Best Math Tutors in Daly City, CA
The highest-rated Math Tutoring companies out of 184 vetted & reviewed in the Daly City area.
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Summer Program, Academic Tutoring, BYU Test Proctoring
“They helped me get a 1432 on my SAT which is better than I ever thought I could get.”
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Keoni Learning and Assessment
- Grades
“My son had a hard time adjusting into 6th grade middle school with all the different classes and managing his time and course work, after meeting with Jessica and discussing it he drastically improved and has been on the honor roll.”
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I Love Math
“The Singapore method of math instruction has been making waves among parents, teachers, schools and the public in general. But what is it really all about? Is there basis behind all the hoopla? Ms. Virgie Gayda Esteves, the middle school math subject...”
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1600 SAT Prep
“6 week SAT prep classes in a small group setting with high quality instructors in the San Francisco, Bay Area.”
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Sage Educators
Remote Test Prep, Tutoring, College Essay Tutoring Package
“From algebra to geometry, chemistry, SAT preparation and Trig/Stat, each tutor helped learn the material I struggled with in new ways that made sense to me, as well as giving me confidence in my own capabilities as a student.”
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Christopher Ore Tutoring: Finance & Accounting
- Students
- Class
“I found Christopher online, I set up a time to talk to him, and he immediately understood my anxiety and assured me that I would learn this and if I put in the work, keep my GPA.”
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Easy Spanish Para Ti
- Skills
- Learning
- Practice
“I started studying 1-1 with Stephanie in private lessons with zero knowledge in Spanish and after getting to B1 level Spanish joined a group class for ongoing conversation and learning.”
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Daniel's California Bar Exam Tutoring
- Writing
- Schedule
- February
“With Daniel's approach to mastering the material, I remembered all the rules I needed on test day because I actually understood the law, not because I attempted to memorize a stack of 1,000 flashcards.”
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- Efficient
- Test
- Practice
“Even though the class I took was over a year ago, I am still amazed by how Orion has dedicated himself to studying the GRE: how scores are evaluated, successful test-taking behaviors, and of course the problem sets themselves.”
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Lifeworks Learning Center
Tutoring, College Essay Support, Parent Support
“Just because teens require independence from parents doesn't mean they have school all figured out, so having a trusted adult to support their efforts at school is so helpful.”
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Study Smarter
“Staff also taught him the value of asking for help when he needed it most - boosting his confidence, giving him the skills he needs to thrive as a young adult, and saving the parent-child relationship in the process.”
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Marin Tutors
- College
- Math
- Team
“Are very pleased with Allen's professionalism and ability to help my daughter to get through the last few months of school while she was struggling through remote learning with her elementary school”
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Fox Lsat
- Law School
- Test
- Book
“Not only are the classes engaging, educational and fun, but Nathan really cares about the success of his students and went above and beyond to ensure that we were understanding the material.”
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College Advising Prep
- Math
- Writing
- Kids
“To be honest, reading comprehension and writing skills wasn't my biggest strength back then, but my CAP tutor, Layla, helped me significantly in understanding poem explications, reading comprehension, and writing skills which led to significant impro...”
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Tutor Corps
- Needs
- Learning
“When my daughter needed home hospital instruction for the first four months of 7th grade, our school district contracted with Tutor Corps and matched her up with Mr Les.”
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Studytime Tutoring
“We began tutoring together for the ACT preparation, and I was thoroughly impressed by his expertise in picking up on my weak areas and working hard to help me obtain the score I wished.”
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A Love of Learning
- Math
- Zoom
- Kids
“When we were seeing Anne in person, she had a lovely tutoring space - open, clean, calm, with books & art supplies and a nice large desk to share with her tutee.”
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- Math
- Calculus
“He taught me better methods for solving the tougher problems, and I really felt that he was there to support me every step of the way, right up to my final!”
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The Right Approach to Education
“My older daughter completed SAT/ACT preparation classes and learned valuable testing strategies for the ACT test and has used these skills both in Senior year and now at Oregon State University.”
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Bay Area French Tutor
- Speaker
- Learning
- Interests
“We needed something both flexible and convenient, and we needed something that would focus on helping our son become comfortable with the language prior to traveling to France on a trip this summer.”
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New Coda Tutoring
“Despite having to wait 6 months to finally take the test because of the pandemic and closed test centers/canceled tests, she got an almost perfect score on her first try- an accomplishment only possible when a dedicated student is counseled by a dedi...”
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Octopus Math
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Wright Minded Private Tutoring
- Results
- Learned
“I felt safe to ask questions and admit that I need to be taught certain concepts, and along with all of this he always kept me in high spirits when the pressure of the SAT was beginning to show its effect.”
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Marty's Learning Solutions
- Understanding
- Patient
- Grad
“She help our daughter to prepare for the HSPT test and made a huge difference in improving not only the academic skills but also how to mentally toughen up for the test and for school life in general.”
Math Tutoring Services in Daly City, CA Cost Estimates
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