Plantation, FL Cost Estimates
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