Best Painting Classes in San Diego, CA
The highest-rated Art Tutoring companies out of 118 vetted & reviewed in the San Diego area.
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“My daughter is the youngest in her class and Miss Gigi is so sweet and patient with her, everyone there is so kind and helpful, we are so thankful we found Blessed Feet Studios!”
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Pinch Pottery Studio
- Date
- Skills
- Artist
“We're both not really experienced with pottery, so we appreciated having such a patient and sweet instructor like Wyeth; she helped guide through each step and reminded us whenever we seemed stuck.”
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The Artist Outpost
- Fun
- Studio
- Creativity
“Living in North County it isn't the most convenient location for me, but my daughter had so much fun we signed up for another toddler time art class this spring and I'm hoping to try out their adult art classes.”
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Ceramic Heights
“Omg coming here was so fun for a date night!!!”
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Tai Chi Wellness Center
- Self-Defense
- Qigong
- Studying
“As you begin to study Tai Chi you will notice the Chi energy flow through your body and at the same time you learn to balance better, not only physically but mentally as well.”
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Practical Karate
“My son is 6 and just on the ASD spectrum and did not want to participate at all in the beginning, but the instructors here are able to work with kids of all levels and motivation and after a couple weeks my son was already starting to enjoy the class...”
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Seaside Arts Center
- Students
- Creative
- Passion
“They've not only boosted my reserved daughter's confidence but also imparted valuable skills in dance and drama, while also bringing here in contact with kids from the area that she would otherwise not get to meet.”
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The Artist Lab
“My daughter enjoys the class here.”
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US Arts Education Center
- Learning
- Skills
“Ever since I was 6 yrs old, I spent 1-2 hours a week in art class, and in high school I would take classes for 3 or 4 hours at a time, dedicated to creating an art portfolio for college.”
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Paint Box Studio
- Creative
“Full of creative energy and kindness.”
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Yana's Art Studio
- Skills
“Yana's teaching was that it was hands on yet she didn't just finish my drawing for me, she allowed me to discover new techniques with her guidance which helped me to discover myself as an artist and create a personal look for my art.”
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Creative Academy of San Diego
- Price
- Project
- Clay
“I decided to be brave and chose a bigger fountain project for my first time, and the instructors helped make it work and were very kind in explaining the process as we sculpted together.”
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Athenaeum Art Center
“If you want to learn something new, the Antheneum is a good place to start.”
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Bravo School of Art
Self-Improvement and More, Decorative Art, Digital Photography
“She has created a creative space that helps students express their ideas, build new skills, and develop their artistic voice.”
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Art Academy of San Diego
“During the pandemic I was able to keep up with my art because of the commitment of the Academy to continue teaching in a safe environment via Zoom.”
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- Learned
- Design
- Painting
“They now live in different cities, but keep in touch with her when they paint and need advice.”
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Okun Studio
- Painting
“He truly welcomes all forms of art and artists of all levels and mediums— drawing, painting, music, poetry, dance, or simply a creative soul looking to be inspired— he creates a welcoming space for all.”
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San Diego Art Academy
“Ignite your artistic journey with Andrea Rushing at the San Diego Art Academy. Unleash your creativity in professional oil, watercolor, and acrylic group painting classes, both in-person and via dynamic Zoom sessions. Join us and let Andrea's experti...”
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Atelier Preserve
“All it takes is a 5 minute 3D scan of your body that we capture at our studio in Pacific Beach which is completely complimentary. After you picked your finish and size, your artwork will be arrive 4 weeks later on your doorstep.”
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Pachis Art Studio
“The space is lovely, Juliana is welcoming and so kind with the children, and my art-loving kid is learning new skills and brings home really creative, fun projects from her classes.”
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Leah Higgins Artist
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Inspire School of Ballet
- Toddler
- Patient
- Environment
“My daughter was diagnosed with type one diabetes and we've been trying different classes in which she freaked out in each one, until Inspire School of Ballet.”
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San Diego Photography Classes
- Workshop
- Practice
- Students
“I first thought the workshop was a little long for a beginner class, but honestly, time went by super quickly since it was so much fun to learn and practice the new stuff right away.”
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The Krafty Caterer
- Projects
- Home
- Ideas
“She responded right away and I was able to pick up some plates that evening and she said I could get my plates fired really quickly which was awesome.”
Visual Arts Tutoring Services in San Diego, CA Cost Estimates
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