Best Math Tutors in Coral Gables, FL
The highest-rated Math Tutoring companies out of 153 vetted & reviewed in the Coral Gables area.
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Entire Class Bundle, Essay Writing, Degree Accelerator
“Really helpful with the class and I was able to pass the class with no issue 100% I would recommend to anyone that is having any difficulty with classes.”
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On Point Tutoring
- Job
- College
- Work
“He reviewed multiple practice ACT tests (that are free and given on-site at OPT as part of their program), taught lessons in subject areas as needed, and provided clear explanations for any problems experienced in the student homework packets.”
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Beck College Prep LLC
- Information
“All the students and tutors are so supportive and when my friends and I finish our session we look forward to getting boba at Sunset, just a few feet away!”
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Leading & Learning
Shepherding, Tutoring, Educationalconsulting
“Personal follow up every week, they are very involved with your progress, totally necessary in your learning, they help you with your doubts and teach you to go to the exams prepared and confident in yourself.”
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Amikka Test Prep
- Sister
- College
- Understand
“My tutor Grant was really nice and although I was pretty bad at AP Lang to begin with, I significantly became better after writing several essays and receiving constructive criticism on them and ways how to improve.”
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The Elite Tutoring LLC
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College Course Coach
- Knowledge
- Patient
- Book
“If you don't understand something in your assignment he will explain it to you in a timely manner and he will walk you through it every step of the way.”
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Sapneil Tutoring
- Academic
- Test
“Sapneil Parikh has such dedication to helping his students achieve higher test scores and getting the scholarships they need to get into their school of choice.”
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Peace of Pi Learning
- College Applications
- Workload
- Sat Math
“I chose this option because I knew that if I did well on the SAT, it would mean I would spend less money on college expenses with merit-based aid like the Bright Futures Scholarship.”
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Cram Coach Tutoring
- Skills
- Junior Year
- Goals
“I and a few friends of mine attended cram coach to prepare for the SAT during senior year and the tutors were incredibly attentive to our individual needs and helped us earn a great score when it came time for the exam.”
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Florida Real Estate Tutor
- Study
- Information
- Knowledge
“The tutoring session provided me with everything I needed for the test and Isabel also knows many tricks when it comes to understanding the complex terms in real estate.”
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Allegria Learning and Arts Center
- Environment
- Grade
- Homework
“Their after school homework help program helps student finish their homework early as well as be assisted with any difficulty they encounter on the way.”
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Think Wise Tutoring
- Academician
- Dedication
- Labor
“Vivian and her mom are always consistently stays on top of what the kids need to study, ensuring they are well-prepared and confident in their schoolwork.”
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Gables Tutoring
- Kids
- Learn
- Students
“Per a strong recommendation from local educator, I've been taking my daughter to Gables Tutoring since this summer and our experience has been exemplary.”
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Excel Mathematics Learning Center
- Students
- Test
- Son
“I highly recommend her help and services to anyone who needs a lot of help, or even just a little push to study and re-learn concepts crucial for taking the math portion of the SAT.”
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Jitta Bug Learning Center LLC
“Attending to a ton of ages , at different levels of learning it never stops surprising me the amount of time and dedication the staff puts into their school.”
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Tutor Me Education
- Math
“If you are looking for a good tutor who can tutor Math, Science, English, and pretty much anything ask for Steven!”
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Full Potential Learning Academy (Fpla)
- Kids
- Test
“Becoming a tutor was a great experience for myself and the effective teaching methods i learned and the customizable curriculum has helped many students improve quickly.”
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Testcrackers Gmat and GRE Prep
- Book
- Final
- Grad School
“Before I applied to grad school, it had been about 20 years since I had taken any sort of math class and I was very intimidated by the math portion of the GRE.”
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Crystal Clear Tutors
- Strategies
- Test
“Crystal Clear Tutors provides a much needed test prep service to help students of all races, religions, and political beliefs excel on the most important test of their lives.”
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Miss G Math & Algebra Tutor
Math Zoom Tutoring, Math Summer Tutoring, Algebra 1 Tutoring
“She is kind patient and explain some material very well so much so that my daughter would not understand her teacher at all and Miss G was able to explain it to her so she would Ace her test!”
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Tutors on the Road
- Grades
- Team
- Child
“Good quality service, great customer service and very patient with your child of the quality for them to learn best tutor you can ask for with wonderful prices, and can also bring the tools and everything in need to go to your home.”
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SMP Tutoring
- Test
- Felt
“Sergio and Stephanie worked with us every step of the way and by the time of the test my daughter felt very secure and eventually got into her first choice, which is also the hardest school to get into.”
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The Paper Tree House LLC
- Needs
- Tutors
- Kids
“We were able to figure out the deeper "why" of what is preventing our daughter from reaching her fullest potential and were provided next steps and follow-up on how to get there.”
Math Tutoring Services in Coral Gables, FL Cost Estimates
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