Best Painting Classes in Omaha, NE

The highest-rated Art Tutoring companies out of 142 vetted & reviewed in the Omaha area.

We are still growing

There are too few quality options within 12.5 miles radius, so we have expanded area of coverage to up to 200 miles from you. This includes Omaha and several other cities.
It's Yours Pottery

It's Yours Pottery

“My daughter and I had a nice time painting our Gnomes, although her perfectionism kept us there longer than anticipated, the staff was very kind and attentive.”
Coupons & Offers
Licensed, BBB Rating: A+
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
In Business Since 2008
2518 S 132nd Ct, Omaha, NE
The Corky Canvas Omaha

The Corky Canvas Omaha

  • Drinks
  • Atmosphere
  • Mom
“I left a review last year when I came with my grandma and I'm just editing it to say this is something I enjoy every time I come and my grandma loves it just as much”
Transparent Fees & Pricing
In Business Since 2011
3157 Farnam St #7108, Omaha, NE
Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School

Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School

“Loveliest church I've ever been in”
In Business Since 2014
2124 S 32nd Ave, Omaha, NE
LH Painting LLC

LH Painting LLC

“Really Dedicate their time in their job to make sure they do the job right”
4232 F St, Omaha, NE
Kalina Art Studio

Kalina Art Studio

  • Creative
  • Fun
  • Artworks
“She also does great work for the community: her warrior crowns for cancer patients are just amazing to look at as well as add self esteem to sick people in need.”
In Business Since 2023
Serving Omaha Area
Heart & Soul Art Studio

Heart & Soul Art Studio

“All have been well executed in a clean upbeat environment!”
In Business Since 2014
Serving Omaha Area
The Creative Canvas

The Creative Canvas

“This is a great way to spend time with friends, have Birthday parties, company parties, or just a night on the town!”
In Business Since 2016
Serving Omaha Area
Studio DIY Valley

Studio DIY Valley

“What a fun experience for Mother's Day!!!”
Serving Omaha Area
Pottery Island

Pottery Island

  • Trip
  • Party
  • Price
“The workers were very kind and ever helped point my roommate and I in the direction of some more Adult 4/20 friendly pieces that were more tucked away from the other pieces.”
In Business Since 2016
601 Business Loop 70 W Suite 213C, Columbia, MO
The Mud Room

The Mud Room

Mobile Studios, Group Discounts, Custom Art
“Very relaxing and a chance to get creative.”
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
Coupons & Offers
In Business Since 2004
111 S 9th St Suite 140, Columbia, MO
Access Arts

Access Arts

  • Wheel
  • Pottery
“From teaching us surefire ways to center the clay on the wheel to demonstrating multiple times how to pull handles and form lids for our pieces, he left no stone unturned when it came to our beginner instruction.”
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
In Business Since 1977
1724 McAlester St, Columbia, MO
Columbia Performing Arts Center (Cpac)

Columbia Performing Arts Center (Cpac)

  • Dancing
“Obviously, a lot of hard work from all participants!!”
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
In Business Since 2003
100 N Cedar Lake Dr E, Columbia, MO

Visual Arts Tutoring Services in Omaha, NE Cost Estimates

Minimum cost
Maximum cost
National Average
Avg Per Hour Rates
Average price range is based on 381 cost profiles
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Average Cost $298
Minimum cost $162
Maximum cost $1487
Avg Per Hour Rates $116

Average range $223 to $620 is based on 381 cost profiles.

Why these companies made our list

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